We Build The Future

We Build The Future "We Build the Future" is an International Construction Management Conference organized by The Network of Engineers - Mreža Inženjera.

"We Build the Future" is an International Construction Management Conference organized by The Network of Engineers- Mreža Inženjera.


Kako izgleda život i rad inženjera u inostranstvu?

Drage koleginice i kolege,
pozivamo vas da u ponedeljak 4. decembra prisustvujete panel diskusiji „Inženjeri u inostranstvu“, gde ćete imati priliku da se kroz razmenu informacija i iskustva upoznate sa mogućnostima i izazovima sa kojima se naši inženjeri suočavaju u inostranstvu.

O tome kako izgleda rad na severu Rusije, kakav je život u Libiji i koje benefite donosi posao u Peruu, saznaćete u razgovoru panelista Dolamić Nikole, Ana Virijević, Милан Војновић i Nemanja Branisavljevic i moderatora Stefan Koprivica.

Panel diskusija „Inženjeri u inostranstvu“ će se održati u ponedeljak 4.12.2023.u 18:30h u amfiteatru 6. Fakulteta za Graditeljski Menadžment Univerziteta Union - Nikola Tesla u ulici Cara Dušana 62-64.
Organizator panel diskusije je Udruženje za međusobnu podršku i unapređenje društvenog i stručnog položaja inženjera – Mreža Inženjera.

Prijave preko linka: https://forms.gle/SrFiFCjbQqFLoRMQA

We Build the Future] and  wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Mir Božiji, Hristos se rodi! Srećan Božić ...

We Build the Future] and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mir Božiji, Hristos se rodi! Srećan Božić i Novu godinu žele vam We Build the Future] i !

Interior, design, comfort and quality as a fusion of key elements for a perfect space, we present  - the golden sponsor ...

Interior, design, comfort and quality as a fusion of key elements for a perfect space, we present - the golden sponsor of this year's conference.
Evdema represents an exclusive showroom of bathrooms, kitchens, doors, parquet and home furniture. The brand has been developing based on tradition and innovation, a contemporary style that combines traditional warmth, modern thinking and urban luxury, creating a unique interior experience.
On the last day of the conference, the EVDEMA salon tour was organised, offering customers an endless assortment of everything they need for interior decoration. Twenty-five thousand square meters of exhibition space serve its customers with 90,000 product items from 12 different business lines. Group of construction products of Eczacıbası Group; VitrA Karo in the line of bathrooms, ceramics, and faucets belonging to world brands such as Artema, Intema Kitchen, Villeroi&Boch and Burgbard.

Enterijer, dizajn, udobnost i kvalitet kao fuzija ključnih elemenata za savršen prostor, predstavljamo Evdema - zlatnog sponzora ovogodišnje konferencije.
Evdema predstavlja eksklizivni salon kupatila, kuhinja, vrata, parketa i kućnog nameštaja. Brend je razvijen na osnovu tradicije i inovacije, savremenog stila koji spaja tradicionalnu toplinu, moderno razmišljanje i urbani luksuz i koji stvara jedinstven doživljaj enterijera.
Poslednjeg dana konferencije organizovan je obilazak i EVDEMA salona koji kupcima nudi beskrajan asortiman svega što im je potrebno za uređenje enterijera. Ukupno 25.000 kvadratnih metara izložbene površine opslužuje svoje kupce sa 90.000 artikala proizvoda iz 12 različitih poslovnih linija. Grupa građevinskih proizvoda Eczacıbası grupacije; VitrA u liniji kupatila, keramike, slavina koje pripadaju svetskim brendovima kao što su Artema, Intema Kitchen, Villeroi&Boch i Burgbard.

Safeness, reliability, quality and customer satisfaction, we present the bronze sponsor of this year's conference - Tang...

