Svet Turizma

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Nekadašnji zakoni o plovidbi nalažu postojanje jednog svetionika na mestu gde se dve reke spajaju, i obično bi se gradio na desnoj strani, u pravcu toka pritoke.

Međutim, na reci Tamiš podignuta su dva svetionika. Razlog za ovu neobičnost je sklonost čestim poplavama, a tokom vremena velikog vodostaja, kapetani brodova bi se suočavali sa izazovom pronalaženja pravog p**a za uplovljavanje u glavni kanal.

Njihova priča datira još od vremena Austrougarske, tačnije od 1909. godine, kada su prvi put sagrađeni. Tokom vremena, usledile su promene, ali ovi svetionici ostali su usidreni u istoriji i identitetu Pančeva.


Ancient navigation laws required a single lighthouse at the confluence of two rivers, and it would usually be built on the right side, in the direction of the tributary's flow.

However, two lighthouses were built on the river Tamish. The reason for this oddity is the tendency to frequent floods, and during times of high water, ship captains would face the challenge of finding the right way to enter the main channel.

Their story dates back to the time of Austria-Hungary, to be more precise, from 1909, when they were first built. Over time, changes followed, but these lighthouses remained anchored in the history and identity of Pancevo.





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