House Swap with friends only/Výměna domu s kamarády

House Swap with friends only/Výměna domu s kamarády We'd love to travel more, but...accommodation is expensive, we have cats & garden to water. Familiar?


Už se to vaří. Potenciální house swap # 2 s Rejkjavikem, Island. Snad to vyjde. 🤞/ And it's cooking. A potential house swap # 2. This time with Reykjavik, Iceland. Fingers crossed. 🤞

Our lovely historical town Stará Boleslav.

Our lovely historical town Stará Boleslav.


House swap success story # 1. Prague East, Stará Boleslav, Czechia & Riom, France in August 2021.

This is our house in Stara Boleslav in the Czech Republic. We offer our beloved property for a holiday swap with friends...

This is our house in Stara Boleslav in the Czech Republic. We offer our beloved property for a holiday swap with friends ONLY. So if you have the same thinking, you are reliable and trustworthy and want to travel but don't want to pay horrendous sums for accommodation in another country, let's chat :) Our house is a little sanctuary with a beautiful pool and easy access to Prague Centre. Oh....and two cats to feed and a garden to water :) Iva and Paul


Brandýs Nad Labem-Stará Boleslav



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