Czech Heritage and Travel

Czech Heritage and Travel We assist Americans with Czech heritage to explore their roots and travel to the home country. Hello! We are Warren and Marketa Greer. Marketa is Czech.

Warren is American. We share a passion for helping people visit the Czech lands, finding meaning and wonder in the Czech experience.

🇨🇿 Embark on Your Czech Heritage Journey!🌍Have you ever dreamed of walking the same streets as your ancestors, exploring...

🇨🇿 Embark on Your Czech Heritage Journey!

Have you ever dreamed of walking the same streets as your ancestors, exploring the deep meaning and breathtaking landscapes of the Czech lands? Our mission is to turn that dream into reality.

Hello. I'm Warren, an American historian, and Marketa is Czech, a travel specialist. Our mission is to help Americans with Czech ancestry visit the homeland and connect in ways that are meaningful, transformative, and affordable!

Why? Because it's what we love to do! And in helping others connect to their Czech heritage, we deepen our own understanding and appreciation of this remarkable place and people.

🔑 How to get started? The first step is to start a conversation.

💬 Message Us via Facebook or Comment Below - Let's chat about your Czech heritage journey!

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone...

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you find a way to surprise yourself."

~ Franz Kafka

Today is Struggle for Freedom and Democracy DayOn this day in 1989 the Velvet Revolution began, and the Czech people onc...

Today is Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day

On this day in 1989 the Velvet Revolution began, and the Czech people once again embarked on a path toward freedom. It's a reminder of the resilience and determination of those courageous individuals who strove for freedom in 1918, 1989 and beyond.

"It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs."

~ Václav Havel

The Particular Greatness of the Czechs“The salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart, in t...

The Particular Greatness of the Czechs

“The salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart, in the human power to reflect, in human meekness, and in human responsibility.” ~ Vaclav Havel

Many nations regard themselves as great. At various times inhistory, their armies conquered, their borders expanded, and they dominated other peoples. History books often glorify such achievements, depicting how entire continents were subjugated. Alexander the Great is famed for his extensive conquests, as is Genghis Khan for his vast empire across Asia and Europe. Joseph Stalin, after World War II, forcibly integrated much of central and eastern Europe into the Soviet Union.

In modern times, some leaders still harbor ambitions of empire, longing to recreate a glorified past. Vladimir Putin openly aspires to restore Russian dominance over Europe, reminiscent of past empires. Chinese leaders also seek to revive their nation’s historical prominence after centuries of perceived exploitation by external powers.

A deeper reflection on greatness, however, reveals that power and dominance are shortsighted measures. History shows that conquests are often temporary and end in disaster. Examples include Japan and Germany at the end of World War II and Russia’s ongoing challenges in Ukraine. Frequently, would-be conquerors meet their downfall, leaving an epic trail of suffering. In contrast, the world’s most esteemed thinkers and philosophers propose different criteria for greatness, such as wisdom, peace, and prosperity.

After witnessing Europe's endless wars of conquest, the great Enlightenment philosopher, Immanuel Kant envisioned a "federation of free states" that would work together to solve problems, foretelling today's European Union. Lao Tzu, the revered Chinese philosopher from antiquity, understood how warlords had ravaged his land and its people and advocated for non-aggression, suggesting that true greatness in a nation comes from "humility" and a desire to unite and serve others.

That brings us to the Czech people. Situated at the heart of Europe, Czechs have for centuries navigated between the world's most powerful influences: Slavic and non-Slavic, Catholic and Protestant, socialist and capitalist, Communist and democratic, Austria and Germany, the Soviet Union and the West. While Czechs have defended their lands and beliefs when necessary, their history has taught them the value of flexibility and resilience in the face of overwhelming forces.

One example is the famous Czech theologian, Jan Hus, who emphasized inner spiritual faith and humility over bombastic rituals and ceremonies.

T. G. Masaryk, the founder of the original Czechoslovak Republic, exemplified humility and dedication to serving the people.

Vaclav Havel, former president of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, was a fervent advocate for human rights and democratic principles, believing that nonviolent resistance is the best policy.

This multifaceted heritage has given the Czechs a unique perspective on greatness, prioritizing resilience, adaptability, and community over conquest and dominance.

