Info Park

Info Park A refugee centre in Belgrade specialized in protection, information, communication and education of people on the move in Serbia.

Info Park is a refugee support centre in downtown Belgrade, specialized in protection, information, communication and education services. Info Park is a grassroots initiative of long term civil activists that assisted refugees since spring 2015. It's administrated by Fond B92 and Trag Foundation. The first Info Park (in the form of a wooden kiosk) was based right in the refugee hotspot - a park ne

xt to the bus station' arrivals. The area was named “Info Park” after it. The first Info Park operated between 15 Sep 2015 and 24 Oct 2016. Since 01 Nov 2016, Info Park runs from a 130m2 multifunctional space that includes information desk, education space, women/girls safe space, family drop in zone, Internet space. This hub is also a base of Info Park mobile team that reaches to people in need wherever they are in Belgrade. We provide first response, urgent aid, referrals to specialized services, information, communication, psychosocial support, logistics (accommodation, transportation), orientation and connectivity for everyone. We liaise with numerous organizations and groups committed to the same values as us: honest, ethical and human treatment of the refugees in need and in transit. Some of our partners or donors include IRC, CWS, UNICEF, UNFPA. We also provide support to the state organizations specialized in protection, such as Belgrade City Center for Social Work. Their field teams use Info Park hub during the process of best interest determination for unaccompanied minors. Our hub is also supporting plentiful NGOs working in the field in Belgrade. We assist with travel arrangements to the camps, paying tickets for vulnerable families or providing free accommodation (in hostels) to registered refugees waiting for the transportation to the reception centres or asylum camps. Our team consists of 8 regular staff working in shifts and covering 9-18 open hours every day. The staff covers field duties through InfoPark mobile team, and provides services to the refugees in the hub. Volunteers are most welcome and consist a very important part of the operation. We are very proud to say that our regular staff includes both locals and people from Middle East with a refugee background: Syrian, Iranian, Egyptian. In the past, during the open Balkan route, Info Park had similar missions in Presevo and Dimitrovgrad. If you are a Farsi or Pashtu or Arabic speaking and interested in joining our team as a volunteer, pls feel free to contact us. We also seek people interested in voluntary field work.

Info Park Bulletin  #123 - around, the situ...

Info Park Bulletin #123 -

Look around, the situation has become unbearable.

We didn't ask so far, but we really need your support now. You know what we are doing, how we are doing things and what approach we have. Yet, it is still not enough. Because all the obstacles, Info Park is facing closure in the beginning of 2024.

Are you with us?

Info Park Bulletin  #120 - long-term beneficia...

Info Park Bulletin #120 -

A long-term beneficiary of Info Park, who was a previous victim of human trafficking, has successfully re-enrolled into high school to complete his final year. Info Park would like to thank the Ministry of Education and the Centre for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking for their help and guidance during the re-enrolment process.

Love from Afghanistan, in Serbia

Love from Afghanistan, in Serbia

More information about recent murder of a 26-year old female from Africa on Balkan route. A migrant woman was accidental...

More information about recent murder of a 26-year old female from Africa on Balkan route. A migrant woman was accidentally shot and killed by police in North Macedonia during a struggle that broke out Wednesday as an officer tried to arrest a suspected smuggler, authorities said. The fatal shooting occurred during an inspection of two vehicles outside the town of Gevgelija, close to the country’s southern border with Greece.
This fatal case is a consequence of securitization and externalization of the EU borders and increased pressure on border authorities to act in stopping migrations in 2023. Given the rise of violence of the Balkan borders with increased presence of Frontex in the last months, Info Park will continue to closely monitor these events and trends.

SKOPJE, North Macedonia (AP) — A migrant woman was accidentally shot and killed by police in North Macedonia during a struggle that broke out Wednesday as an officer tried to arrest a suspected smuggler, authorities said.

Dead refugees on Balkan borders. This young life was apparently taken by Macedonian border police.

Dead refugees on Balkan borders. This young life was apparently taken by Macedonian border police.

Fatmata is dead. She was shot, by police, in North Macedonia on Wednesday. She had just crossed the border from Greece, the country that had denied her asylum, making her invisible, a non person.

But she was a person. She was warm, enthusiastic and joyful. If you didn’t know, you would never have guessed she lived in a refugee camp. She was 23. She was movingly full of life: always willing to share her strength and energy, and, especially, to dance. Oh, did she love dancing. She would dance and sing “to the top of her voice”, as her sister Bintia put it. Imagine her like this, because it is the way we will remember her. She was part of the Second Tree community.

