Celebrating St. Nicholas Day in style! 🎅✨ Today was filled with smiles & festive cheer. Grateful for the wonderful company of our clients.
We’ll be pleased to arrange for you the tailor-made tours of Prague, Czech countryside and Europe. Walking or driving tours for individuals and groups.
Jilská 22
Pondělí | 08:00 - 22:00 |
Úterý | 08:00 - 22:00 |
Středa | 08:00 - 22:00 |
Čtvrtek | 08:00 - 22:00 |
Pátek | 08:00 - 22:00 |
Sobota | 08:00 - 22:00 |
Neděle | 08:00 - 22:00 |
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Pošlete zprávu Personal Prague Guide & Prague Private Tours:
Ever wished you had a friend in Europe who'd take you under the wing to show you around? We will be more than happy to guide you around Prague and Czech Republic, to show you all the beauties and hidden gems.
Personal Prague Guide was established in 1998 by local guide Šárka Kačabová. She always strived to make sure that the visitors get the most of their stay in Prague, they understand the city and people, get the feeling of insiders. She carried maps, books, pictures and other material, so her friends we saying that she is "deadly" creative :-) Šárka even designed own Prague maps, bookmarks and architecture-picture charts. We are still using it on tours, so you can be the independent traveller.
Šárka's previous clients and Rick Steves have recommended her so much, that to answer the demand she had to create the team of the quality Personal Prague Guides.
She carefully chose only friendly, knowledgeable, licensed, top-rated Prague guides, who can provide the same (or even better) services as she does.