Tvrđavu Golubački grad u 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ godini obišlo je 1️⃣9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ posetilaca ❗️
I 2024. godine, Tvrđava je bila jedna od najatraktivnijih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji ❗️
Zahvaljujemo se svim posetiocima na poseti, nadamo se da ste uživali u osvajanju Tvrđave i da ćemo se ponovo družiti u narednoj godini. 🕊
Srećne praznike želi Vam Tvrđava Golubački grad. 🎄✨
Golubac Fortress was visited by 1️⃣9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ visitors in 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ year ❗️
Even in 2024, the Fortress was one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Serbia ❗️
We thank all visitors for their visit, we hope you enjoyed conquering the Fortress and that we will meet again next year. 🕊
Golubac Fortress wishes you happy holidays. 🎄✨
Golubac Turistička organizacija Srbije
Soko - ptica koja je u srednjem veku predstavljala simbol viteštva, snage, brzine i spretnosti. 🦅⚔️
Falcon - a bird that in the Middle Ages was a symbol of chivalry, strength, speed and dexterity. 🦅⚔️
Bajkoviti prizori oko Tvrđave Golubački grad.
Fairytale scenes around the Fortress of Golubac.
Jesen na Tvrđavi Golubački grad. 🍂
Autumn at the Golubac Fortress. 🍂
U utorak, 17. septembra, Tvrđavu Golubački grad posetili su najmlađi članovi Српско народно позориште - Srpsko narodno pozorište , koji su ostale posetioce oduševili izvođenjem nekoliko numera među samim zidinama. 🎭 🎼 🕊️
On Tuesday, September 17, the Golubac Fortress was visited by the youngest members of the Serbian National Theater, who delighted the other visitors by performing several numbers within the walls. 🎭 🎼 🕊️
Tvrđava Golubački grad u emisiji "Želim da ti kažem" na televiziji B92.
Golubac Fortress in the show "I want to tell you" on television B92.
1. maj na Tvrđavi Golubački grad. ☀️
May 1 at Golubac Fortress. ☀️
BLACK ZONE- 10:00 - 14:00
BLUE ZONE - 10:00 - 14:00
Danas je tačno 5 godina kako turisti sa osmehom osvajaju zidine Golubačke Tvrđave. 🥳🕊⚔️
Today is exactly 5 years since tourists conquered the walls of Golubačka Tvrđava with a smile.🥳🕊⚔️