Castle Kalich in Trebusin / Zámek Kalich v Třebušíně

Castle Kalich in Trebusin / Zámek Kalich v Třebušíně Castle Kalich in Trebusin is a event place for groups (workshops, holidays, ...)

Zámek Kalich v městě Třebušín bude místem pro mezinárodní porozumění prostřednictvím kulturní výměny. Najdete nás na cestě mezi Prahou a Drážďany. Castle Kalich in Trebusin soll eine Begegnungsstätte für Völkerverständigung durch kulturellen Austausch werden. Laying half way between
Prague and Dresden. Castle Kalich in Trebusin liegt zwischen Dresden und Prag. Třebušín No. 1, CZ-412 01 Litoměřice

GPS Loc.: 50°35‘59.09“N, 14°12‘16.14“E

Die Geschichte von Frau Meraldi (geb. Männel de Garrigues):


The Chronic of castle Trebusin
Written by my mother; "Ms Corinna" (1938 - 2005)

The history of the Trebusin Castle is closely related to the Village of Trebusin. In the old days, the owner of the village did often
own the castle, too, which was used purely as a domicile. Copper etching dating back to 1750 with Mount Kalich ,the Church St. Nicolas (still with ancient wooden tower) and the Castle Trebusin with Park, to the right. East-wing of the manor-house

Oldest parts: the cellars (basement), dating
back to 1057. A document (facsimile) dating back to 1384 states the following: “Mentioned as a parish with church St. Nicolas. Residence of German Knights as of 1257

The Owners

The village of Trebusin did exist already in 1057, when the
“Bleh of Trebusen” received it as a gift by the famous Czech
noble Hroznata of Tepl. 1257 The document of 1384 names the village
and states under the year 1257: “Trebusin, village with church St. Nikolas, within the village a manor belonging to the Order of German Knights with cloister and cloister chapel. Fortresses of the Order on Mount Panna and Kalich ...”

Owners came and went in the next centuries until 1540 in rapid succession. The change from one owner to the next
happened sometimes so quickly, that in one case a knight, who had been given the castle into his possession, was beheaded as a traitor by order of the same king who gave it to him in the first place !

;) So let’s shorten it a little and start from here:

1421: Hussite Wars - Jan Zizka burns the Castle ! Zizka (pronounced “Shishka”) was a Hussite general which came to our area “to liberate the serfs and bring them the protestant church-laws of Magister Jan Hus”. Jan Hus was declared a heretic by the catholic church. While visiting the congregated bishops and cardinals at Constance/Germany (Council of Constance), he was apprehended and burned at the stake, although he had a letter of safe conduct given by the Bohemian King and by the Pope ! As the castle was owned by the German Knights (Catholics)
Zizka set out to destroy it totally ...

Trebusin with its baroque church, Mount Kalich and the plague-monument below Linde-trees. 1540 The village of Trebusin was owned by the noble family of Sigmund von Wartberg. The castle was rebuilt. Documents mention a “fortified manor”. Karl Duban von Dubansky,
owner of Libecice Manor, was the next in line. He was followed by his son, who later bought the
Ploskovice village. The next village owner - and certainly also owner of
the castle, was in 1578 Oldrich Hostakovsky Arklebice who was succeeded by his son Tristan. Tristan again enlarged the building. Documents speak of a “renaissance fortress”. Other documents of these days describe “a manor with farm and fields” 1600. After Tristan’s death the manor/castle/village became the property of Jaroslav Ostersky, Kaplir of Sulejovice,who however lived at Mount Kalich Castle most of the time. After him, his son Smil inherited the Trebusin Castle. The castle was “confiscated” by the crown as he turned out to be involved in the uprising against the Habsburg Monarchy.

