ASAP Transport

ASAP Transport ASAP Prague Transport is a customer care transportation company in Prague, which provides Airport Tr

ASAP Prague Transport provides quality transportation services in the Czech Republic, Prague. Our basic services are: Airport transfers, Long-distance transfers,Trips, Hourly rents, VIP-Celebrity transportation, Individual requests and newly European Cruises services


Lesni 174



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How It all started?

Once upon a time, I have a vision, a vision of doing something I will enjoy and everybody around me as well. Something that fullfills my day, my life and help me to move further where I want to be. Yes, a vision of my lovely Family of course, but before that, I started a small family business called ASAP Transport. Purpose of this transportation company was and still is to deliver only best for each customer, guest, tourist, businessman or company that is possible to deliver.

As time passed, me and my business grew up, we learned new techniques, technologies and achieved success in what we do but indeed we failed and went down but we learned from it and still learning new things that help us to progress. My vision of this business is to never stop and learn, advance and achieve new peaks that will make my employees, customers and family happy.

This is not easy, nothing is easy, but with help and support from all sides, I dedicated my life to Transportation and once I will achieve another level where my attemps and hard work will be recognized. It will come but untill then I work as hard and as efficient as I know and can. You motivate me everyday, you give me that impulse to move and jump over those obstacles of everyday life.

Thank you very much to all of you my dear customers, my beloved family, my parents. My story just began lets write more and memorize it as an experience of your amazing trip to Prague. Along with ASAP Transport crew and myself, we are here for you for your families, kids, parents, we take care of your welcoming and departing to your homes. We are first you see and last to say goodbye. We make your stay wonderful and you make our life fullfilled by sending positive message all over the world.