Bohemian Prague Walk

Bohemian Prague Walk “We honour Jara Cimrman. The only problem was Cimrman was a fictional character, who never existed! Come with us on a trip that you will never forget!

Are we normal?”*

Czechs had chosen Jára Cimrman, an innovator and scholar from the early 20th century, as the greatest Czech of all time. He was invented in 1966 for a radio programme, and originally was meant to be just a caricature of the Czech people, their history, and culture. Soon however he became very popular, achieving the status of a national hero. He was an unrecognized genius, who in

spite of hard work and effort always ended up empty handed but never gave up. This symbolizes Czechs.

*Luděk Navara, 23.01.2005, Mladá fronta Dnes. Over centuries of military occupation and autocracies, Czechs developed
a mentality which allowed them to resist even the toughest opponents. This was done not by force but rather by using their brains, tactics and
humor. N**i commander, Reinhard Heydrich, warned his subordinates that Czechs are servile and flexible as sticks which first bend down and then
whip back when least expected. And they are. :)

Join us on our amusing and informative tour through Prague, the capital of Czech Republic.This heart of old Europe hides in its streets the pictures, the magic and the legends of centuries of history.Get to know this mysterious nation, which had to bend down so often, but always straightened back up again. Come with us on a voyage through time, from Old Bohemia to the Velvet Revolution. You will learn about Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, the fascinating Old Town etc. and will understand how these places and many others are connected to Czech history, identity and culture. Our tour will last two hours.*

* After a break, you will get two additional hours for free...

It means 2+2= around 4

We will tell you also about our friend Gaston. In our opinion
next to Cimrman he is another unrecognized Czech hero. Daily PICK UP for our WALKING TOUR at 10:15 from our hot(s)el`s receptions.


Mosaic House, Odboru 4,Praha 2

Otevírací doba

Pondělí 10:15 - 15:00
Úterý 10:15 - 15:00
Středa 10:15 - 15:00
Čtvrtek 10:15 - 15:00
Pátek 10:15 - 15:00
Sobota 10:15 - 15:00
Neděle 10:15 - 15:00

Internetová stránka


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