https://realmedia.press/whole-truth-five-sentencing/ SInce that day two weeks ago, 16 more peacefully resisting people have been arrested and sent to jail, some for lengthy times, among them fellow Quaker Gaie Delop who was sentenced to 20 months yesterday for doing the exact same thing as I did in November 2022, equally pleading guilty after being coerced by the Crown Porsecution service that if they dont plead guilty they would face additional aggravated charges for an accident that happened miles from them. Where do you stand? There is a fundraiser ( https://chuffed.org/project/support-the-five-on-trial-for-conspiracy or https://chuffed.org/fundraiser/jso-oil-kills ) you can support for those jailed, pls consider at least this , pls do not stay on the sidelines in the face of injustice done in the name of the law.