Plzeňský kraj
Info a rezervace na:
[email protected]
This site is intended for hunters who are interested in hunting pheasant, wild duck, wild turkey or hunting of deer.
Vídeňská 126
Pondělí | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Úterý | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Středa | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Čtvrtek | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Pátek | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Buďte informováni jako první, zašleme vám e-mail, když Hunting trips, Jagdreisen, Lovecké cesty - Prolov sro zveřejní novinky a akce. Vaše emailová adresa nebude použita pro žádný jiný účel a kdykoliv se můžete odhlásit.
Charge hunting in own hunting areas (hunting in the Czech Republic)
We are a hunting company with 25 years of experience in hunting game. During our pheasant and duck hunts, we offer you impressive hunting experiences. You can also book hunting for roebuck, mouflon, fallow deer, red deer, sika deer and wild boar. One of our highlight offers in the Czech Republic is wild turkey hunting. Most of our hunts take place in our own areas. Our hunting company Prolov is one of the most renowned hunting organizers for for roebuck hunting, muffle hunting, reddeer hunting, Sika deer hunting, wild boar hunting and driven hunt We are happy to put together an individual hunting package with accommodation and full board for hunters, hunting groups or family. We also organize hunts for hunters with dogs that they can use for their education.