Safeness, reliability, quality and customer satisfaction, we present the bronze sponsor of this year's conference - Tangram projekt d.o.o.
Tangram projekt d.o.o. was founded and started working on May 2011 with an essential motive to enter the market with their knowledge and quality and be a recognizable company.
On the second day of the conference, the director of the company, Milan Tanović, presented the main projects and core activities of the company:
• Design of project documentation in the field of civil engineering, including associated infrastructure for all phases of design,
• Designing road constructions,
• Design of project documentation in the field of design, management and traffic safety, traffic signalling and equipment,
• Consulting services in the field of engineering activities,
• Professional - technical supervision over the design and construction of buildings,
• Revision and control of traffic safety,
• Technical inspection of facilities.

Sigurnost, pouzdanost, kvalitet i zadovoljstvo kupaca, predstavljamo bronzanog sponzora ovogodišnje konferencije – Tangram projekt d.o.o.
Tangram projekt d.o.o. je osnovan i počeo sa radom maja 2011. godine sa suštinskim motivom da svojim znanjem i kvalitetom uđe na tržište i bude prepoznatljiva kompanija.
Drugog dana konferencije, direktor kompanije Milan Tanović je predstavio glavne projekte i osnovne delatnosti kompanije:
• Izrada projektne dokumentacije iz oblasti niskogradnje uključujući pripadajuću infrastrukturu za sve faze projektovanja,
• Projektovanje kolovoznih konstrukcija,
• Izrada projektne dokumentacije iz oblasti projektovanja, upravljanja i bezbednosti saobraćaja, saobraćajne signalizacije i opreme,
• Konsalting usluge u oblasti inženjerskih delatnosti,
• Stručno - tehnički nadzor nad projektovanjem i izvođenjem objekata,
• Revizija i provera bezbednosti saobraćaja,
• Tehnički pregled objekata.

On the first day of the conference, we had the honour of Associate Professor Aleksandar Savić giving us a lecture entitl...

On the first day of the conference, we had the honour of Associate Professor Aleksandar Savić giving us a lecture entitled " Application of fly ash in construction".
Aleksandar Savić is one of the most preeminent scientists and experts in modern building materials and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade.
He is a prominent member of many professional associations. In addition, he is actively engaged in the research and development of new building materials.
The lecture answered the question of what is achieved by using fly ash. Reducing the risk to the environment and human health, using ash as a secondary raw material, managing ash by domestic and EU regulations and preserving our planet and its natural resources are the main effects of using this material.

Prvog dana konferencije imalo smo čast da nam vanredni profesor Aleksandar Savic održi predavanje pod nazivom Primena letećeg pepela u građevinarstvu.
Aleksandar Savić je jedan od najvećih naučnika i stručnjaka u oblasti savremenih građevinskih materijala i Vanredni profesor na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Istaknuti je član velikog broja stručnih udruženja i aktivno se bavi istraživanje i razvoj novih građevinskih materijala.
Predavanje je dalo odgovorena pitanje šta se postiže upotrebom letećeg pepela. Smanjenje rizika po životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi, korišćenje pepela kao sekundarne sirovine, upravljanje pepelom u skladu sa domaćom i EU regulativom i očuvanje naše planete i njenih prirodnih resursa su glavni efekti upotrebe ovog materijala.

Expert in the field of safety and health, Luka Milenković had a lecture on improving the quality of safety and health at...

Expert in the field of safety and health, Luka Milenković had a lecture on improving the quality of safety and health at work in the construction industry.
In his lecture, Luka covered the development of construction and occupational safety and health in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the adaptation of the construction market and HSE to rapid growth, risk factors on the construction site from the HSE aspect, and proposals for improving HSE conditions in the field of the construction industry.

Stručnjak iz oblasti bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu, Luka Milenković je prvog dana konferencije održao predavanje o podizanju kvaliteta bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu u gradjevinskoj industiji.
Luka je u svom predavanju obuhvatio razvoj građevinarstva i bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu na teritoriji Republike Srbije, adaptaciju tržišta građevinarstva i BZR-a na nagli rast, faktore rizika na gradilištu sa aspekta BZR-a i predloge za poboljšanje uslova BZR-a na polju građevinske inustrije.

