Freebird's World

Freebird's World Birds don't have borders – so why a birder?

Remembering the last January trip to Rome.

Remembering the last January trip to Rome.

Have an enjoyable year of 2025 ! 😉🙏✌️🤟👍

Have an enjoyable year of 2025 ! 😉🙏✌️🤟👍

Coal tit, just like that 😉Have a nice day 👍

Coal tit, just like that 😉
Have a nice day 👍

What an honour! 🙏 Happy ✌️😉👍 Bronze in the world's best bird photo competition.

What an honour! 🙏 Happy ✌️😉👍 Bronze in the world's best bird photo competition.

Waving goodbye to Bolivia 🙏

Waving goodbye to Bolivia 🙏

VERY HAPPY! 😃✌️🙏My new book just came out, photos from all 7 continents and (attempts at) inspiring texts about nature (...

My new book just came out, photos from all 7 continents and (attempts at) inspiring texts about nature (conservation), ecology, photography and life and everything 😉 I received the pic from an unknown author (who works in the printing company) and like it a lot 👍🤩

Your most favourite Neotropical family? For me seedsnipes, for sure. This beauty is Gray-breasted Seedsnipe (Thinocorus ...

Your most favourite Neotropical family? For me seedsnipes, for sure. This beauty is Gray-breasted Seedsnipe (Thinocorus orbignyianus).

Tracking Andean Tinamous in Altiplano.

Tracking Andean Tinamous in Altiplano.

What a nice surprise & honour to see my work awarded in the leading global bird photo competition 🙏🥇👍 The photo will be ...

What a nice surprise & honour to see my work awarded in the leading global bird photo competition 🙏🥇👍 The photo will be included in my new upcoming book "The Bird World through the Eyes of a Photographer" 🙏👍

Several photos from Bolivia made it to my upcoming book, this one is NOT among the lucky ones 😉Crimson-crested woodpecke...

Several photos from Bolivia made it to my upcoming book, this one is NOT among the lucky ones 😉
Crimson-crested woodpecker, Bolivia, 2023.

This photo didn't make it into my upcoming book. At least I'll post it here 😉European Roller vs. Common Kestrel.

This photo didn't make it into my upcoming book. At least I'll post it here 😉
European Roller vs. Common Kestrel.


How to celebrate better than by introducing a cover of a new photo book? 😉👍

Birds don't have borders – so why a birder?


Agami Photo Agency just crossed the mark of 7 500 bird species! 👍I am happy to have contributed with cca half hundred new species. One of them is this spectacular Malayan Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron peninsulae), an endemic species of peninsular Malaysia.
It did not make it into the selection of photos for my upcoming book, but still I like the pic a lot ;-) 👍

Birds don't have borders – so why a birder?

The text accompanying photos in my upcoming book has cost me a lot of effort - still, I am humbled by this caption, I ca...

The text accompanying photos in my upcoming book has cost me a lot of effort - still, I am humbled by this caption, I cannot even compete with this... 😃😁😆
(source: Bird Photographer of the Year portfolio)


The BOOK, finally!
Last night I submitted 250 pics and their stories to my publisher, the book is scheduled for this October.
This is one of the old pics that made it to the final selection.
The last week I worked with conjunctivitis, every day till 3 am... now I need new eyes 🤣

Birds don't have borders – so why a birder?


Have been working on o photographic book for last couple of weeks, full steam. This mesmerizing BEAUTY must join the party, for sure 😉✌️

Birds don't have borders – so why a birder?



**Bonelli's!**What a great surprise today - right above the finca where I am hosted. My 1st for Spain - after 10 visits ...

What a great surprise today - right above the finca where I am hosted. My 1st for Spain - after 10 visits to the country it was a high time... ;-)





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