She was also very, very in love with her husband, Abu Bakar. They had known each other since they were kids, and often called one another “my everything”. They were so visibly into each other that often we would jokingly comment: "I hope I find someone that loves me like that!". Two months before being killed, Fatmata told Abu Bakar that she was pregnant. They didn’t have papers or money, so they never had a test. He still doesn't know if their first child died with his wife.

Abu Bakar was with Fatmata when she was shot. She shouted his name. Then he begged for help. The video of Abu Bakar hugging Fatmata, while she is on the floor, dying of a gunshot wound – crying her name in vain – is just emptying.

He was then handcuffed, driven several hours away, held in detention for a day without news of his wife. Then he was offered to be dropped at the border, to move on to Serbia. Of course, he wanted to stay: “I want justice for Fatmata”, he said.

Giovanni and Juliette from our team are now with Abu Bakar in North Macedonia. He still doesn't know where Fatmata’s body is, and has been asking to see her since they were separated. He now has a lawyer, and the resolution to seek justice. We will do what we can to support him and Fatmata’s family.

Abu Bakar chose the picture that accompanies this post. He took it when they left, as a memory to keep. Right after taking it, Fatmata told him: “now all doors seem closed, but another door will open for us. The future will be good”.

The first time we asked Abu Bakar what he needed the most, he said: “I want the world to know”. This is the same wish expressed to us by Fatmata’s family – she was the youngest of five brothers and sisters. In the news, you will only read about “a young migrant” who died killed by the police, but the people who love Fatmata want everyone to know that behind that empty label there is a precious, unique, character.

The last time we talked with Mariatu, Fatmata’s mother, she asked us, as she was asking the world: “please, please don’t forget her”. Please, please let’s not forget her.

Info Park Bulletin  #118Serbia & Migrations: January 2023 ReportContext updateThe first month of 2023 was marked by a de...

Info Park Bulletin #118
Serbia & Migrations: January 2023 Report

Context update

The first month of 2023 was marked by a decrease in the number of people transiting through Serbia and a decrease in the overall presence of people on the move: a notable change in comparison with summer and autumn 2022, during which numbers of people in transit exploded to levels unseen since 2016. This observed decrease is an expected trend at this time of the year, due to winter conditions and increased border security by the Serbian police. The number of new arrivals continued to drop following the December trends.

Conditions in the reception centers.
The situation in the reception centers is more relaxed in comparison with the end of November, during which police evictions from the northern border squats filled up the centers to full capacity. There are currently 3,059 clients in 17 open reception and asylum centers in Serbia and all the camps have vacancies on a daily basis. Pirot, Subotica and Sombor RTCs are nearing maximum capacity, however the general occupancy of all the camps in Serbia is below 50% and continues to drop. Turnover levels are still relatively high as the vast majority of refugees and migrants are not interested in prolonged stays in the camps for numerous reasons. They come and go, hoping to swiftly cross the borders while weather conditions still allow, and whilst there is less police control of public transportation. The SCRM confirmed that the average stay in reception centers in Serbia is now 16 days, a notable drop from 36 in 2020 or 30 in 2021. In January Moroccans made up the largest proportion of migrants, followed by Afghans and Syrians.

The end of 2022 in Belgrade was marked with the closing of the well-known one-stop center that had been open since 1st June 2016. Miksalište served as a hub for various refugee support NGOs as well as for government institutions such as the SCRM or Center for Social Work Belgrade. Its closure has left a number of gaps in service provision, especially when it comes to vulnerable categories such as UASCs, women and children. The nearby SCRM office now provides referrals for camp accommodation, however refugees and migrants don’t know about this location. To address this issue, the SCRM relaxed the procedure of accessing the camps so that beneficiaries can go directly to Obrenovac, Bogovađa, Krnjača and Šid (for UASCs). The last remaining field service provider in the area is Info Park, overwhelmed with plenty of work with the new arrivals to Belgrade. A particular problem is handling newly arrived UASCs, due to a lack of services in institutions formally in charge of their protection. A message has been posted on the door of the building that was formerly home to Miksalište, simply saying that UASCs should go to Krnjača asylum center. No additional information is given relating to the camp’s location, or how to get there, etc. Info Park, in coordination with the SCRM office, is assisting the UASCs who are willing to go to Šid RTC by accompanying them to train station and covering travel costs.