On the first day of the "We Build the Future" conference, keynote speaker Aleksandar Bojovic gave a lecture on Rational ...

On the first day of the "We Build the Future" conference, keynote speaker Aleksandar Bojovic gave a lecture on Rational Design and Construction - an example of the railway-road bridge in Novi Sad.
Aleksandar Bojović is one of the world's most respected designers of railway and road bridges, sports stadiums and arenas, and specific and complex construction facilities.
He presented the Novi Sad railway-road bridge, the world record holder with a span of 219 m - arched steel railway bridges with diagonal hangers and two tracks.
He believes it is crucial for a high level of professional knowledge of the work being conducted and that the project manager must not be a "general type" manager.

Prvog dana konferencije "We Build the Future" predavač po pozivu Aleksandar Bojovic je održao predavanje o racionalnom projektovanju i gradnji na primeru železničko-drumskog mosta u novom sadu.
Aleksandar Bojović je jedan od najcenjenijih svetskih projektanata železničkih i drumskih mostova, sportskih stadiona i arena, i specifičnih i složenih građevinskih objekata.
Predstavio nam je železničko-drumski most Novi Sad koji je svetski je rekorder raspona 219 m - lučnih, čeličnih železničkih mostova sa dijagonalnim vešaljkama i sa dva koloseka.
Smatra da je presudno za visoko profesionalno poznavanje posla koji se vodi, kao i da se ne može se uspešno voditi posao koji se profesionalno ne poznaje i da menadžer projekta ne sme da bude menadžer „opšteg tipa“.

Schedule for Thursday, 17th November 2022.Raspored za četvrtak, 17. novembar 2022.

Schedule for Thursday, 17th November 2022.

Raspored za četvrtak, 17. novembar 2022.

As part of the "We Build the Future" conference, Jovan Mandic, PhD, will hold a lecture on the application of Lean Const...

As part of the "We Build the Future" conference, Jovan Mandic, PhD, will hold a lecture on the application of Lean Construction on projects in Serbia.

Jovan is one of the most prominent European experts in the field of Lean Construction, the application of which he successfully implements in the project of modernization, reconstruction and expansion of the Belgrade Airport.

Dr Jovan Mandic će u okviru konferencije "We Build the Future" održati predavanje na temu primene Lean Construction-a na projektima u Srbiji.

Jovan je jedan od najvećih evropskih eksperata u polju Lean Construction-a čiju primenu uspešno sprovodi na projektu modernizacije, rekonstrukcije i proširenja Beogradskog aerodroma.

Kotizacije za We Build the Future 2022 obuhvataju:√ Pristup svim naučnim sesijama i prezentacijama√ Konferencijski mater...

Kotizacije za We Build the Future 2022 obuhvataju:
√ Pristup svim naučnim sesijama i prezentacijama
√ Konferencijski materijali
√ Personalizovanu akreditacija
√ Dva ručka
√ Pauze za kafu
√ Sertifikat o učešću
√ Objavljen rad u Zborniku radova

Prijavljivanje je preko zvaničnog sajta u delu "Get your tickets" https://wbf2022.mrezainzenjera.rs/

Restaurant UŠĆE - NACIONALNA KLASA] is the host of the gala dinner of this year's conference and represents a unique c...

Restaurant UŠĆE - NACIONALNA KLASA] is the host of the gala dinner of this year's conference and represents a unique combination of traditional and new. The "confluence" of the best of the tradition carries into the new that time and modern times bring every day.
Restaurant Nacionalna Klasa is located in Ušće, in a beautiful environment with a view of the Sava and Danube rivers, the Belgrade fortress and the "Pobednik" monument.
The gala dinner is dedicated to socializing and relaxing from the daily lectures, where participants can network, exchange experiences and establish long-lasting professional contacts for future collaborations.

