Kasea CZ

Kasea CZ Najdeme Vám legální a stabilní práci v ČR. We are happy to provide for your foreign clients/expats following services.

You can either choose from various activities stated below or we can arrange any other possible combinations according to your needs. Visa

Work permit
Long and short term visa
Residence permit
Blue cards
Evidence of the visa agenda

Accommodation according to the concrete request of the client
Luxury rentals
Laundry and cleaning

Lease of the cars – long or short te

Personal transport
Arrangement of flight tickets
Driving licenses

Driving schools for expats
Communication with authorities

Elementary education in English
Nursery with education in English
Education courses – Czech language for foreigners

Komplex insurance for foreigners

English speaking person on the phone – 10 hours a day
Accompaniment to the doctor, the bank, the post office

🇵🇭 Do you have passion for cooking? 👨‍🍳🍽️ We are looking for assistant cook to join a bistro in Prague! 💸 30 000 CZK net...

🇵🇭 Do you have passion for cooking? 👨‍🍳🍽️ We are looking for assistant cook to join a bistro in Prague!

💸 30 000 CZK netto + bonuses and overtime
🧑‍🍳 No experience needed
🇨🇿 Min. 9 months in CZ required

Contact us for more information! 📩

Every employee in the Czech Republic has legal rights that ensure fair and safe working conditions! 🏛️💪✅ Right to a sala...

Every employee in the Czech Republic has legal rights that ensure fair and safe working conditions! 🏛️💪

✅ Right to a salary – Must be paid on time and at least at the minimum wage level which is 20 800 CZK for 2025.
✅ Working hours – Standard 40 hours per week, with limits on overtime.
✅ Vacation entitlement – At least 4 weeks per year.
✅ Breaks and rest periods – After 6 hours of work, you have the right to a break for meals and rest.
✅ Protection against unfair dismissal – Employers must provide a valid reason and follow legal procedures.
✅ Safe working conditions – Employers are required to ensure health & safety at work.

📌 Tip: If you’re unsure about your rights, you can contact the Labour Inspectorate or seek legal advice. ⚖️

💬 Did you know about all these rights? Have you ever had to defend them? Share your experiences in the comments! ⬇️🔥

Ви маєте досвід водіння автомобіля? Шукаєте стабільну та добре оплачувану роботу? Ми шукаємо водіїв категорій C та C+E! ...

Ви маєте досвід водіння автомобіля? Шукаєте стабільну та добре оплачувану роботу? Ми шукаємо водіїв категорій C та C+E! 🚛

💸 Приваблива зарплата до 50 000 - 60 000 CZK
🏡 Безкоштовне проживання від роботодавця
📍 Острава, Градець Кралове, Плзень

Що може бути краще, ніж інвестувати в себе? Маєте чудову можливість пройти курс чеської мови та можливість пошуку кращої...

Що може бути краще, ніж інвестувати в себе? Маєте чудову можливість пройти курс чеської мови та можливість пошуку кращої роботи в майбутньому. 💼

Ми пропонуємо сертифіковані інтенсивні онлайн-курси чеської мови, на яких ви дізнаєтеся основні фрази для комфортного спілкування на роботі та за її межами. 🧑‍💻 МОВА ЦЕ ВОРОТА ДО ЧЕХІЇ.

Напишіть нам для отримання додаткової інформації! 📩

Покращіть свій талант у піклуванні з любовʼю👩‍⚕️ Набираємо піклувальників, які з нами будуть займатися створенням безпеч...

Покращіть свій талант у піклуванні з любовʼю👩‍⚕️ Набираємо піклувальників, які з нами будуть займатися створенням безпечного будинку для людей літнього віку.👵❤️

💰 аж 45 000 Kč + премії за понаднормові, вікенду і нічіні зміни.
📍Praha - Klamovka, Štěrboholy a Slívenec
🎓вимоги: мінімально загально освітня школа. Також курс навчання надамо за наш рахунок.

✨ New Year, New Me? ✨ Another hardworking Filipino has decided to change their life for the better and started the New Y...

✨ New Year, New Me? ✨ Another hardworking Filipino has decided to change their life for the better and started the New Year working in the Czech Republic! 🛫🌍 What about you? Isn’t it time for a fresh start too?

✅ We’ll help you find legal employment.
✅ We’ll handle all the necessary paperwork.
✅ We’ll answer all your questions about working in the Czech Republic.

