Prague Cool guide

Prague Cool guide Let´s visit Prague ;-) Jsem licencovaný průvodce, rodilý Pražan, vstřícný a celkem optimisticky smýšlející společník.

Studovala jsem na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy, jsem držitelem osvědčení o odborné způsobilosti k výkonu průvodcovské činnosti v oblasti cestovního ruchu. Organizuji individuální prohlídky pro malé i velké skupiny, VIP klienty, firmy a zájmové skupiny jakými jsou například sbory, orchestry, fotografové.


Praha kolem roku 1920. Autor neznámý. Uloženo v Moravské galerii.

Prague around 1920

Prague around 1920

Praha kolem roku 1920. Autor neznámý. Uloženo v Moravské galerii.

Prague Castle & frosten Petřín Hill ❄️

Prague Castle & frosten Petřín Hill ❄️

Today marks 44 years since John Lennon finished singing. He has never been to Prague, but he has a wall here with an ima...

Today marks 44 years since John Lennon finished singing. He has never been to Prague, but he has a wall here with an imaginary tombstone. The place no longer has an atmosphere, instead of poetry there are scribbles or even insults on the wall, but the name of John Lennon remains.

Christmas in Prague doesn't have to be about crowds and shopping! Some of us know how to enjoy the Advent time... for ex...

Christmas in Prague doesn't have to be about crowds and shopping! Some of us know how to enjoy the Advent time... for example at Prague Castle. There's a yurt and workshops for young visitors (just beware, on weekdays mornings are reserved for children's groups), and you can admire the delicate beauty of Christmas decorations in the Rozmberk Palace. And by the way - the Christmas shop is just a stone's throw from the exhibition :-)

Pražský hrad

Zdá se, že Staroměstské náměstí bude zase fotografovatelné

Zdá se, že Staroměstské náměstí bude zase fotografovatelné

V Praze na Staroměstském náměstí ráno začala demontáž nelegálně stojících předzahrádek firmy K.V.P. Gastro. Na místě jsou i technici, kteří mají zajistit odpojení od plynu a elektřiny. Bourání provádí Technická správa komunikací.

There was a bit more water than usual in Prague today. Due to the situation on the watercourses, there was a regulated d...

There was a bit more water than usual in Prague today. Due to the situation on the watercourses, there was a regulated draining, which caused the embankments to flood and thanks to which we could see the embankment in its beauty - without boats


This secret place with a strong genius loci will irrevocably disappear. But you have until the end of July to let the old times take over 🙏

It's not just beer we like! But also great ice hockey. These days, you can enjoy a puck from the Pekárna Kabát bakery (w...

It's not just beer we like! But also great ice hockey. These days, you can enjoy a puck from the Pekárna Kabát bakery (which is the only Czech bakery which has a sourdough starter in a sourdough bank in Belgium) or a puck from the famous chocolate factory Čokoládovna Steiner & Kovarik - decide for yourself which puck is made for a sweet goal: milk, dark or white chocolate?

...Open your eyes and enjoy!

...Open your eyes and enjoy!

For lovers of David Černý's works there will be another "must do". So far, we have mainly encountered Babies, Hanged Man...

For lovers of David Černý's works there will be another "must do". So far, we have mainly encountered Babies, Hanged Man, Embryo or a horse with St. Wenceslas on its belly. Now we will add the Butterfly Effect and it will be located just a short distance from another work - the head of F. Kafka.
David Cerny stated on his FB that:

"The spitfire, reminiscent of a warrior mythical creature spewing fire and driving away evil, contrasts with the defenceless beauty, lightness and fragility of butterfly wings. Symbolically, this brings together the opposites of gentle elegance and a firm determination to defend oneself if necessary."

The artist's works are both loved and hated, and "Butterfly Planes" will not go without a reaction - but we will have to wait for that.




Otevírací doba

Pondělí 09:00 - 19:00
Úterý 09:00 - 19:00
Středa 09:00 - 19:00
Čtvrtek 09:00 - 19:00
Pátek 09:00 - 19:00
Sobota 09:00 - 19:00
Neděle 09:00 - 18:00



Internetová stránka


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Our Story

I am a licensed tour guide and native of Prague, who is naturally cheerful, helpful and possesses an optimistic dispositon. I studied at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University and I have obtained an official certificate of professional competence to perform guided tours by operators in the tourism sector. I organise tours for both small and larger groups, VIP clientele and special interest groups such as choirs, orchestras and photographers.