Restoran UŠĆE - NACIONALNA KLASA] je domaćin svečane večere ovogodišnje konferencije i predstavlja jedinstveni spoj tradicionalnog i novog. “Ušće” onoga najboljeg od tradicije koju nosi, u ono novo što svakim danom, donosi vreme i moderno doba.
Restoran Nacionalna Klasa nalazi se na Ušću, u prelepom ambijentu sa pogledom na reku Savu i Dunav, Kalemegdansku tvrđavu i spomenik "Pobednik".
Gala večera je posvećena druženju i opuštanju od dnevnih aktivnosti, gde se učesnici mogu umrežiti, razmeniti iskustva i uspostaviti dugotrajne profesionalne kontakte za buduću saradnju.

We present the gold sponsor of this year's conference - BBR ADRIA & BBR SISTEMI - BBR Network.Post-tensioning slabsIn co...

We present the gold sponsor of this year's conference - BBR ADRIA & BBR SISTEMI - BBR Network.

Post-tensioning slabs
In contrast to the conventional construction, technical and economic benefits of post-tensioned slabs (PT slabs) reveal spans over 8 metres. Therefore, high-quality steel tendons should be installed to achieve such spans at a lower slab thickness. During prestressing, the tendon tensile force applies the compression force into the slab via anchorage. The eccentric tendon line causes deviation forces opposite to gravitation loads between supports. The consequences of this interaction between the tendon and concrete are as follows:
- reduction of deflections,
- reduction of cracks due to the increase in the compression zone in the cross-section of the slab,
- reduction of punching force in the zone of direct supporting of the slab by the column,
- faster construction progress due to the possibility of removing the formwork immediately after tensioning,
- indirect benefits in seismic and foundation due to the reduction of the structural mass,
- lower floor height can reduce the total height of the building and the depth of the foundation,
- increased structural durability with lower maintenance costs,
- reduced embodied CO2.

Greater Freedom in Architectural Design
More slender slab structures, often without beams and capitals, provide a greater possibility for the space design. Larger spans or elimination of some column lines result in an aesthetic and functional breakthrough. Particularly interesting is the possibility of switching from smaller spans of upper floors to larger spans of lower floors of the so-called "Transfer plate" with reinforced PT slab.

Community of experts, experience, and constant work on improving skills and acquiring new competencies, we present the G...

Community of experts, experience, and constant work on improving skills and acquiring new competencies, we present the General sponsor of this year's conference - .
• BERGER GROUP brings a new quality that is recognized by investors and business partners in the domestic and foreign markets. It bases its business policy on the tradition and knowledge of the companies through whose integration it was created.
• Berger group is an absolute leader in the region in conservation and restoration, predominantly on historical monuments.
• By improving existing professional competencies creates conditions for quality work and the development of the team's professional and personal capacities through professional training and professional development.
• Berger Group enables its employees to evaluate and perfect their knowledge, participate in developing different projects on various levels and establish their profile suited to their sensibilities. All this is done to contribute to each employee's stimulative and creative progress and the desire to create an agile business environment wherein each individual's contribution is highly valued.

Zajednica, stručnost, iskustvo, neprekidno unapređenje znanja i kompetentnosti, predstavljamo vam Generalnog sponzora ovogodišnje konferencije - .
• BERGER GROUP donosi novi kvalitet koji je prepoznat kod investitora i poslovnih partnera na domaćem i inostranom tržištu. Svoju poslovnu politiku oslanja na tradiciju i znanje kompanija čijom je integracijom nastala.
• Berger group gradi znanjem i iskustvom, povezujući humanističke, umetničke i tehnološke aspekte koje gravitiraju oko struke.
• Unapređenjem postojećih profesionalnih kompetenci, stvaraju se uslovi za kvalitetan rad i razvoj profesionalnih i ličnih kapaciteta tima kroz profesionalne obuke i stručna usavršavanja.

