„ITT Tehnika“ d.o.o je porodična firma, izgađena na jedinstvenom odnosu sa klijentima i dugogodišnjim saradnicima, koju su nam sa punim poverenjem pružili podršku. Potrebe naših klijenata i najbolja rešenja istih jesu naš primarni cilj.„ITT Tehnika“ ističe dugogodišnje prisustvo u oblasti Španije, kao i južnje Francuske, kao i Portugalije. S godinama smo se trudili da razvijemo transport zbirnih p
ošiljki sa navedenih destinacija, što danas s ponosom ističemo kao našu specijalnost. Ne zavisno od toga da li se radi o zbirnoj pošiljci, ili kompletnom utovaru, jedno je sigurno – naši klijenti će dobiti najrealniju mogućnost i rešenje transporta. Zajedno sa našim klijentima, spremni smo da osvajamo nova tržišta, kako bismo odgovorili na sve njhove zahteve i potrebe.Uspešno poslovanje „ITT Tehnike“ ostvareno je prvenstveno zahvaljući poverenju klijenata i naših partnera. Našu malu porodicu čini tim iskusnih, profesionalnih i uspešnih ljudi koji se svakonevno trudi da ostvari jedinstven način komunikacije i saradnje sa klijentima i partnerima. Savremeni načini komunikacije omogućavaju nam da svakodnevno budemo u kontaktu sa partnerima i klijentima širom sveta. Svesni smo toga da je danas teško naći pouzdanog partnera, ali se trudimo da prevaziđemo sve prepreke, svakodnevno se usavršavajući i prateći novitete koji nam mogućavaju da budemo još uspešniji i da proširimo spektar naših usluga.
“ITT Tehnika“ Ltd. is a family company, built on the unique relationship with its clients and its many-years associates, who gave us their full suport and trust. Our unique approach and relation with clients and business partners is exactly what makes us different from other companies. Meeting needs of our clients in the best possible way is our primary objective.“ITT Tehnika“Ltd. Company emphasizes its many-years presence in Spain as well as in the Southern France and Portugal. For many years we have been giving our best to develop Partial loads transportation on the stated destinations, which today we proudly emphasize as our specialty.Regardless the fact it may be Partial or Full load, one is for sure: our clients will be served by the most realistic transportation options and solutions. Together with our clients, we are ready to conquer new markets, all for the purpose of meeting our clients’ needs and requirements.“ITT Tehnika“Ltd. successful business operations has been accomplished mostly thanking to trust of our clients and partners. Our small family comprises a team of experienced, successful professionals who give their best to establish unique way of communication and collaboration with our clients and business partners. Modern ways of communicating enable us every day to keep in touch with our business partners and clients worldwide. We are aware of the fact how difficult it is nowadays to find a reliable partner but we try to overcome all possible obstacles, at the same time improving ourselves and following novelties that will enable us to be more successful and offer wider range of our services.