Updates from the field
As of January 1, Croatia is a member of the Schengen group. However, no difference in the treatment of migrants on the borders has yet been observed. Hungarian authorities are reporting on average 350 people on the move daily, who are intercepted on the border fence and sent back to Serbia. This figure is approximately 20% of the figure at the peak of the last summer season on this EU border. Info Park is of the opinion that real numbers of current unique attempts is slightly lower.

Irregular settlements on the borders of Romania, Hungary and Croatia continued to be targeted by the Serbian MOI in the operations of eviction in January. Despite horrible, inhumane conditions, these locations are still in use as people on the move prefer to be close to the borders, where they can wait for their chance to cross. Again, there were cases of violence among smuggling groups near Sombor, resulting in some migrants being badly injured and taken to hospital. Throughout the month, Info Park teams visited spots near Sombor, Subotica (Horgoš), Batrovci & Kuzmin, sharing important information and providing water, food, NFI and psychosocial services.

Border with BiH.
A current trend along the borders is that people on the move prefer to cross the Bosnian border, believing that it is easier to cross from there to Croatia than to other neighboring EU countries. Info Park’s recent visit to the border town of Loznica confirmed these findings, given that the daily flow of people on the move through the city is a steady 20-30 persons. Unfortunately, the route to Bosnia is still very dangerous and other cases of drowning in the river Drina were reported in January. Casualties were also found in the Sava, a river that creates a natural border between Bosnia and Croatia. After 4 deaths in December, a group of 13 Cuban nationals was saved in January. A large increase of Russian nationals in Bosnia is also observed, mostly from Muslim-dominated Checnya and Ingushetia, who are fleeing from being drafted into the army fighting in Ukraine. Croatian authorities also reported 1,912 asylum seekers from Russia in 2022.

South-East Serbia.
The southern town of Pirot, which has grown into the main entry hotspot to Serbia, remained busy in January due to popularity of Bulgarian route among the migrants, who consider it the fastest and safest route from Turkey. The most important update is that MSF has launched a winter emergency outreach operation in Pirot, providing medical aid and NFI items to newly arrived migrants from Bulgaria. This is finally addressing a huge service gap in this town, given the poor medical provision and general support from state institutions. Sadly, migrant groups reported apparent pushbacks from the area to Bulgaria committed by Serbian police. Info Park understands this change of behavior came as a consequence of the international pressure on Serbia to act upon the high numbers of people entering EU via its territory. Indeed, an increase of EU member states mixed police forces in this area, including Frontex officers from Germany, Austria and Lithuania, has been recently noticed. Info Park has learnt of Frontex training for Serbian MOI, signaling that the further securitization of the border with Bulgaria is already in process. Serbian police continued to tackle smuggling - some important criminals of Afghan and Syrian origin were arrested in January, along with their local helpers from Pirot area. However, these arrests did not cause a stop in the flow of the arrivals. Info Park continued its operation in Pirot, focusing on protection monitoring (“Protection in Transit” in collaboration with IRC) and prevention of smuggling (“Protection for Vulnerable People on the Move in Western Balkans” through partnership with Group 484 and European Commission). Our work includes a daily presence at the Pirot bus station (the central arrival hub for migrants coming through different routes from Bulgaria), referrals to Pirot RTC as well as to Center for Social Welfare, interviewing or providing information to migrants, and supplying food, NFI and other provisions. In recent days, the majority of migrants have arrived in Pirot during the night before continuing travel on direct buses to Belgrade or via Niš. Arrival numbers varied from between 20 and 100.

Snapshot from the cases
On 16 January in the morning, two refugees from Ukraine entered the premises of Info Park. After the interviews the Info Park team found out that it was a family consisting of a mother and a son. They explained to the protection officers that they left Ukraine a few weeks ago, and that they first went to Slovakia, where they were refused accommodation with the explanation of the full capacities. Then they headed to Hungary, where, allegedly, they experienced a very unpleasant welcome and no one explained to them where they could find accommodation and receive protection. Afterwards, they headed towards Serbia, and arrived in Belgrade on 14 January, where they spent three days sleeping at the Main Belgrade bus station and its surroundings. In the further conversation, Info Park found out that they want to be accommodated in a reception center. On this occasion, the Info Park team contacted SCRM, which directed them to the Vranje Reception Center. According to SCMR representative, state authorities does not have the funds to pay for tickets to Vranje, and since the beginning of this year, Info Park does not have the budget for that either. The Info Park team manage in this situation, and contacted the organization "Čini dobro", from Belgrade, which support refugees and promote Ukrainian culture and language. During the day, the Info Park team provided the family with information about temporary protection in the Republic of Serbia for citizens of the Ukraine, as well as information about the services provided by the Info Park. IP enabled this family to relax in the daily shelter and provided them with a hot meal and refreshments.

