Blast is a movable trailer equipped with special equipment and technology to deliver 6-D movies. Normally, when you look at a movie, you make use of your eyes and ears only and this is referred to as 2D. Blast Curacao is a 6D experience, where you don’t just sit passively and look at the images on the screen, at Blast you will experience as if you are actively participating in the movie. The fee
ling of actively participating in what is being projected on the screen is achieved, because using highly developed technologies, the system activates all the human senses. Your visual with the 3D glasses, your with a motion with a hydrolic chair motion system, and your other senses will be activated with sophisticated devices, which creates special affects such as rain/lightening/ snow/smoke/speed/leg-touch/ ear-blow and bubbles. The duration? The rides varies in duration, but the average duration is approximately 8 minutes. Since the system is designed to activate human senses, it sometimes can deceive the mind and one would feel as if the ride took much longer than the actual reality. Why so short? Based on the results obtained from scientifically conducted research on human being it has been concluded that a normal person would not be able to sustain an intensive activity as Blast and keep the same level of enjoyment after 8 minutes. Of course dependent on the physical condition, one person can sosstain more than other, typically young kids are more flexible and can sosstain more than adults. The ride duration is similar to other comparable attractions which one can find in Germany, China, Hong Kong, USA (Universal studios) and others.