Agentura, SE

Agentura, SE "At a time, when evil prevails. At a time, when kidnappings, murders, as well as industrial espionage are becoming an everyday reality, it is more and more

Our services

Close Protection

We provide a comprehensive personal close protection at the highest professional level. Our close protection team will ensure real protection. We analyse the risks, eliminate source of the problem and put in a professional team. To protect you, we are able to move you to a safe place, at home or abroad. We use luxury limousines and ballistically modified vehicles

and advanced technology. After extensive experience abroad, we believe that we have one of the best teams of personal protection. Facility protection

We provide guard service of foreign facilities at crisis destinations. We keep wide range of security personnel, with professional armed forces background and all of them undergone standard ATAC course for security guards. Facility protection in crisis destination
Facility protection at demanding climate environment
Military facility protection
Protection of VIP facilities and Embassies
QRT - Quick Reaction Team

Evacuation of crisis destinations, search for missing persons abroad, rescue the hostages. In extreme cases we respond within 24 hours anywhere in the world using a private aircraft. QRT is highly Professional team of instructors from ATAC. Security Consultancy

Government consultancy in security areas
Security consultancy and risk assesments in crisis destinations
Adjusting of security systems of protection in crisis destinations
Recognition of security environment, discovery of latent threats
Anti-stalking consultancy
Anti-racketeering consultancy
Loyal employees testing
DNA analysis


Plaska 622/3, Praha 5

Internetová stránka


Close protection services.
Training academy.
Security consultancy.


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