The Velvet Revolution in 1989, led by figures like Havel, illustrated that significant political change could be achieved peacefully, reinforcing their commitment to democratic principles.

The Czech Republic’s integration into the European Union and its cultural contributions further demonstrate their values of inclusivity, intellectual freedom, and peaceful coexistence. Czech scientists and innovators focus on human-centric advancements, reflecting a commitment to the betterment of mankind.

In recent times, the Czech Republic has extended its ethos of freedom and democracy in support of Ukraine, standing against authoritarian expansion. By providing humanitarian aid, political support, and advocating for Ukraine's sovereignty, the Czechs reaffirm their long-held values. This solidarity with Ukraine is not just a stance against aggression; it is a continuation of the Czech commitment to supporting and nurturing the principles of freedom and democracy. In this, the Czechs show that true greatness lies not in dominion, but in championing the rights and freedoms of all people, a testament to their enduring spirit and profound understanding of what constitutes genuine greatness.

By Warren Greer

Photo by JÉSHOOTS from Pexels:

Happy Birthday, Václav Havel!Of course, the first president of the Czech Republic needs no introduction, only perhaps a ...

Happy Birthday, Václav Havel!

Of course, the first president of the Czech Republic needs no introduction, only perhaps a continued recognition of his amazing life and legacy. In all the ages since Plato talked of a "philosopher king," it may be argued that no leader has come closer to filling that role than Havel. A true philosopher and intellectual, Havel's life and contribution has few parallels in human history.
The Václav Havel Library stands tall among the institutions that cherish Havel's legacy. The library "collects, researches, disseminates, promotes and advocates the spiritual, literary and political legacy" of Havel. It is located in Prague 1.

More information at

Image Courtesy of: David Sedlecký, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Forty years ago today, the movie Amadeus was released to worldwide praise. Filmed entirely in Prague, Amadeus won eight ...

Forty years ago today, the movie Amadeus was released to worldwide praise. Filmed entirely in Prague, Amadeus won eight Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.

The attached "making of" video tells a strange and remarkable story of how the movie was cast and then filmed in Communist Czechoslovakia.

Watch The Making of Amadeus - Educational documentaries on Dailymotion

Today, September 2nd, 1346, Charles IV was crowned King of Bohemia. Although he would eventually become Holy Roman Emper...

Today, September 2nd, 1346, Charles IV was crowned King of Bohemia. Although he would eventually become Holy Roman Emperor ruling over vast lands in central Europe, his heart was always in Bohemia where his Czech ancestry lay.

Under Charles's rule, Bohemia became a political, economic, and cultural center in Europe. He was a patron of the arts and science, and he founded Charles University in Prague in 1347.

All images are in the public domain, courtesy of Wikipedia.

"Prior to leaving Prague, Hus had declared that Jesus and not the pope, king, or any council held the highest authority ...

"Prior to leaving Prague, Hus had declared that Jesus and not the pope, king, or any council held the highest authority in religious matters. The C.S. Lewis Institute notes that Hus questioned corruption during a period of rampant immorality among the priests and officials within the Western Catholic Church."

July 6, 2023, Jan Hus day is a national holiday. Why does the religious reformer's legacy endure in Czechia?

Czechs have a fabulous history of good design, as displayed by this can of Krusovice dark. In case you are wondering, it...

Czechs have a fabulous history of good design, as displayed by this can of Krusovice dark. In case you are wondering, it tastes as good as it looks.. Na zdraví!

Today marks 33 years from the Velvet Revolution 🇨🇿

Today marks 33 years from the Velvet Revolution 🇨🇿

It's interesting to observe the geographic nuances of classic medieval castles. Karlstejn, near Prague, is an example of...

It's interesting to observe the geographic nuances of classic medieval castles. Karlstejn, near Prague, is an example of the strategic positioning required of true defensive fortresses that protected the treasures of the realm.

For example, despite its size and magnificence, Karlstejn cannot be seen from a distance of more than about a kilometer from any direction. Would-be intruders must have had a heck of a time finding it. This was only one of its many strategic defensive features. There was also a secret stream that flowed deep beneath the castle, providing the most essential life necessity in case of long seiges.

