Charta Bureau

Charta Bureau Prague/Venice based company focused on communications strategies, PR, events, training and business development. WE CAN WORK IT OUT.

Established by a group of business professionals with broad experience in PR/communications, consulting, event management and business development, Charta Bureau provides services to institutions and organizations operating in both the business and cultural spheres. Charta Bureau delivers complex projects, addressing each customer’s specific needs for all phases of the business, from ideation to i

mplementation and growth. Services include consulting, business development, graphic design, advertising, media and public relations, lobbying, language localization, editing and publishing services, photographic and video production, and event management, and can be tailored to the individual client’s needs. Charta Bureau, conveniently based in the Czech Republic’s capital Prague in the heart of Europe, can be also your partner for international project development.


Petra Slezáka 421/16

Internetová stránka


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