Erasmus Real Czech Experience

Erasmus Real Czech Experience Erasmus Real Czech Experience: leisure time programs for Erasmus students in the Czech Republic

We (Jan Mach and Onřej Kalaš) decided to organize trips for foreing university students in the Czech Republic (especially from Masaryk Univerzity in Brno), so that they enjoy their stay in this country as much as possible. If you want to get some extraordinary experience, to visit interesting places of Moravia and Bohemia, to enjoy sport and entertaining activities in a beautiful nature of the Cze

ch Republic, if you want to spend some pleasant time with friends, join us! Jan Mach is 27 years old, a Masaryk´s univerzity lecturer - Faculty of sport studies, entrepreneur, instructor of skiing,...
Ondřej Kalaš is 26 years old, a coach of cycling, turist guide, organizer of sport events, instructor of skiing,...


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