Local Food Tour Prague

Local Food Tour Prague Food and history tour that will take you on a delicious journey through the streets of Prague.

Our mission is to give personal experience to people visiting Prague and provide an alternative to mass tourism.

Ukrainian local specialities🤗

Ukrainian local specialities🤗

Check out our new website! Kukajte na stranku more :Phttps://www.localfoodtourprague.com/

Check out our new website! Kukajte na stranku more :P

Join locals for a delicious journey through the streets of Prague, one of the most visited cities in Europe! Enjoy modern & traditional food, major & hidden sights, historic & local commentary. All in three hours!

Potatoes are such a vital part of Czech cuisine. Why not a spot dedicated to potatoes only? https://bramster.cz/

Potatoes are such a vital part of Czech cuisine. Why not a spot dedicated to potatoes only? https://bramster.cz/

In Czech Republic we like to pickle things. But not only us. This Ukrainian pantry speaks for itself. Pure love!

In Czech Republic we like to pickle things. But not only us. This Ukrainian pantry speaks for itself. Pure love!

In Prague now? You gotta have an icecream... http://www.vanille.cz/

In Prague now? You gotta have an icecream... http://www.vanille.cz/

Cukrárna, kavárna a zmrzlinářství na Náměstí Míru, Praha 2. Nabízíme kvalitní řemeslnou kopečkovou zmrzlinu, točenou smetanovou i ovocnou. Máme výbornou kávu, čerstvý džus, lahodné dorty, zákusky, domácí koláče, čerstvé chlebíčky a briošky.


Republic Square



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