Start the New Year with new opportunities – contact us today! 🌟

Hledáme skladníky pro sklad ovoce a zeleniny v Divišově u Prahy. 🍇🍎 Vhodné i pro cizince. 🇺🇦💰 30 000 Kč měsíčně🕐 2 směny...

Hledáme skladníky pro sklad ovoce a zeleniny v Divišově u Prahy. 🍇🍎 Vhodné i pro cizince. 🇺🇦

💰 30 000 Kč měsíčně
🕐 2 směny – žádné noční!
🏡 Ubytování zajištěno zaměstnavatelem
🚘 Doprava zdarma z ubytování až do práce

Práce je vhodná pro jednotlivce (muže i ženy) i rodinné páry.

The celebration of Christmas in the Czech Republic differs in many ways from the Philippines. How exactly? 👇🕯️ Christmas...

The celebration of Christmas in the Czech Republic differs in many ways from the Philippines. How exactly? 👇

🕯️ Christmas in the Czech Republic begins with the first Advent Sunday in December, unlike in the Philippines, where Christmas celebrations start as early as September.

🎁 Gifts are exchanged in the Czech Republic on December 24th after the Christmas Eve dinner, and the day ends with midnight mass. In contrast, in the Philippines, Christmas Day begins with midnight mass and continues on December 25th.

🐟 The traditional Christmas Eve meal in the Czech Republic is fried carp with potato salad, whereas in the Philippines, it’s lechon, a slow-roasted pig.

🎄 What do both nations have in common? Despite the differences in traditions, both share a deep connection to family, love, and gratitude for the good things in life. Christmas in both the Philippines and the Czech Republic is a time for people to cherish the company of loved ones, celebrate the holidays, and appreciate what they have. ❤️

🚌 Ви водій міського транспорту без стажу роботи? Якщо так, то вистачить мінімально водійське посвідчення категорії С та ...

🚌 Ви водій міського транспорту без стажу роботи? Якщо так, то вистачить мінімально водійське посвідчення категорії С та бажання їздити.

💸 Зарплата 35 000-50 000 чеських крон
📄 Організуємо навчання для отримання водійського посвідчення з категорії С на категорію Д.
📍Проживання зі знижкою

Цікавить дана пропозиція? Не вагайтесь і контактуйте нас вже сьогодні! 🚍

🇵🇭 Top Questions Before Arriving in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿👋 How do I get to the Czech Republic?We’ll arrange your flight,...

🇵🇭 Top Questions Before Arriving in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿

👋 How do I get to the Czech Republic?
We’ll arrange your flight, pick you up at the airport, and take you directly to your accommodation or employer. Anytime – day, night, or weekend, we’re here for you.

👫 How do I get to work?
We ensure a smooth transition. Either we’ll personally accompany you, or we’ll inform your employer so they’re ready to greet you and help you get oriented.

📋 What if they don’t understand me at offices or with a doctor?
Upon arrival, we’ll accompany you to the foreign police for registration and assist with the medical examination, which is required to start working.

📄 Signing the contract and safety briefing?
Our team is always with you as translators, ready to explain everything you need to know when signing contracts or attending safety briefings.

💸 When will I receive my salary?
In the Czech Republic, salaries are paid by the 15th of each month for the previous month’s work, directly into your Czech bank account.

🏦 I don’t have a Czech bank account. What now?
Don’t worry; we’ll help you set up an account so you’re all set to begin your new chapter smoothly.

Is there something we didn't answer? Tell us in the comments what you would like to know about working in the Czech Republic! 🇨🇿💼

🚚Шукаємо водіїв групи В (Чехія - Франція)! 🇫🇷 Забезпечимо Вам проживання🏡 офіційне працевлаштування 💼 та шанс на подальш...

🚚Шукаємо водіїв групи В (Чехія - Франція)! 🇫🇷 Забезпечимо Вам проживання🏡 офіційне працевлаштування 💼 та шанс на подальший розвиток - можливість навчання на кат С і Е🚚

Заповніть форму і ми з вами звʼяжемося! 📩

🇵🇭 A year ago, we had the pleasure of assisting these skilled workers from the Philippines with their job interviews at ...

🇵🇭 A year ago, we had the pleasure of assisting these skilled workers from the Philippines with their job interviews at a Czech company. Today, they've been there for a year, and both they and their employer couldn’t be happier! 🥰

Their dedication and expertise have made a positive impact, and it’s a joy to see how well they’ve integrated and succeeded. We’re proud to support talented individuals in finding fulfilling opportunities abroad. Here’s to many more successful years! 🌟

👩‍⚕️ Шукаємо фізіотерапевта до престижного роботодавця, який пропонує Вам професійне зростання, чудові умови праці та ці...