Many Crown Jewels of the Habsburgs were kept at Karlstejn though the years, such as the crown shown.

Karlstejn was built by King Charles the 4th, who became Holy Roman Emperor around 1365. He also built Prague Castle and the famous Charles Bridge.

This movie is a classic filmed in one of the most beautiful parts of the Czech Republic. Have you seen it? If so, what i...

This movie is a classic filmed in one of the most beautiful parts of the Czech Republic. Have you seen it? If so, what is your favorite scene?

🎞 Vezmete to dnes s Tomášem Holým do krámu také zkratkou kolem ‚‚Dračího zubu‘‘?🚴‍♂️
📺 Pondělí 26. 12. 2022 od 17:20 na ČT1, zhlédnout lze online přímo zde.:

🎥 Při příležitosti nedávného 40. výročí existence tohoto klenotu české filmografie, odehrávajícího se z převážné části v Českém ráji - jsme pro Vás připravili speciální album s filmovými záběry nejznámějších scén, doplněných o pohledy aktuální.
🙏 Zároveň bychom rádi vzdali hold Panu herci Tomáši Holému, jeho přirozený herecký talent, hravá spontánnost, radost ze života, neskutečný elán a to nejen v nezapomenutelných dětských rolích, s námi žijí i po 30 letech od jeho odchodu a potvrzují tak kvalitu tohoto českého herce..✨

🎬 Scénář a režie Marie Poledňáková (1941-2022), premiéra filmu v roce 1978
(v albu jsou použity printcreeny z filmu - dostupné online na webu Česká televize - viz odkaz)

💬 Za jakékoli doplnění u jednotlivých záběrů - osobní zážitky, zjištěné informace, zajímavosti z natáčení, atd. - předem děkujeme!
Děkuji autorovi stránky Tomáš Holý - - za velké množství dopsaných zajímavostí k jednotlivým snímkům v albu z natáčení i ze života Tomáše Holého.

📸 Autor alba: Karel Hubač

Na zdraví!

Na zdraví!

The center will take up three floors of a historical building and include a beer hall, a restaurant, and a shop.

Brilliant! 🇺🇦

Brilliant! 🇺🇦

The exhibition features a damaged Russian tank, a howitzer and defused rockets and shells.

"We were older and perhaps crankier now, and the latter came as a surprise when we stepped into the old bars and restaur...

"We were older and perhaps crankier now, and the latter came as a surprise when we stepped into the old bars and restaurants we frequented, crowded with the smoke and noise we previously rushed to join. And we were wistful."

I’ve been fortunate enough to have traveled throughout the world. But the connection I have to Prague is unlike any other.

Amazing biography of Tomas Bata. I didn't know much about him including how much he was inspired and transformed by a tr...

Amazing biography of Tomas Bata. I didn't know much about him including how much he was inspired and transformed by a trip to America in 1905 to study Yankee industry. Bata absolutely loved the American spirit of industry, independence, and responsibility. He was a bigtime dreamer who was always seeking to turn his dreams into reality. He loved American inventiveness and practical philosophy, seeing Edison and Emerson as personal heroes. An amazing read! 👍👍👍

A great strategy for visiting the Czech homeland is to fly LOT Polish airlines from Chicago to Warsaw. Roundtrip fares a...

A great strategy for visiting the Czech homeland is to fly LOT Polish airlines from Chicago to Warsaw. Roundtrip fares are generally less than $600. You can then rent a car or take a short flight to Prague! LOT has excellent service and flies Boeing Dreamliners.

The Vaclav Havel library is doing some cool things!

The Vaclav Havel library is doing some cool things!

Knihovna Václava Havla slouží jako dokumentační a vědecké centrum zabývající se moderními českými dějinami s důrazem na propagaci myšlenek Václava Havla.

Do you have your favorite path in the Czech Republic?

Do you have your favorite path in the Czech Republic?

The walking path through the woods around Šikmá Skála & Prachovské Skály is one of our favorites. Do you have your favorite one?

Happy Birthday, Bedřich Smetana! Today, especially, we honor your masterpiece, My Country, and vow that we will never gi...

Happy Birthday, Bedřich Smetana! Today, especially, we honor your masterpiece, My Country, and vow that we will never give up our cherished democracy and homeland.