Rainbow Migration Network
RMN. On 23 December 2022, 16 civil society organizations formed the Network of Civil Society Organizations with the aim of providing comprehensive support to LGBTI refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move: the Rainbow Migration Network (RMN). The network consists of organizations that have significant experience in the provision of support services to LGBTI people, that is, support services to refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move. More info is available at this link:

Happy 2023 from everyone at Info Park. Safe travels!

Happy 2023 from everyone at Info Park. Safe travels!

Info Migrants transcribed the Deutsche Welle video report from Serbian North borders, emphasizing bad conditions for mig...

Info Migrants transcribed the Deutsche Welle video report from Serbian North borders, emphasizing bad conditions for migrants outside of the reception centers.
"The winter weather in Europe is making it even more difficult for migrants trying to get from Serbia to western Europe. But many are still braving the cold, waiting for a chance to cross the border, says DW's Idro Seferi." Read more at:

The winter weather in Europe is making it even more difficult for migrants trying to get from Serbia to western Europe. But many are still braving the cold, waiting for a chance to cross the border, says DW's Idro Seferi.

Deutsche Welle and journalist Idro Seferi followed Info Park outreach team on one of the visits to the Northern borderla...

Deutsche Welle and journalist Idro Seferi followed Info Park outreach team on one of the visits to the Northern borderlands towards Hungary, facing reality of possibly the biggest refugee and migrant squat in Balkans. Today is the International Migrants Day and amidst many statements and paroles it is good to be reminded about what is the real situation of the people on the move.

Around the Serbian village of Horgos, where there's a border crossing, a number of illegal migrant camps have emerged. Serbian police often raid these camps and move people to other parts of the country. Our reporter Idro Seferi visited one of the camps.

10 December - International Human Rights DayToday, on the Human Rights Day, Info Park is using its right to stand up for...

10 December - International Human Rights Day

Today, on the Human Rights Day, Info Park is using its right to stand up for your and everyone's right.

Today we are especially reminded of how full the world is of those who are denied the most basic rights , despite all binding signed documents and moral principles of civilization.

The whole world is faced with very difficult challenges of intolerance, inequality, racism, violence, migration, climate change. A huge spectrum of human rights issues are being violated, including racism and racial discrimination; the human rights of LGBTI persons, women’s human rights, s*xual exploitation of children, the rights of children and youth in situations of vulnerability, the human rights of persons with disabilities, gender equality and gender-based violence.

Info Park calls on people everywhere, the governments and civil societies to embrace our diversity and to stand for dignity, freedom and justice for all.

Join us in walking straight and steady along the path of equality at its core.

Only through respect for human rights and promotion of kindness and togetherness can people be inspired to have a hopeful vision of the world that is more inclusive.

Let us all be human rights champions!

LIFE ON THE BORDERS AFTER THE MASSIVE POLICE RAID LAST WEEKENDOn Tuesday 29th November 2022, Info Park’s protection team...


On Tuesday 29th November 2022, Info Park’s protection team visited the Serbian Hungarian borderlands around Subotica. Our aim was to observe what remained of the largest illegal migrant settlements in the country, which have served as a trampoline into the EU for thousands of people on the move from Africa, Asia and the Middle East during the past year.

Last Friday these settlements were stormed by strong Serbian police forces, who emptied the squats between Horgoš village and the Hungarian border and relocated 638 refugees and migrants to southern reception centers, most notably to Preševo. Nearly 1000 additional refugees and migrants in locations around the county, including Belgrade, were relocated into various state-run camps. All such camps have now almost reached maximum capacity.