The village is sold to Paul Vencelius von Bochus. The Swedish Wars, 1630 The Castle is totally destroyed by Swedish
Troops. The Swedes, just as Jan Zizka’s troops centuries before them, destroyed Castle Trebusin because its owners were Catholics. Paul V. von Bochus did not live much in Trebusin,as during these days the castle was destroyed ...
His daughter married Franz Karl Kressl von Qualtenberg, who, along with his brother, was raised to knighthood by the king in 1693

1720 We hear of his name-sake and heir:
Franz Karl Kressl Baron von Qualtenberg. He was a most unusually talented and intelligent man, founder of the Faculty of Law, Prague University, becoming its first Rector. He received the Baron title by the Bohemian King and was a truly outstanding historical person ! For our little village he is remembered
for the following achievements:
* Together with Ferdinand Kindermann he built a new
“village school model”, which thereafter became the standard village school* in whole Bohemia by law. ;)

*Remark: Trebusin had already a small school as of 1660 !!! It was a small two-roomed thatched building.
* He introduced new fruit-trees and wines from Tyrol to our area
* started a brick-laying manufacture (near the old gas-station)
* Started a “spinning school” for the village women and - best of all
* opened a brewery to brew “12 barrels of beer a day” in Trebusin ! There were 5 guesthouses and pubs in Trebusin !
1726: Erection of the Plague Monument with Stone Cross on a
4 m (13 feet) high column by Baron von Qualtenberg. The noble family Kressl von Qualtenberg under its heir:
Franz Karl Baron Kressl von Qualtenberg (died 1801) owned
Triebsch (Trebusin) and the Kalich Village as well as Mount Kalich, its Hilltop castle and all surrounding forests until 1802. His widow Josefina owned and managed Castle and Village Trebusin until her death in 1802. She left all her possessions in her last will to her
nephew Franz Karl Count von Puteani, who married Antonie (Antonia), Countess von Putteani née de Morzini ( connections to Castle Ploskovice). Franz Karl started to renovate Castle Trebusin, to give the rooms baroque looks. These alterations were done by "Octavio Broggio",
the famous Litomerice architect of Italian origin. The so-called “Northern Wing” was added (ground floor-rooms only). Carl, Count von Putteani. After his death, his widow Antonia, Countess
von Putteani carried on to administrate the vast properties. After her death, their daughter Adele, Countess von Putteani
inherited "Castle Triebsch" (Trebusin) and all lands. Adele was a devoted catholic - always showing a free hand in supporting the needs of our local church and much liked by all in the Village of Triebsch (Trebusin) Adele ( Adelheid) Maria von Puteani
By courtesy of Michael Skal, her great-grandson (USA, 2002)
Adele, Countess von Puteani (November 16, 1853 - April 1937)
married Karl, Count von Skal and Gross Ellguth (December 16 - August 2, 1914) on November 29, 1873 in Prague - she was
23 years old. Count Karl von Skal and Gross-Ellguth (the Gross-Ellguth properties were in Schlesian lands, today Poland). His parents:
Ferdinand, Carl Wilhelm Baron von Skal u. born.: Aug. 3, 1809; died: Jan 12, 1879 Married Aug. 27, 1838 to Maria Franziska, Romana Countess von Riese-Stallburg born: July 4, 1814; died: 1.Juli 1895. Castle Triebsch was sold during 1913. Carl died in Jungferndorf 1914, Adele 1937. The Skal family immigrated to the United States. The Chronic of CASTLE TREBUSIN (1912 - 1992)
Castle Trebusin (Triebsch) was sold by the von Skal family in 1913. Baron Karl’s distant cousin was Helene Maennel (Männel) from Dresden who had spent all her childhood years and holidays at
Castle Trebusin and loved it there very much. Her husband, forest superintendent (my great-grandfather)

Dr. Hans Georg Maennel-de Garrigues

bought some very large forests in 1912 from Count Chotik and they moved into Castle Trebusin to live there. Again the time was ripe to renovate the estate’s outdated installations:
A warm-water heating system was put in along with the first ath-tubs
and flush-toilets (1913 !). Dr. Maennel started to replant thousands
of forest trees on Mount Kalich which had been cut and sold by Hameschke ... Today, the forests are as lovely - green and cool - as before ! The properties - Castle et all - belonged to
Dr. Maennel and heirs until 1945, when the family-estates were
nationalized under the Benes Laws and all Germans driven out of the country... ! Rose, wife of the heir Dr. Hansjoerg Maennel-
de Garrigues was warned by Jan Masaryk who called to advising her
better “to leave for a while until things straighten out”. (Jan was her husband Hansjoerg’s cousin and Czech foreign minister)
Rose and Hansjoerg Maennel never ever returned ....