Vídeňskou filharmonii diriguje Daniel Barenboim, Pražské jaro - 12. 5. 2017

Are you ready to plan YOUR trip to the homeland? You can do it! Prices are better than ever, and next year, 2022, will a...

Are you ready to plan YOUR trip to the homeland? You can do it! Prices are better than ever, and next year, 2022, will again feature lighter crowds than normal.

We are here to assist in all phases of the planning process. We will be working and giving tours in the Czech Republic from May through September next year. Let’s talk! Send us a message to get started.

Today, October 29, 1787, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart held the world premier of Don Giovani in Prague at what is now the Esta...

Today, October 29, 1787, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart held the world premier of Don Giovani in Prague at what is now the Estates Theatre. Generally regarded as one of Mozart's most brilliant masterpieces, Don Giovani is an operatic telling of the story of Don Juan and his legendary decent into vice and sin.

The opera's premier followed the smashing success of The Marriage of Figaro the previous year in which Mozart was welcomed to Prague with a hero's praise.

Among the cities in which Mozart performed, Prague was unique in its enthusiasm for his music. The following is an excerpt from the memoirs of Lorenzo Da Ponte, who wrote the libretti (performance booklet) for Don Gionvani:

"It is not easy to convey an adequate conception of the enthusiasm of the Bohemians for his music. The pieces which were admired least of all in other countries were regarded by those people as things divine; and, more wonderful still, the great beauties which other nations discovered in the music of that rare genius only after many, many performances, were perfectly appreciated by the Bohemians on the very first evening."

The Estates Theatre continues to host opera, ballet, and other dramas today.

Czech Travel Hack! $500-600 Airfare, Nonstop FlightsSo, you want to go home but can’t afford a big airfare? Think about ...

Czech Travel Hack!
$500-600 Airfare, Nonstop Flights

So, you want to go home but can’t afford a big airfare? Think about flying out of Chicago or New York to a major European hub such as Kraków, Warsaw, Munich, Berlin, or Vienna. Your dates can then mesh with numerous sales from many different airlines. Then, when you arrive, take a discount flight, bus, or rent a car to the Czech Republic.

If one shops ahead, ticket prices can be as low as $475, especially on LOT Polish Airlines. LOT has very good service and safety, and they fly Boeing 787 Dreamliners.

With 73 aircraft under its management, LOT Polish Airlines isn’t a large carrier when compared to some of…

Today is the birthday of the great, Milos Forman. Winner of three Academy Awards for Best Director, this photo shows For...

Today is the birthday of the great, Milos Forman. Winner of three Academy Awards for Best Director, this photo shows Forman winning his Oscar for Amadeus.

A few choice quotes:

“It's not a lighthearted decision to change your language, your country, your citizenship, and come to a world where you don't know anybody, to leave a place where you've had opportunities to build friendships from childhood. That's quite a big decision to make.”

“It's funny to realize, but in my relatively short life I have lived through six or seven different social and cultural systems. First the Democratic Republic of Czechoslovakia, then the limited democracy before World War II, then the N**i regime. After the N**i regime there was a kind of democracy again for three years, then came the Stalinist regime, then the reformed Communist regime, and now I am living in a free country.”

“I hear the word "socialist" being tossed around by the likes of Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Rick Sa****um, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and others. President Barack Obama, they warn, is a socialist. The critics cry, "Obamacare is socialism!" They falsely equate Western European-style socialism, and its government provision of social insurance and health care, with Marxist-Leninist totalitarianism. It offends me, and cheapens the experience of millions who lived, and continue to live, under brutal forms of socialism.”

TRAVEL TIP - 2021/1“Bring That Smartphone!”Put simply, the smartphone is to European travel what Pilsner Urquell was to ...

TRAVEL TIP - 2021/1

“Bring That Smartphone!”

Put simply, the smartphone is to European travel what Pilsner Urquell was to beer: It has changed everything!!! And due to increased cooperation between cell phone carriers, using a smartphone in Europe today is quite economical.

My own first trip to the Czech Republic was in 2001, a full six years before the iPhone was invented. As an American recently married to a Czech, I was a babe in the woods. Even though I was amazed by the history, culture, and architecture, I was bewildered by the language and reluctant to operate on my own. I was also disconnected from home in a way that took an increasing toll on my psyche. After a week I started buying USA Today newspaper just to give my brain a fix of English and home!

