JSB Match Diabolo

JSB Match Diabolo If you are looking for a top-quality ammunition for your air rifle you have visited the right place. Josef Schulz is a former active gun marksmen and coach.

The history of the company goes back to 1991, where the former owner of the company, Josef Schulz, started the production of the sporting ammunition for air weapons under the name of JSB MATCH DIABOLO BOHUMIN. After he finished with the active shooting and coaching he started engaging in the research and development in the field of air guns ammunition production. Based on his personal experience,

later he had stamping machines made, on which he started to produce the ammunition. In 2008 JSB Match Diabolo a.s., which bought Josef Schulz’s company, linked up with the previous Schulz’s activity and soon after changed into an incorporated company. The most important characteristics of the produced ammunition is its quality, which is guaranteed by the unique technology used in its production, and is also a key aspect of its precision. The JSB Match Diabolo a.s. products currently present the world’s best quality ammunition. This fact has been proven by the top shooters, experts in this field, air shooting enthusiasts and weapons’ manufacturers. In order to further improve the ammunition quality and properties JSB Match Diabolo invest into the innovation of the machines’ technology each year. Ever since the JSB Match Diabolo a.s. establishment the company continually increases the volume of production, so that they can react to a high demand of their products. They also pay considerable attention to the improvement of their services. The company’s products are distributed into approximately 32 countries. The company exports to the USA, Russian, Japanese and European markets, among which are important customers from England and Germany. The demand for ammunition is, of course, in the Czech market as well. The present export of the company is around 90 per cent. JSB Match diabolo a.s. currently employs about 40 employees. Kvalita a jedinečná technologie

Nejdůležitějším rysem vyráběného střeliva je jeho kvalita, zaručená jedinečností používané technologie a tato je také klíčovým prvkem jeho přesnosti. V současné době produkty firmy JSB Match Diabolo a.s. představují nejkvalitnější střelivo na světě. Tento fakt je potvrzen špičkovými střelci, odborníky v oboru, nadšenci pro vzduchovou střelbu a nejlepšími výrobci vzduchových zbraní. Pro další zlepšení kvality a vlastností střeliva každoročně JSB Match Diabolo a.s. investuje do inovace technologie strojů. Historie firmy

Historie firmy sahá do roku 1991, kdy tehdejší majitel firmy pan Josef Schulz začal pod jménem - JSB MATCH DIABOLO BOHUMÍN výrobu sportovního střeliva pro vzduchové zbraně. Pan Josef Schulz je bývalý aktivní střelec z pistole a trenér. Po ukončení aktivní střelby a trenérské činnosti se začal věnovat vývoji a výzkumu v oboru výroby střeliva pro vzduchové zbraně. Poté si nechal na základě svých poznatků vyrobit lisovací stroje, na nichž začal vyrábět střelivo. Na jeho činnost v roce 2008 navázala firma s obchodním názvem JSB Match Diabolo a.s., která firmu Josefa Schulze koupila a posléze transformovala v akciovou společnost. Distribuce do 45 zemí světa

Od svého vzniku firma JSB Match Diabolo a.s. zvýšila objem produkce, aby tak reagovala na vysokou poptávku po svých výrobcích a velkou pozornost věnuje také zkvalitňování svých služeb. Produkty firmy jsou distribuovány přibližně do 45 zemí světa. Firma exportuje na trhy Spojených států amerických, Ruska, Japonska a do států Evropy, mezi nimiž jsou významní odběratelé z Německa a Anglie. Střelivo nachází odbyt samozřejmě i na domácím českém trhu. Současný export společnosti se pohybuje okolo 90 procent.

Do you have anything to test? 🙂

Do you have anything to test? 🙂

Accurate 6,35 mm Exact King Heavy in 50 meters. ;)

Accurate 6,35 mm Exact King Heavy in 50 meters. ;)


EHFTC 2024, Hungary.

European HFT Championships, Debrecen, Hungary.Day 2 - sunny, 32°, great sports performance, excellent company, incredibl...

European HFT Championships, Debrecen, Hungary.
Day 2 - sunny, 32°, great sports performance, excellent company, incredible amounts of raffle prizes... 😄
Congratulations to the winners!