Cultural heritage, significant monuments, construction, renewal and reconstruction of buildings, we present the gold spo...

Cultural heritage, significant monuments, construction, renewal and reconstruction of buildings, we present the gold sponsor of this year's conference - KOTO LTD.
• KOTO LTD is an absolute leader in the region in conservation and restoration, predominantly on historical monuments.
• КОТО possesses a license for designing and performing works on cultural property of great importance.
• Conservation and restoration works eventually became a speciality of the company and include works on towers, museums, national architecture, facades, monuments, churches and monasteries.
• Owing to the team of top professionals, dedicated work, professional attitude and quality of the works, they managed to build good cooperation with investors such as UNESCO and the European Union.
• Never less important, they collaborated with municipal and republic institutions to restore, protect and preserve monuments of culture.

Kulturna dobra, značajni spomenici, izgradnja, obnavljanje i rekonstrukcija građevinskih objekata, predstavljamo vam zlatnog sponzora ovogodišnje konferencije - KOTO.
• KOTO je apsolutni lider na polju zaštitarstva i konzervacije, posebno na izvođenju radova na spomenicima kulture.
• Kako poseduje veliku licencu za projektovanje i izvođanje radova na kulturnim dobrima od izuzetnog značaja, konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi su se vremenom izdvojili kao uža specijalnost firme i obuhvataju radove na tvrđavama, muzejima, narodnom graditeljstvu, fasadama, spomenicima, crkvama i manastirima.
• Zahvaljujući timu vrhunskih stručnjaka, predanom radu, profesionalnom odnosu i kvalitetno izvedenim radovima, ostvarili su uspešnu saradnju i sa investitorima kao što su UNESCO i Evropska unija, ali i ništa manje značajnim gradskim i republičkim institucijama, a sve u cilju obnavljanja, zaštite i očuvanja spomenika kulture.

Integrity, Reliability, Teamwork, Sustainability and Green Building, we present the silver sponsor of this year's confer...

Integrity, Reliability, Teamwork, Sustainability and Green Building, we present the silver sponsor of this year's conference - Millennium Team]
• Millennium Team is the leading construction company, developing its business activities in Serbia and the region, achieving continuous growth since it was established in 2003.
• The company's core activities include the construction of hydraulic structures, infrastructure facilities –roads, railways, gas pipelines, heating systems, special work, consulting, and construction engineering.
• Most of its business success is related to its management team running the company, its experts, employees, and the highly qualified and trained workers with years of experience in such work.
• Knowledge, experience, and cutting-edge machinery have positioned Millennium Team at the top of construction companies in these areas.

Integritet, pouzdanost, timski rad, održivost i zelena gradnja, predstavljamo vam srebrnog sponzora ovogodišnje konferencije - Millennium Team]
• Millennium Team je vodeća građevinska kompanija koja razvija svoje poslovne aktivnosti u Srbiji i regionu, ostvaruje kontinuirani rast od osnivanja 2003. godine.
• Osnovna delatnost preduzeća je izgradnja hidrotehničkih objekata, infrastrukturnih objekata – puteva, železnica, gasovoda, toplovoda, specijalnih radova, konsalting i građevinski inženjering.
• Za izuzetan poslovni uspeh zaslužni su menadžerski tim kompanije, njeni stručnjaci, zaposleni i visokokvalifikovani i obučeni radnike sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u poslu.
• Znanje, iskustvo i najsavremenije mašine pozicionirali su Millennium Team u vrh građevinskih kompanija u ovim oblastima.

🟤 We present the bronze sponsor of this year's conference - HG Hidro Grupa.• HG Hidro Grupa from Belgrade is a construct...

