Crossover is a college basketball recruiting network that connects American college coaches and talented young athletes from various European countries and beyond. Young athletes can create their player profiles on Crossover website free of charge and in that way come one step closer to going to an American College, playing a sport which they love. We educate and inform players and their parents h
ow the process of going to an American college actually works in order for them to make the best decision for their future. On the other hand, college coaches, who are working with Crossover, have an access to a continuously growing player database which they can filter in detail and target their search. Once they target the players of their choice, coaches are able to come in direct contact with the players for which they believe would be a quality addition to their basketball teams and schools. In the near future Crossover is planning to establish its signature camps where college coaches will be able to come and recruit their favorite players in person. For more details visit us at
or reach us via email at [email protected]
or via phone
tel. (SRB): +381 (0)11 408 5281
tel. (USA): + 1 646 653 4872