Levanter - Sailing for everybody

Levanter - Sailing for everybody LEVANTER s.r.o. se zabývá námořním jachtingem, pronájmem lodí, charterem jachet a plachetnic,

Pronájem/charter více než 1900 plachetnic na 95 základnách ve všech jachtařských oblastech prostřednictvím celosvětové partnerské sítě DYC, PIT a AYC, prodej jachtařského vybavení, oblečení a doplňků, PUMA, Suunto, kapitánské teoretické a praktické kurzy, kapitánské průkazy, kondiční plavby, e-shop


Hanse 590


Le leader du Vendée Globe a été survolé en début d’après midi au large de Penmarc’h (Sud Finistère). Il est à près de 130 milles de la ligne d’arrivée où il ...



A ship’s speed is measured in knots because it is a unit of speed historically used in navigation, tied to the maritime tradition. The term originates from a method sailors used in the past to measure speed at sea.

The History:
• Sailors used a device called a log line, a rope with evenly spaced knots tied along its length.
• The log line was thrown into the water, and as the ship moved, the number of knots that passed through a sailor’s hands in a specific amount of time (usually 30 seconds) was counted.
• This count determined the ship’s speed in “knots.”

Why Knots?
• A knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour.
• Nautical miles are based on the Earth’s circumference and are more practical for navigation because they are tied to the planet’s geography (1 nautical mile = 1 minute of latitude = 1.852 kilometers).

Using knots allows for consistency and precision in maritime and aerial navigation, making it the standard unit for measuring speed at sea and in the air.

PF 2025

PF 2025



The IALA Buoyage System is divided into two regions: Region A and Region B, with the primary difference being the color scheme used for lateral marks. While Region A covers Europe, Africa, most of Asia, and Australia, Region B includes the Americas (North and South), Japan, Korea, and the Philippines.

IALA Buoyage System Region B Overview:

Geographical Coverage:
- Region B includes North America, South America, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines.

Key Differences in Region B:

1. Lateral Marks:
Lateral marks in Region B are used to indicate the port (left) and starboard (right) sides of a navigable channel when entering from seaward, but the color scheme is opposite to that of Region A.

🟢Port Side Marks:
- Color: Green.
- Shape: Can-shaped (cylindrical) or pillar-shaped with a flat top.
- Topmark: (If used) a single green can or cylinder.
- Light Characteristics: If lit, the light is green and may have a flashing pattern.

🔴Starboard Side Marks:
- Color: Red.
- Shape: Cone-shaped or pillar-shaped with a pointed top (cone).
- Topmark: (If used) a single red cone.
- Light Characteristics: If lit, the light is red and may have a flashing pattern.

2. Preferred Channel Marks:
Preferred Channel Marks in Region B also indicate the recommended route at a channel junction, but again, the color scheme is reversed compared to Region A.

🔴🔴Preferred Channel to Starboard:
- Color: Green with one broad red horizontal band.
- Shape: Can-shaped or pillar-shaped with a flat top.
- Topmark: (If used) a single green can.
- Light Characteristics: If lit, the light is green with a group-flashing (2+1) pattern.

🟢🟢Preferred Channel to Port:
- Color: Red with one broad green horizontal band.
- Shape: Cone-shaped or pillar-shaped with a pointed top (cone).
- Topmark: (If used) a single red cone.
- Light Characteristics: If lit, the light is red with a group-flashing (2+1) pattern.


Jeden tanker rozlomený ve dví, druhý poškozený se rozpadá na mělčině. Tisíce tun ropných produktů a mazutu v moři, jeden mrtvý, zasažené pobřeží, umírající mořské živočišstvo. Taková je bilance plavby ruských tankerů Volgoneft na otevřené moře. K nehodě došlo v ...


Vývoj techniky je někdy (velmi často) rychlejší než změna v úředním uvažování. Úřední moloch je ze své podstaty zvíře statické, které do pohybu uvedou až velmi razantní rány bičíkem. Někdy může být statičnost ku prospěchu věci, často ale škodí. Při kapitánskýc...


Jana Nohy 878/2

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Pondělí 08:00 - 17:00
Úterý 08:00 - 17:00
Středa 08:00 - 17:00
Čtvrtek 08:00 - 17:00
Pátek 08:00 - 17:00



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