🟤 We present the bronze sponsor of this year's conference - HG Hidro Grupa.
• HG Hidro Grupa from Belgrade is a construction company that has been successfully operating since 2007. Behind the team of experienced engineers stands the successful implementation of many projects in the field of hydraulic engineering.
• Through the synthesis of knowledge, expertise and many years of experience, they have proven the quality in the ex*****on of hydro-technical facilities for water supply and channelization of settlements, river regulation facilities for flood defense, arrangement of parks and public green areas and tourist facilities.
• They paid particular attention to the reconstruction and construction of water management facilities for defense against torrential floods.

🟤 Predstavljamo vam bronzanog sponzora ovogodišnje konferencije - HG Hidro Grupa.
• HG Hidro Grupa iz Beograda je građevinsko firma koja uspešno posluje od 2007. godine. Iza tima iskusnih inženjera stoji uspešna realizacija velikog broja projekata u oblasti hidrogradnje.
• Sintezom znanja, stručnosti i dugogodišnjim iskustvom, dokazali su kvalitet u izvođenju, hidrotehničkih objekata vodosnabdevanja i kanalisanja naselja, rečnih regulacionih objekata za odbranu od poplava, uređenju parkovskih i javnih zelenih površina izgradnjom turističkih sadržaja.
• Posebnu pažnju su posvetili rekonstrukciji i izgradnji vodoprivrednih objekata za odbranu od bujičnih poplava.

We Build the Future 2022 AccommodationParticipants may be accommodated in the Hotel Putnik Inn Belgrade where the Confer...

We Build the Future 2022 Accommodation

Participants may be accommodated in the Hotel Putnik Inn Belgrade where the Conference is held.

Prices for the participants of the Conference are discounted:
• Standard double room EUR 40,00 EUR per person per night with breakfast,
• Standard single room EUR 70,00 EUR per person per with breakfast.

The rates include accommodation with buffet breakfast, free wireless internet, the "Performa fitness and SPA" club, and unlimited use of the hotel's facilities (swimming pool with whirlpool tub, sauna with infrared rays, Finnish sauna, fitness zone with cardio).

We Build the Future 2022 smeštaj

Učesnicima konferencije We Build the Future omogućen je smeštaj u Hotelu Putnik Inn po sniženim cenama:
• Standardna dvokrevetna soba 40,00 EUR po osobi sa doručkom,
• Standardna jednokrevetna soba 70,00 EUR po osobi sa doručkom.

Cene uključuju smeštaj sa doručkom na bazi švedskog stola, besplatan bežični internet, klub „Performa fitness and SPA” i neograničeno korišćenje hotelskih sadržaja (bazen sa hidromasažnom kadom, sauna sa infracrvenim zracima, finska sauna, fitnes zona sa kardio treningom).

The topics of this year's conference are:• Planning and Cost management in construction, • Modern materials and technolo...

The topics of this year's conference are:
• Planning and Cost management in construction,
• Modern materials and technology,
• Investments, Real Estate and Facility management,
• Management in Construction,
• Visualization, Automation, Robotics, BIM and 3D printing,
• Sustainable construction, health and safety,
• Contracting in Construction.

Teme ovogodišnje konferencije su:
• Planiranje i upravljanje troškovima u građevinarstvu,
• Savremeni materijali i tehnologija,
• Investicije, Real Estate i Facility management,
• Menadžment u građevinarstvu,
• Vizuelizacija, Automatizacija, Robotika, BIM i 3D štampa,
• Održiva gradnja, zdravlje i bezbednost,
• Ugovaranje u građevinarstvu.

We Build the Future 2022 Venue Hotel Putnik Inn Belgrade is situated in New Belgrade’s centre, a business hub just 100 m...

We Build the Future 2022 Venue

Hotel Putnik Inn Belgrade is situated in New Belgrade’s centre, a business hub just 100 m away from the Danube river bank, a 10-minute drive from Belgrade’s historical centre and only 15 kilometres from Nikola Tesla International Airport.

