Liberty Prague, Bratislava Budapest DMC

Liberty Prague, Bratislava Budapest DMC 30+ year expertise as a DMC in Central Europe for tailor-made programs in the Czech Republic, Slovakia or Hungary for MICE or LEISURE.

With offices in Prague and Budapest, you can also combine these countries for regional itineraries.

  Prague is a great meeting space suitable for up to 800pax sitting in the plenary, next to Panorama hotel in Prague.Con...

Prague is a great meeting space suitable for up to 800pax sitting in the plenary, next to Panorama hotel in Prague.
Contact Liberty Prague, Bratislava Budapest DMC for more details on your future event there

As we look back to 2022, we are grateful to so many   customers who have contributed to restart our beloved   and   by b...

As we look back to 2022, we are grateful to so many customers who have contributed to restart our beloved and by bringing travelers back to our beautiful destinations in the and with us this year.

again and we look forward to an even brighter 2023 and beyond together as Liberty Prague, Bratislava Budapest DMC and Liberty International Tourism Group have entered their 4th decade of inbound operations since its inception in 1991.

2022 sometimes felt like a startup where we had to reinvent our destination but the core below (even larger since we took this picture back in June) of Liberty Prague, Bratislava Budapest DMC has been instrumental in the of its operations.

Květuše, Sunny, Hripsime, Jana, Pedro, Marija and now Vítek for your commitment.

Happy Festive Celebrations to all!

Alexandre Gausson

When our office's brainstorming corner looks like this, it is very easy for our   to come up with a beautiful concept fo...

When our office's brainstorming corner looks like this, it is very easy for our to come up with a beautiful concept for your , one that people keep talking about! 😉😍

Really looking forward to seeing clients, partners, colleagues and friends of the   in   !

Really looking forward to seeing clients, partners, colleagues and friends of the in !

Are you coming to IMEX Frankfurt 2022?

You can book an appointment with our Liberty offices exhibiting at the fair by clicking on the link below: #{%22search_txt%22:%22liberty%22,%22filters%22:[]}

Stand E400:
Mario Enzesberger | liberty International Tourism Group
Aldo Merolla | Liberty France DMC
Markus Pietrzik | Liberty Germany DMC
Marta del Campo Villanueva | Liberty Greece & Cyprus DMC
Alison Linares | Liberty Latam
Maëlle Feugas | Liberty BeNeLux DMC

Country stands:
Eugene De Villiers | Liberty Australia & New Zealand DMC | C300
Monica Caporuscio | Liberty Portugal, Cape Verde, São Tome & Principe DMC | D100
Margarita López Boullosa | Liberty Spain DMC | D320


Že je Stavovské divadlo nejstarším divadlem v Praze jste jistě mnozí věděli. Patří i k těm nejvýznamnějším, v roce 1787 se zde konala premiéra opery Don Giovanni, kterou Mozart pro Prahu speciálně složil a také osobně dirigoval.

Na stejném místě byl v roce 2010 spuštěn energeticky úsporný projekt se zaručeným výsledkem (EPC). Logicky zde byla využita všechna chytrá řešení, která se osvědčila už v historické budově Národního divadla: účinnější kondenzační kotle, nový chladící zdroj pro klimatizaci, rekuperace tepla, která pro ohřev čerstvého vzduchu využívá teplo ze vzduchu vydýchaného, moderní úsporné osvětlení. Běží zde SW Opereta, který podle programu divadla a vnitřních teplot v jednotlivých prostorech optimalizuje provoz vzduchotechnických jednotek.

Výsledkem je snížení nákladů na energie o 64,7 %, což představuje za 12 let částku 50 mil. korun. V letošních cenách ještě o něco více. Navíc tato částka je smluvně garantována poskytovatelem ENESA a.s. z ČEZ ESCO.

To by se Mozartovi, který se i přes značné příjmy potýkal s finančními potížemi, mohlo docela líbit, nemyslíte?


Liberty International Tourism Group will support you through the organization of your event, from bidding to planning and welcoming your guests onsite.🤝

is coming back with new rules of the game.📃

, measures and will give the our clients want and deserve for .


This week we have visited our colleagues in Park Inn by Radisson Danube Bratislava. We were impressed by the high health safety standards in the hotel: 20-step safety protocol and 10-step Meetings & Events protocol. Radisson Hotel Group recently announced also the rollout of for event attendees. Well done, great way closer to the safe events👍


Jana Masaryka 331/50


Buďte informováni jako první, zašleme vám e-mail, když Liberty Prague, Bratislava Budapest DMC zveřejní novinky a akce. Vaše emailová adresa nebude použita pro žádný jiný účel a kdykoliv se můžete odhlásit.

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