Jan Masaryk was murdered on the 10th of March, 1948
It was their daughter H. Corinna Meraldi (née Maennel de Garrigues),
who came back first time in 1986 as a tourist to the little village and the “castle” on a visit, only to find the park a wilderness and the
Castle in very poor conditions. 1991: her mind was set on doing something about it. As the years of communist rule had ended,
she returned to live permanently in Trebusin and started to make plans with the newly elected village mayor. First she obtained a long
lease for the former Castle property. 1992: the properties were bought back from the council. She was as such the first “foreigner” in thewhole County of Litomerice and beyond to come back to the place of childhood in order to live there. She also was the first foreigner to form a company. Many new and modern things were introduced
by her - however all the things of old were well taken care of !
1992 - "Pani Corinna" (Maennel de Garrigues) made a smart little castle hotel out of it. The “backyard” became a clean parking
lot. Fine gravel was brought there by the tons...
The yard was fenced, a new gate was added and today guests can park there and be sure their car is safe ! The large park; the prettiest spot from spring to autumn is the garden-terrace. This terrace cannot be seen from the road ... it’s very private ...
There, guests sit under a green roof of climbing hops and wild wine. Best time is before the sun sets, as the last sun rays turn the terrace into a translucent light filtering through the greenery.
1993 H. Corinna Meraldi "Pani Corinna" (née Maennel de Garrigues)
founded a Tourist Association in Trebusin, the first of it’s kind in Northern Bohemia. Main goals of the Bohemian Culture
Club are to preserve old buildings in the village and monuments:
the plague-monument was renovated in 1994 and the stone-cross - missing since 1952 - was replaced, the statue of St. Nepomuk above the church was renovated, too. Another most important goal is to attract tourists. After her death 15.02.2005, her daughter Claudia, de Almeida (née Maennel de Garrigues) inherited Castle Trebusin and all lands. Mrs./"Pani Claudia" wants to continue this idea and is just about to turn the former Castle Hotel*** into a meeting place. Her goal is to promote the international understanding through cultural exchange ! For more history: TGM

What is the connection between the castle Trebusin and
"Thomas Garrigues Masaryk" ? At first more about "Charlotte de Garrigues" a born American of German-Danish-Huguenot roots - wife of the Founder-President of the Czechoslovak Republic Thomas Garrigues-Masaryk was a direct cousin of Dr. Hans Georg Maennel as Charlotte’s father Rudolf Garrigues (he had dropped the ‘de’ from his family name) and Hans-George’s mother Sophie de Garrigues were brother and sister ! Life in these pretty Bohemian lands was good. Dr. Maennel was actively training foresters and hunters, teaching them the latest techniques and know-how. He died 1922 at the age of only 52 from a major heart decease. His tombstone is found in the park below a large natural rock. Here is the description of the canting arms. The coat of arms Maennel de Garrigues family, see our photos. Crest of the de Garrigues Family

5 oak trees (old French: garrigues = oaks)
2 acorns, helmet with visor and free-floating crown
(symbol of French dukes)

There’s still more to it:
2 elephant-trunks (proboscis) and a
“braccio ferro” (iron arm) waving an acorn ...

The de Garrigues derives from French royalty as of 1352. Thank you for your interest, Claudia de Almeida
(née Maennel de Garrigues)

Save the date 😋Tak zase jedna gurmánská akcička, mohu říci, že to bude zase lahoda a všem doporučuju, kuchař Emanuel a j...

Save the date 😋

Tak zase jedna gurmánská akcička, mohu říci, že to bude zase lahoda a všem doporučuju, kuchař Emanuel a já se těšíme na Vaši návštěvu. Detailní jídelní lístek naleznete na

Fürs ProtokollUnsere (noch) rote Eminenz im Hintergrund ist am 20. Januar ein halbes Jahrhundert alt geworden 😍Im Gegens...

Fürs Protokoll

Unsere (noch) rote Eminenz im Hintergrund ist am 20. Januar ein halbes Jahrhundert alt geworden 😍

Im Gegensatz zu unserem Schlossgespenst ist Claudia noch ein Jungspunt 😁

Wir vom Schlossteam wünschen ihr noch viele wundervolle Jahrhunderte und danken Ihr, dass sie Ihr Schloss mit uns und unseren lieben Gästen teilt 💐

Castle Team & Maskottchen Foxy

Pavel & Martina
Chefkoch Emanuel
(er hat den Geburtstagskuchen nicht gebacken, Emil hat den Schokoladenkuchen extra für Claudia gebacken) uuuund zu guter Letzt, auch auch wenn man ihn kaum sieht, von unserem lieben Schlossgespenst 😁

