Exceptional experience every time🤩 The most effective way to travel for business. Book your next flight 24/7. #absjets #privateflight
Pokaždé mimořádný zážitek🤩 Nejefektivnější způsob cestování za byznysem. Rezervujte si svůj příští let 24/7.
#businessaviation #aviationcompany #business #privateflight
It's Christmas🎄 So spread your wings and hug your loved ones. Your flight will wait for you💙 #absjets
Jsou Vánoce🎄 Tak roztáhněte křídla a obejměte své blízké. Váš let na vás počká💙
#xmas #snow #prague #businessaviation #pragueairport
PF 2022
Happy holidays and we look forward to seeing you again on board in 2022🛩🚁 #absjets
Krásné svátky a těšíme se, až se znovu uvidíme na palubě v roce 2022🛩🚁
Pour féliciter 2022✈
We wish you all the best in 2022 for the whole aviation company ABS Jets.
Pour féliciter 2022✈
Přejeme vám vše nejlepší v roce roce 2022 za celou leteckou společnost ABS Jets.
Annual Report 2020
We put extra effort into this year's annual report. Season after season recorded in our 2020 diary. Ready the story based on true events here.
English version: https://bit.ly/Annualreport_2020
Czech version: https://bit.ly/vyrocnizprava_2020
#absjets #annualreport #howwework #howwedid #annualresults
Flying over the volcano
The Greenland expedition continues. What an adventure! Take a look at the Islanding volcano near Reykjavik.
Jiri Prusa (Flying Revue), piloting OK-LEX, says: „it was challenging to take a stable video as the heat and steam were shaking the camera.“
We are overexcited to plan the flights for Jiri Prusa.
#absjets #flightplanning #occ #flyingrevue #flightadventures #adventure #volcano #aviation #oklex
Enjoy the weekend!
Whatever your plans are, enjoy your weekend, folks! And do not forget, the sun always shines above the clouds.
#absjets #Aviation #flying #pilotsview # ouroffice #bizav #weekendvibes