Stella Maris Maio

Stella Maris Maio Stella Maris is a high quality development of villas and apartments on the island of Maio, Cape Verde.

Flights and ferries operate from Praia (the capital) to Maio. Stella Maris is a beautiful place to stay with lovely sea views, a pool, sunsets and access to a small secluded beach.

Cape Verde - a safe countryClick below for more information

Cape Verde - a safe country
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Once again Cape Verde has been identified as a safe country to visit. International SOS assesses security and health risks.

High levels of winter tourismClick below for more information

High levels of winter tourism
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It has been reported that 25 hotels on Sal are currently at 100% capacity. High levels of tourism are good for the Cape Verde economy

More flights to Cape Verde?Click below for more information

More flights to Cape Verde?
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The popularity of Cape Verde can be measured by the number of flights to Cape Verde.

President Biden visits Cape VerdeClick below for more information

President Biden visits Cape Verde
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President Joe Biden of the United States visited Cape Verde on 2 December and met with Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva.

EasyJet flights to Sal from London GatwickClick below for more information

EasyJet flights to Sal from London Gatwick
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It has just been announced that EasyJet are starting direct flights from London Gatwick to Sal, Cape Verde.

Possible new domestic airlineClick below for more information

Possible new domestic airline
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Turtle newsClick below for more information

Turtle news
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An Olive ridley turtle nests on Maio for the first time.

Internal flight schedules published at lastClick below for more information

Internal flight schedules published at last
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The internal flight schedules from November 2024 through to March 2025 are now on the Cabo Verde Airlines website.

English-Creole online dictionaryClick below for more information

English-Creole online dictionary
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Two young Cape Verdeans who have created an online Creole-English dictionary. It covers two versions of creole as used in Cape Verde.

New Domestic flight company formedClick below for more information

New Domestic flight company formed
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A new domestic flight company has been formed. The intention is that this will guarantee inter-island flights.

Problems with ferry to Maio islandClick below for more information

Problems with ferry to Maio island
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There have recently once again been problems with the ferry service to the island of Maio. This has caused difficulty for the island.

David de Pina wins olympic medalClick below for more information

David de Pina wins olympic medal
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Cape Verdean boxer, David de Pina, won the country's first ever olympic medal in the recent Paris Olympic Games.

Cabo Verde Airlines to fly to Americas?Click below for more information

Cabo Verde Airlines to fly to Americas?
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Cabo Verde Airlines (TACV) has announced that it plans to re-commence direct flights to the Americas soon.

New waste recycling on MaioClick below for more information

New waste recycling on Maio
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New recycling facilities being developed on the island of Maio.

Tourism in Cape Verde is continuing to grow. There was a 40% increase in the number of visitors and overnight stays in t...

Tourism in Cape Verde is continuing to grow. There was a 40% increase in the number of visitors and overnight stays in the first three months of 2024. In 2023, the number of hotel guests exceeded one million. Cruise ships calling into Cape Verde during the 2023-2024 (September to June) season increased by 35%. It is anticipated that this growth in tourism will continue over the next few years. As a result, the government’s target of achieving 1.2 million tourists has been brought forward to 2026.

The ports most visited by the cruise ships are Porto Grande (Mindelo, on the island of São Vicente) and Praia on the island of Santiago. However, all the nine inhabited islands were visited including Maio. The number of passengers during the 2023-2024 season was 90,850, although that was slightly lower than the previous season.

Climate Change and Cape VerdeClick below for more information

Climate Change and Cape Verde
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Climate change is affecting many countries and Cape Verde is no exception. Approximately 25% of the country’s population rely on agriculture.

Yaridson Spencer bodybuilding successClick below for more information

Yaridson Spencer bodybuilding success
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Yaridson Spencer a successful body builder from the island of Maio.


Stella Maris
Vila Do Maio


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