
CZECHtrekker Embark on a journey off the beaten path.



Today marks the 100 years anniversary of Everest’s biggest mystery: on June 08, 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine attempted to reach the summit on the North side of Mt. Everest. It was during the third attempt of the British expedition.

They were last seen below the second step at around 8600m. In the next days there was no sight of the two members. The bodies were never found, only later in 1999 Mallory’s co**se was discovered. Missing were his camera and the picture of his wife, which he intended to put on the summit.

There was never proof of a successful climb to the top, but there is still speculation of the possible successful outcome, which would mark the first ascent almost 30 years before Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.

👉 If you want to be part of the industry leading Everest expedition in 2025, North or South Classic, Flash™ or Signature, get in touch now!

📸 May 23, 2024: ALONE on the mountain our team was privileged to be the first foreign team after 2019 to climb the north east ridge. 100% success for all our Everest teams on the North and South side

... and, part 2. :-D

... and, part 2. :-D

We use the constitution of Nepal to re-create its distinctive, double-triangular flag. More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓Nepal has never won a ...

Part 1 :-D

Part 1 :-D

What an inspiration!

What an inspiration!

THE UNSTOPPABLE EMMA! A great example - no hiking boots - no backpack - no GPS - no sleeping bag - no hiking equipment at all - just GUTS and DETERMINATION!

When 67-year-old Emma Rowena Gatewood told her children she was going out for a walk, they didn't think much of it.

In 1950, Emma read a story in the National Geographic that would play on her mind for the next five years.

It described the famous Appalachian Trail, a 2,168-mile trail stretching from Mount Oglethorpe in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine.

The article said that no woman had ever completed the entire hike.
In 1955, she decided the time was right to embark on her impromptu stroll.

Wearing Keds tennis shoes and packing a blanket, raincoat and plastic shower curtain, she told her by-then adult children she was going out for a walk and set off.

Emma would later explain that the trail was nothing like the description offered in National Geographic which had given the impression of leisurely walks, with clean cabins waiting at the end of each stretch.

I thought it would be a nice lark. It wasn't. There were terrible blow downs, burnt-over areas that were never re-marked, gravel and sand washouts, weeds and brush to your neck, and most of the shelters were blown down, burned down or so filthy I chose to sleep out of doors.

This is no trail. This is a nightmare. For some fool reason they always lead you right up over the biggest rock to the top of the biggest mountain they can find. I've seen every fire station between here and Georgia.

Why, an Indian would die laughing his head off if he saw those trails. I would never have started this trip if I had known how tough it was, but I couldn't and I wouldn't quit.

The walk ignited something unstoppable in Emma Gatewood.
By the age of 75, she had completed the hike a further three times, breaking records as she went. She had also walked the 2,000 mile Oregon Trail from Missouri to Oregon, averaging 22 miles a day." ~ On This Day
Credit goes to respective owner



Doktor Susa je jedním z úplně prvních Čechů, kteří se vydali na pouť do Santiaga po otevření hranic. Na cestu vyrazil se svým synem Pavlem v roce 1991 z Prahy a v následujících letech ji postupně absolvoval celou, částečně pěšky, částečně na kole. V cestě viděl mimo jiné i symboliku cesty naší země do Evropy. Zamýšlel se nad tím, jaký je to rozdíl pohybovat se po naší dobře známé zemi oproti cestě na neznámá místa v zahraničí: "V Čechách je to jednoduché; tady mohu prožívat krajinu i dějiny celistvě a bez zprostředkování, protože je to země mého života, mých předků a mých blízkých. Ale v cizině jsem ztracen. Mohu s cestovní kanceláří vidět množství památek, ale nerozumím ničemu, zůstávám jen na povrchu, dokonce i když se na to připravím a studuji předem. Teprve když se setkám s lidmi, kteří tam žijí, když s nimi mluvím, když převezmu něco z jejich zkušenosti - myslím tím zkušenost života té země i její historie, pak mohu začít chápat a můj svět se rozšiřuje. Pravé putování se tedy děje od hory k hoře, od hradu k hradu a od člověka k člověku." (kniha Ultreia I, Zdeněk Susa)

Doktor Susa nám přenechal pár knih s poutnickou tématikou ze svého vydavatelství. Velmi děkujeme! Postupně je budeme přidávat na e-shop. Několik z nich najdete už nyní v komentáři.

Out of this world 😲👍🧗‍♀️🚵‍♀️

Out of this world 😲👍🧗‍♀️🚵‍♀️



Drobné dřevostavby, které svým tvarem připomínají ptačí budky, navrhlo studio Landa Ruhmkorf Landscape Architekti. Podívejte se.


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