Luckily, today English is basically a second language in many cities, but a smartphone still makes everything sooooooooooooo much easier.

Firstly, navigation is now child’s play. Anywhere you want to go including walking and any form of transit, the route is in the palm of your hand. You can also book tickets to for train, airfare, and many attractions you might wish to visit. The ratings for restaurants, hotels, and experiences are easy to find and surprisingly accurate using Google Maps, Trip Advisor and similar apps.

Second, translation tools such as Google Translate can decipher any Czech words, including hand writing. Simply download the app and wave your camera over that menu or historical marker and, presto, you can read it easily!

Lastly, connecting to your family, friends, and colleagues back home can add joy and peace of mind to your travels. Sharing details of your trip with friends can allow them to enjoy it with you. Connecting with close family for a quick chat allows you see how they’re doing and vice versa. If monitoring your business activities is necessary, a smartphone allows you to perform most of the usual work tasks you do back home.

There are literally dozens of other ways a smartphone can enhance your travels, including just Googling things!

To get started, check with your cellphone carrier to see if they have an international travel plan. AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile have excellent options for the Czech Republic, usually about $10 per day for moderate to heavy use or about $70 per month for light use.

As always, WiFi is abundant and usually free. It’s still a good idea put your phone on airplane mode when not using, and you should close any unnecessary background apps to conserve data.

Hope to see you there!


Photo courtesy of Airbus.

“The only thing I can recommend at this stage is a sense of humor, an ability to see things in their ridiculous and absu...

“The only thing I can recommend at this stage is a sense of humor, an ability to see things in their ridiculous and absurd dimensions, to laugh at others and at ourselves, a sense of irony regarding everything that calls out for parody in this world. In other words, I can only recommend perspective and distance.”

~ Václav Havel

Friends, our next trip to the Czech Republic is late July through early September! As always, we will be linking up with...

Friends, our next trip to the Czech Republic is late July through early September! As always, we will be linking up with numerous people and assisting with their travels as needed.

Two major tips relating to airfare and lodging.

First, we book airfare from major cities in the U.S. (Chicago, Atlanta, New York) to major cities in Europe (Munich, Berlin, Vienna). This grants access to low fares from about two dozen different airlines.

This time we are flying direct from Chicago to Kraków on LOT Polish airlines for $500 per ticket.

For lodging, we are taking full advantage of AirBnb, which has some amazing deals right now in the heart of Prague. There are numerous flats available for weekly rentals this summer for less than $50/night!

For transportation, we rent a small car for $19/day, as driving in Europe is pretty similar to driving here (Yes, they all drive on the right side except for those looney Brits 😄).

Message us if you have questions!

Our mission is to help people connect with the history, culture, and meaning of the Czech experience.

Na zdraví! (Cheers!)

Image is in the public domain courtesy of Wikipedia.

'Tis the season to listen to that special Czech-inspired Christmas carol, Good King Wenceslas! The back story to song of...

'Tis the season to listen to that special Czech-inspired Christmas carol, Good King Wenceslas!

The back story to song offers a lot of insight on Czech history and legend. Yet, it also signals a deep and lasting connection between Czech kings/theologians and English/American theologians and storytellers.

For an excellent write-up about Good King Wenceslas, visit the Tres Bohemes website below to access an article by researcher, Susan Steiner Bolhouse. Also below is a link to the Bing Crosby version of the song. Veselé Vánoce!

"Good King Wenceslas and his Descendant (Charles IV)"

For the Bing Crosby version of the carol:

Image courtesy of Victoria and Albert Museum. It shows a biscuit container circa 1913 with the song and lyrics.

Discovering and expanding your Czech family story is easier than ever! One resource we highly recommend is Family Search...

Discovering and expanding your Czech family story is easier than ever! One resource we highly recommend is Family Search. It is a FREE nonprofit resource dedicated to helping all people discover their family history story.

Did we mention it is FREE and not for profit? 😄

Discover your family history by exploring the world's largest family tree and genealogy archive. Share family photos and stories. It's all free.



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