Yesterday our team met nearly 100 migrants who had either managed to escape the police raid or had already returned, in less than 48 hours, from camps in the south of Serbia. We were especially interested to hear testimonies about the police action and to learn whether excessive force was used. The migrants confirmed that the police beat those who tried to escape from the raided squats, however, those who "surrended" peacefully and entered the buses were not violently mistreated. Info Park was also informed about a number of unaccompanied minors who were sent to the camps together with adults, without any of the protection measures which the Serbian state is obliged to provide.

We observed a number of migrants who, on trying to enter the "Vitaminka" compound, were stopped by the gendarmerie policemen guarding the site. Despite close contact, no further incidents were recorded. What remains of the squats clearly shows that police forces made special effort to render them inhabitable. Not only were tents and sleeping bags destroyed, but also woodburners, which had been installed by various volunteer organizations to help people on the move survive cold nights. We do not understand why it was necessary to cause such significant damage, especially considering that many people in need from nearby local settlements could have used these resources too. The Info Park team witnessed intensive efforts from public companies to clear the site of rubble and garbage, with the obvious intention of making the “Vitaminka” compound look as though migrants have never been there.

The migrants with whom we spoke confirmed that they will continue to try and cross the border, hiding wherever possible until they manage to reach their desired goal: the EU. There are many reasons we are confident that migration through Serbia will not cease. We shall observe how this game of cat and mouse, supported by the EU, will continue, especially now that most camps are overcrowded, and that many migrants have very little interest in staying there.

Meanwhile, the Serbian police practically forbid the free movement of refugees and migrants on regular public transport lines across Serbia, unless they are travelling towards reception centres with papers from the authorities. This is a repetition of the practices established during COVID-19 in 2020, which were legalized through emergency laws. This practice is another noteworthy violation of the human rights of people on the move in Serbia. Sadly, no European institution shows any interest in this subject, hence, if nothing changes, we expect to continue witnessing such harassment in the coming months.

Not One Woman Less - the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against WomenToday, November 25, the world ma...

Not One Woman Less - the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Today, November 25, the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence begins around the world, painted in happy shades of orange, with the aim of once again warning the public and making them aware of this pronounced global problem that is not abating, remaining devastatingly predominant worldwide.

Info Park again wishes to express its commitment and support to all the refugee and migrant women and girls currently in Serbia, and joins Government and civil society in carrying out intensive advocacy efforts and campaigns in raising public awareness.

2022 Campaign continues its work in promoting greater understanding of urgent need to end femicide, as a grave and unacceptable violation of women’s and girls’ most basic human right to life.

Femicide is the killing of women because of their s*x and/or genders. It is the last step in a long cycle of physical and psychological violence. Various researches show unequivocally that intimate partner or a man from the victims’ immediate environment is the perpetrator in most of the cases. According to UNODCS data, globally on a daily level, more than 100 women are killed by an intimate partner or family member because they are women.

Women and girls on the move, migrants, internally displaced and refugees are at high risk of all forms of violence. Despite various related international, regional and national conventions, and legal frameworks, including a variety of programmes and activities, which have been initiated and carried out over the decades, vulnerability and levels of violence of refugee and migrant women and girls are not fading.

Info Park continuously assists these women and girls via SOS line 0604050248 (telephone, Whatsapp & Viber) and directly through outreach activities and in its Belgrade located hub at Gavrila Principa 55 from 10 to 18 daily. Info Park teams have encountered and supported many refugee and migrant women and girls escaping from wars and different life threating situations. We have heard their stories of abuse and distrust, but also of fight and hope for bright and safe days to come.

To further emphasize the magnitude of the problem, the global 16 Days Campaign launched a petition to call on the United Nations to declare 6 December the International Day to End Femicide.

ZA DEVOJČICE I SA DEVOJČICAMAObeležavajući Međunarodni dan devojčica 11.oktobar, Info Park  podseća na to su ovu godinu ...


Obeležavajući Međunarodni dan devojčica 11.oktobar, Info Park podseća na to su ovu godinu obeležile tragične migracije iz Ukrajine kao i nastavak onih iz Afrike, Bliskog Istoka, Azije I Južne Amerike prema zemljama razvijenog sveta u kojima je bio i veliki broj devojčica kojima je potrebna vaša pomoć.