JSB team at the WHFTA Championship 2024! Great competition, great company and wonderful venue! WHFTAAirgun 101

JSB team at the WHFTA Championship 2024! Great competition, great company and wonderful venue!
Airgun 101

We are proud sponsor of the European HFT Championships in the Hungary. Day 1 - fantastic weather, 40 shoots courses, sho...

We are proud sponsor of the European HFT Championships in the Hungary.
Day 1 - fantastic weather, 40 shoots courses, shooters from 11 countries. 😉

9 mm Hades!A real piece of lead... 😉

9 mm Hades!
A real piece of lead... 😉

Thanks to everyone who met us and participated in the German Championship! It was a great time!

Thanks to everyone who met us and participated in the German Championship! It was a great time!

Two batches, a total of 40 shots at 10 meters from one gun. What would you choose? 😉

Two batches, a total of 40 shots at 10 meters from one gun. What would you choose? 😉

The German Championship is still going on. Come and choose your stock of pellets for the shooting season!

The German Championship is still going on. Come and choose your stock of pellets for the shooting season!

Germany Shooting Championships 2024 in Munich.A stunning event as always. :)

Germany Shooting Championships 2024 in Munich.
A stunning event as always. :)


JSB team at great Germany Championship 2024!
We welcome you to our stand and look forward to your visits! 😀

Welcome to Brazil and thank you for your support!We look forward to seeing you again sometime! 😉

Welcome to Brazil and thank you for your support!
We look forward to seeing you again sometime! 😉

Interesting and informative video from our supporter Elie Assi from Lebanon. We wish you much success in future competit...

Interesting and informative video from our supporter Elie Assi from Lebanon. We wish you much success in future competitions! 😉

After winning the local Lebanese championship 2023 -100 Yards discipline , i got the chance to participate in Rocky Mountain Airgun Challenge 2024 Pro The fi...

Examples of interesting rifles at the Championship of the Czech Republic.

Examples of interesting rifles at the Championship of the Czech Republic.

Czech HFT Open 2024 is over. Great time spent with an enthusiastic shooters in the castle park in Choltice. Congratulati...

Czech HFT Open 2024 is over.
Great time spent with an enthusiastic shooters in the castle park in Choltice.
Congratulations to the winners!

Czech HFT Championship 2024, Choltice.97.5% of competitors use JSB Exact pellets!Great shooters on the demanding venue! ...

Czech HFT Championship 2024, Choltice.
97.5% of competitors use JSB Exact pellets!
Great shooters on the demanding venue!

Do you like our slugs?We love it... 😉

Do you like our slugs?
We love it... 😉


JSB Exact King 6,35 mm (.25 in) in the 1,645 g (25.39 gr).

Let's take a look at the heavier calibers!😀JSB Exact King 6,35 mm (.25 inch) in the 1,645 g (25.39 gr).

Let's take a look at the heavier calibers!😀
JSB Exact King 6,35 mm (.25 inch) in the 1,645 g (25.39 gr).


JSB 5,1 mm (.20 inch) Exact in .890 g (13.73 gr).

JSB Exact 5,1 mm (.20 inch) in 0,890 grams (13,73 grains).

JSB Exact 5,1 mm (.20 inch) in 0,890 grams (13,73 grains).


Exact forever! 😏

Pellets... what would you like? Everywhere you look... ;)

Pellets... what would you like? Everywhere you look... ;)

Neverending process...But we like it! 😃

Neverending process...
But we like it! 😃

Our Deep or Shallow! What do you prefer more?

Our Deep or Shallow! What do you prefer more?

Moravian HFT Cup in Petrusov, really hot day 2.Congratulations to all the winners! We love to support outdoor shooters!

Moravian HFT Cup in Petrusov, really hot day 2.
Congratulations to all the winners!
We love to support outdoor shooters!

Moravian HFT Cup in Petrusov.Hot day in the forest. :)

Moravian HFT Cup in Petrusov.
Hot day in the forest. :)


1. Máje 666

Otevírací doba

Pondělí 07:00 - 14:00
Úterý 07:00 - 14:00
Středa 07:00 - 14:00
Čtvrtek 07:00 - 14:00
Pátek 07:00 - 14:00

Internetová stránka


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