👩‍⚕️ Шукаємо фізіотерапевта до престижного роботодавця, який пропонує Вам професійне зростання, чудові умови праці та цікаву фінансову винагороду.

💸 Заробітна плата відповідно до досвіду та практики
🏡 Допомога на житло та харчування
🏝️ 5 тижнів відпустки

Якщо ви відповіли так, тоді приєднуйтеся до нас! 📩📞

🇵🇭 If you want to work in the Czech Republic as a Filipino citizen, you need to obtain a long-term work visa or an emplo...

🇵🇭 If you want to work in the Czech Republic as a Filipino citizen, you need to obtain a long-term work visa or an employment card. Here’s what you need to know: 👇

1️⃣ Employment Card: This visa allows you to stay for more than 90 days and legally work in the Czech Republic. To apply for the card, you’ll need an employment contract or a preliminary job offer from a Czech employer.

2️⃣ Long-Term Work Visa: This visa is required for work stays longer than 90 days. We will help you prepare all necessary documents, including proof of accommodation, employment contract, and health insurance.

👉 KASEA CZ will guide you through the entire process, from preparing documents to communicating with the authorities, so you can complete everything as smoothly and legally as possible. 💼

Покращіть свій талант у піклуванні з любовʼю👩‍⚕️ Набираємо піклувальників, які з нами будуть займатися створенням безпеч...

Покращіть свій талант у піклуванні з любовʼю👩‍⚕️ Набираємо піклувальників, які з нами будуть займатися створенням безпечного будинку для людей літнього віку.👵❤️

💰 аж 45 000 Kč + премії за понаднормові, вікенду і нічіні зміни.
📍Praha - Klamovka, Štěrboholy a Slívenec
🎓вимоги: мінімально загально освітня школа. Також курс навчання надамо за наш рахунок.

Зв'яжіться з нами для отримання додаткової інформації. 📩

🇵🇭 5 Things to Watch Out for When Looking for Work in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿1️⃣ Agency Certification: Make sure the agenc...

🇵🇭 5 Things to Watch Out for When Looking for Work in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿

1️⃣ Agency Certification: Make sure the agency has all the necessary permits and certifications for job placement. Working through unapproved agencies can put you at risk of illegal employment.

2️⃣ Written Contract: Never start a job without a written contract. A contract protects you, ensuring that the terms of work are fair and legal.

3️⃣ Clear Conditions: A good agency will always explain your work conditions, salary, and other benefits clearly. If the communication is vague or something is hidden, proceed with caution.

4️⃣ Visa and Documentation Assistance: Choose an agency that helps with your visa and all necessary paperwork. This way, you can be sure your stay in the Czech Republic is legal.

5️⃣ Support Upon Arrival and During Your Stay: A reliable agency will not only arrange your job but also help with your arrival and accommodation, making your initial days smoother.

With us, you’re guaranteed legal employment and complete support throughout your stay! 💼🌍

🇵🇭 Do you have passion for cooking? 👨‍🍳🍽️ We are looking for assistant cook to join a bistro in Prague! 💸 30 000 CZK net...

🇵🇭 Do you have passion for cooking? 👨‍🍳🍽️ We are looking for assistant cook to join a bistro in Prague!

💸 30 000 CZK netto + bonuses and overtime
🧑‍🍳 No experience needed
🇨🇿 Min. 9 months in CZ required

Contact us and we'll get back to you! 📩

Looking for work in Czechia? Here are 5 reasons to choose Kasea employment agency! 🌍🤝📍 Reliable jobs in the Czech Republ...

Looking for work in Czechia? Here are 5 reasons to choose Kasea employment agency! 🌍🤝

📍 Reliable jobs in the Czech Republic – we secure a position in trustworthy companies.

📄 Visa assistance – we take care of all the necessary documents.

🏠 Accommodation arrangements – we find you comfortable and affordable housing, which is often paid for by the employer.

💬 Support and translation – we are with you every step of the way, including errands at offices or at the doctor's.

🙌 Hassle-free integration – we help you easily adapt to your new environment.

Start a new chapter with us! 💼✈️ We have many open positions, contact us for more information! 📩 📞


Hasičská 551

Otevírací doba

Pondělí 09:00 - 17:00
Úterý 09:00 - 17:00
Středa 09:00 - 17:00
Čtvrtek 09:00 - 17:00
Pátek 09:00 - 17:00



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