Nejednakosti sa kojom se devojčice svakodnevno suočavaju obuhvata oblasti kao što su pravo na obrazovanje, ishranu, zakonska prava, medicinsku negu i zaštitu od diskriminacije, nasilje nad ženama i neslobodne dečje brakove. U izbegličkom i migrantskom svetu ove nejednakosti su naglašenije i ostavljaju još bolnije posledice na mlade osobe u najosetljivijim godinama. Bežeći od ratova, klimatskih promena, siromaštva i globalne nejednaksti, pred njima se nalazi još više prepreka koje moraju preskočiti da bi došle do cilja – boljeg, bezbednog života za njih I njihove porodice. Nevladina organizacija Atina objavila je svojevremeno da je 64,8% žena i mladih devojaka izbeglica I migrantkinja, sa kojima su obavili razgovor, doživelo fizičko nasilje u zemljama porekla, tokom putovanja i tokom boravka u Srbiji.

Info Park od 2016. godine kroz različite strukturirane aktivnosti bez prestanka radi i pomaže devojčice u migracijama kroz Srbiju. Nekada je do brza pomoć na prvoj liniji migracija, topao čaj I čista suva garderoba, nekada su to časovi jezika koji će im pomoći da se lakše integrišu u zemlje u koje ide, nekada su to sesije na kojima uče o svojim pravima – ženskim, ljudskim – u slobodnim društvima koja ih čekaju na kraju svog dugog p**a.

Na ovim druženjima najveća satisfakcija su promene koje su vidljive. Osmeh na licu, skinuti hidžab, sloboda da se progovori o problemima koji ih opterećuju u porodicama i zajednicama u kojima žive, saznanje da promenu koju žele nose u sebi i da je potrebno samo da je oslobode.

Podsećamo vas da je Info Park kao jedan od partnera UNICEF Srbija 2018. učestvovao u izradi Džepnog vodiča za osnaživanje devojaka

koji možete preuzeti na ovoj adresi:

MORE DEATHS ON BALKAN ROUTEAlthough officially closed, the so called “Balkan Route” continues to take the lives of migra...


Although officially closed, the so called “Balkan Route” continues to take the lives of migrants travelling towards their dream life in the EU.

Local media in South-Eastern Serbia have recently reported a railway accident on the tracks between border towns, Pirot and Dimitrovgrad. The first news report mentioned several injured migrants who had been walking on the tracks connecting Serbia and Bulgaria. However, the official statements from Serbian Railways Cargo company and Ministry of Interior soon confirmed two deaths and several injured migrants. Bodies of E.K (24) from Baghlan and Z.C. from Laghnam in Afghanistan were found near the tracks and now lay in Pirot morgue, awaiting transportation to their homeland.

The railway between the Bulgarian border crossing Gradina/Kalotina and Pirot is the main orientation point for everyone who enters Serbia irregularly via the mountainous region that connects the two countries. It is visible from almost every point of entry to Serbia on the Stara Planina mountain, including the villages of Bačevo, Radejna amongst others. To avoid walking in dense forests, migrants opt to walk down to the valley. They sometimes hop on the slow cargo trains and bypass the 40km walk to Pirot, where they can find amenities needed for further travel.

This corridor has recently exploded, with up to 400 new entries daily, creating a humanitarian hotspot in Pirot that no-one has yet addressed seriously. Most of the newcomers using small village roads orient themselves by either following power lines or, more frequently, with the main rail tracks. The railway traffic is in decline and the route is only used by a few slow cargo trains daily, so some migrants do not see the route as dangerous. Unfortunately, on this occasion, the route became not only dangerous, but lethal. 

With these cases, the death toll in this area reached three within the last ten days. There are also unconfirmed rumours from locals in the village of Poljska Rzana (near Pirot) that on September 30 police stopped a car-full of migrants containing two dead bodies. Local police have refused to share any information, but it would not be the first time such news is hidden from public; the overall death toll in Serbia since the beginning of the migrant crisis is greater than reported.

We are currently engaged in helping relatives of deceased migrants to arrange transportation of mortal remains back to Afghanistan in a humane and dignified way. Some of these relatives are on their way to Pirot, where our team members will help them with translation and orientation through procedures and red tape. Sadly, no help is either arranged or promised from the state institutions.

Info Park fears these will be not the last death cases on this route or on the Balkan railways which continue to take the lives of refugees and migrants. It is almost impossible to count how many of them have been murdered, electrocuted or severely injured whilst trying to safely reach their goal. Once a means of safe passage between the countries on the open Balkan Route, these rail routes are now tracks of death.

From 6-year-old Madina Hussiny to these two young men, the death toll simply does not stop.


Gavrila Principa 55


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