The Zemun Millennium Building, the Gardoš Fortress, the Madlenianum Opera Theater and the Danube Quay are located in the hotel’s immediate vicinity. In addition, the Belgrade Fortress, Kalemegdan Park, the National Museum and Theater and the Knez Mihajlova Street pedestrian zone are just some of the sights of Belgrade in the vicinity of the hotel that should be seen. Around that, the hotel is an ideal place to stay for the night for all those who would like to feel the magic of nightlife on the Belgrade rafts because it is only a few minutes away.

Hotel Putnik Inn Belgrade se nalazi u stecištu poslovnih centara, na svega 15 kilometara od međunarodnog aerodroma Nikola Tesla, 6 kilometara od centra grada, 5 kilometara od autobuske i železničke stanice.

U neposrednoj blizini hotela se nalazi zemunsko milenijumsko zdanje, tvrđava Gardoš, opera-teatar Madlenianum i Dunavski kej. Beogradska tvrđava, Kalemegdanski park, Narodni muzej i pozorište i pešačka zona Knez Mihajlova ulica su samo neke od znamenitosti Beograda u okolini hotela koje treba videti.

It is our honour and pleasure to present you "We Build the Future 2022", the sixth international construction management...

It is our honour and pleasure to present you "We Build the Future 2022", the sixth international construction management conference organized by the Network of Engineers, which will be held from November 17-18, 2022, in Belgrade - Hotel Putnik Inn.
The project aims to bring scientists and engineers together to meet modern science trends and the construction industry. Participants will become familiar with different ways of approaching and solving specific problems in planning, project and cost management, contract management, and modern materials and technologies in construction.

Čast nam je i zadovoljstvo da Vas pozovemo na "We Build the Future 2022" - šestu po redu međunarodnu konferenciju građevinskog menadžmenta u organizaciji koja će se održati od 17 - 18. novembra 2022. godine u Beogradu - Hotel Putnik Inn.
Cilj projekta je da okupi naučnike i inženjere koji će se sresti sa savremenim trendovima nauke i upoznati sa različitim načinima pristupa i rešavanja konkretnih problema u oblasti planiranja, upravljanja projektima i troškovima, ugovaranjem, savremenim materijalima i tehnologijama u građevinarstvu.


Udruženje za međusobnu podršku i unapređenje društvenog i stručnog položaja inženjera - MREŽA INŽENЈERA je dobrovoljno, nevladino i neprofitno udruženje građana, osnovano na neodređeno vreme, čija je oblast ciljeva unapređenje uslova za obavljanje stručnih, inženjerskih poslova, zaštitu interesa inženjera, razvoj, stručno usavršavanje i međusobnu saradnju inženjera.

Association for Mutual Support and Improvement of Social and Professional Position of Engineers - THE NETWORK OF ENGINEERS is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit association. The main goals are to improve conditions for professional and engineering works and protect engineers' interests, professional development, cooperation and mutual support.

Mreža Inženjera

Mreža Inženjera

Član Udruženja može biti svako fizičko lice koje je u skladu sa važećim propisima steklo stručno inženjersko zvanje i prihvata ciljeve i Statut Udruženja. Prijem u članstvo se vrši popunjavanjem pristupne prijave – pristupnice, sa izjavom o prihvatanju ciljeva i Statuta, kao i propratnim podacima, dokazima o identitetu, posedovanju stručnog zvanja i stručnoj aktivnosti.


"We build the Future 2022" je šesta po redu međunarodna konferencija građevinskog menadžmenta u organizaciji Mreže Inženjera koja će se održati u novembru 2022. godine u Beogradu.

Cilj projekta je da okupi naučnike i inženjere koji će se sresti sa savremenim trendovima nauke i upoznati sa različitim načinima pristupa i rešavanja konkretnih problema u oblasti planiranja, upravljanja projektima i troškovima, ugovaranjem, savremenim materijalima i tehnologijama u građevinarstvu.

Kroz trodnevni program, eminentni stručnjaci će svojim znanjem i iskustvom kroz predavanja i radionice učesnicima dati priliku da steknu nova znanja, individualno napreduju i stručno se usavrše.

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