Boa Vista is one of the main islands in the Cape Verde archipelago, located off the northwest coast of Africa. It is known for its beautiful beaches and good diving opportunities.
Thank you @kakauramos19912019
For this amazing video it was a pleasure to dive with you, see you next time.🤿👌☺️🦈
Join us to have an unforgettable moment.
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Diving in Boa Vista, Cabo Verde
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If you already know that your summer destination is Boa Vista, Riamar Diving Center welcomes everyone to enjoy a cool dive in the hot summer in our beautiful island. Don't miss our activities!
We have different offers to keep you and your family entertained.
Please let us know which might be interesting for you: guided dives, diving courses, snorkeling, whale and dolphin watching tours.
Book your adventures now with us!
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Diving in Boa Vista☺️
Another day another adventure!👌
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Sea Turtles are in danger – conserve them!
We all love❤️ them, the beautiful sea turtles hovering in our oceans . Did you
know, that we have 5 different species of sea turtles around the islands of Cape
Verde? Worldwide are no more than 7 species found. Years ago they were estimated
100 different species described from fossil records.
Green Turtle & Hawksbill Turtle🐢
Both of them nest and feed on the coast, that’s why we see them more often while
diving and snorkelling than the…
Leatherback Turtle🐢
Called the gentle giant by some
Olive-Ridle Turtle🐢
The smallest of the turtle species and which prefers to stay far from the coast and, like
the leatherback, is only rarely seen.
The fifth species the Loggerhead Turtle
its known for its big head.
At the moment, the International Union for nature conservation lists leatherback
and hawksbill turtles as critically endangered, green and loggerhead turtles🐢as
endangered and vulnerable are the olive-ridley turtles. So let’s help all to keep the
last species alive. Be respectful, don’t touch them and if you see any unbehaviour
of other divers please tell it your guide. Thank you!🙏❤️
#turtlerescue #seaturtles #safetheturtles #safeseaturtels #stoppollution #stoplinefishing #seaturtlesindanger #protect #safe #endanger #protect #noplanb
Sea Turtle Rescue!
Yesterday out our dive we found this lovely sea turtle, stuck and tangled at 10m, not
able to move and come up to breath.
We took it to the boat and untangled her. Luckily, it survived.
Please be aware that all the rubbish we drop at the beach can end up in our beloved
ocean. Rain, high tide or a storm drags it all down to the water. Later, ocean animals
swallow it, get tangled or must live with it in the polluted ocean. Also, an absolutely no
go is to throw rubbish from a boat into the ocean. It will never get out there again.
Another problem, like in our case, are fishing lines. Please sign petitions to stop or limit
the fishing line. We are already trying to draw awareness within our fishing community.
It’s their livelihood, we do understand. But we try to get them to retrieve broken fishing
lines and not leave them into the ocean.
Safe our ocean, safe our underwater world! There is no plan B.
Diving in Boa vista👌☺️
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Ha llegado el squad Española☺️🤿
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