🍀 💝 🍀

For the record

Our (still) red eminence in the background turned half a century old on January 20th. In contrast to our castle ghost, Claudia is still a real youngster 😁

We at the castle team wish her many more wonderful centuries and thank her for sharing her castle with us and our dear guests 💐

Castle Team & mascot Foxy

Pavel & Martina
Head chef Emanuel
(he didn't make the birthday cake, Emil baked the cake especially for Claudia)
aaand last but not least, even though you hardly see him, our dear castle ghost 😉

Tak zase jedna gurmánská akcička, mohu říci, že to bude zase lahoda a všem doporučuju, kuchař Emanuel a já se těšíme na ...

Tak zase jedna gurmánská akcička, mohu říci, že to bude zase lahoda a všem doporučuju, kuchař Emanuel a já se těšíme na Vaši návštěvu. Detailní jídelní lístek naleznete na

Am 8 und 9 November haben wir unser Schloss wieder für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet und laden Sie herzlichst ein, unsere ...

Am 8 und 9 November haben wir unser Schloss wieder für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet und laden Sie herzlichst ein, unsere Gänsespezialitäten zu probieren.

Save the date 🏰 06.07.2024Our annual Hussite festival will take place again on Saturday this weekend.Boots on the ground...

Save the date 🏰 06.07.2024

Our annual Hussite festival will take place again on Saturday this weekend.
Boots on the ground 😎

Unser jährliches Hussitenfest findet dieses Wochenende wieder am Samstag statt 😎

Between / zwischen

Safe the date 😎

Safe the date 😎

💐 Happy Birthday Foxy 💐Heute hat unser lieber Freund und Schloss Maskottchen Foxy seinen 17 Geburtstag 😍 und weil er Hüh...

💐 Happy Birthday Foxy 💐

Heute hat unser lieber Freund und Schloss Maskottchen Foxy seinen 17 Geburtstag 😍 und weil er Hühnchen seeehr liebt gibt es heute für ihn und seinem besten Freund Levin abgekochtes Bio Hünchen File 😁

Wir freuen uns auf hoffentlich noch sehr viele Jahre mit ihm zusammen 🙏


Today is our dear friend and castle mascot Foxy's 17th birthday 😍 and because he loves chicken, today he and his best friend Levin are having cooked organic chicken file 😋

We are looking forward to hopefully being with him for maaany more years 🙏

Wir wünschen allen Müttern einen schönen Muttertag 💝 Wir feiern heute noch dazu unser 33 Jähriges Jubiläum im Schloss 😊💝...

Wir wünschen allen Müttern einen schönen Muttertag 💝 Wir feiern heute noch dazu unser 33 Jähriges Jubiläum im Schloss 😊

💝 We wish all mothers a great Mother's Day. Today we are also celebrating our 33rd anniversary in the Castle Kalich in Trebusin / Zámek Kalich v Třebušíně. 😊

Claudia de Almeida

Všechny srdečně zvu na tento víkend 19 -21. 1. na zvěřinové hody.  Možno i přespat, na jeden den cena 600Kč osoba, na dv...

Všechny srdečně zvu na tento víkend 19 -21. 1. na zvěřinové hody. Možno i přespat, na jeden den cena 600Kč osoba, na dva dny 1000Kč osoba.

Hallo ich lade euch alle herzlich zu einem Spielfest an diesem Wochenende vom 19. bis 21. Januar ein.  Es besteht auch d...

ich lade euch alle herzlich zu einem Spielfest an diesem Wochenende vom 19. bis 21. Januar ein. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit zu übernachten, für einen Tag beträgt der Preis 600CZK pro Person, für zwei Tage 1000CZK pro Person. Die Speisekarte ist beigefügt.

R.I.P. WolleThank you for your music, your photoart and  your support of my little castle ❤See you again on the other si...

R.I.P. Wolle
Thank you for your music, your photoart and your support of my little castle ❤

See you again on the other side 🙌

Claudia, Pavel and team

⭐ Weihnachtsmarkt in Trebusin 🌲🌲

⭐ Weihnachtsmarkt in Trebusin 🌲

S radostí sdílíme pozvánku na tradiční vánoční jarmark v třebušínské škole, který se koná příští sobotu.🥰
Přejeme krásnou druhou adventní neděli! 💜


Zámek Třebušín č. 1

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