Visit Prague

Charles bridge, Prague

Charles bridge, Prague

Charles bridge & Prague castle

Charles bridge & Prague castle

A flood has reached Prague. For now, the riverbanks are closed. Let’s hope the water recedes soon and that there are no ...

A flood has reached Prague. For now, the riverbanks are closed. Let’s hope the water recedes soon and that there are no losses of life or damage to property.

21.8.1968 Prague

21.8.1968 Prague

21. srpna 1968: Den, který nikdy nezapomeneme.

Před 56 lety brutální okupace změnila osud naší země. Do naší vlasti vpadlo v první vlně 100 000 “spojeneckých“ vojáků zemí Varšavské smlouvy, 2300 tanků a 700 letadel. Mnoho našich spoluobčanů zaplatilo za svou odvahu a odpor proti invazi životem. Následovala desetiletí úpadku naší vlasti pod bedlivým dohledem soudruhů ze Sovětského svazu.

Tváří v tvář agresi Ruska na Ukrajině si dnes připomínáme, jak důležité je bránit vlastní svobodu a nezávislost. Ruská agrese a její tragické důsledky nám ukazují, že hrozba války nikdy nezmizela. Dnes je naopak největší od pádu berlínské zdi.

na oběti okupace. Jejich památka nás zavazuje, abychom se vždy postavili za svobodu, pravdu a demokracii a připravovali se neustále na obranu naší vlasti.

21.8.1968 Prague

21.8.1968 Prague

PRAHA - Dlouhá ulice 21.8. 1968 - okupace Československa vojsky pěti armád Varšavské smlouvy. Foto: Ralph Crane


More than fifty years ago, on August 21, 1968, Czechoslovakia awoke to a day that would forever alter its history. The invasion by Warsaw Pact troops, led by the Soviet Union, brought tanks, machine gun nests, and a silent fear that hung over every city and village. People woke up to a dark morning when freedom and hope, which had been within reach, were brutally crushed under the treads of tanks. The Prague Spring, that brief dream of democracy and freedom, was strangled at birth, and with it, the hope for a better future for millions of people.

What happened in 1968 remains deeply ingrained in the memory of the Czech and Slovak nations. Many remember the bitterness of betrayal and the helplessness that gripped everyone who watched soldiers on the streets, foreign voices speaking of "brotherly help" while they destroyed the dream of freedom. Every year, we remember the victims and the brave men and women who stood up to the occupation and paid a high price for their courage.

Today, as we watch the news from Ukraine, we cannot help but recall the pain we once experienced ourselves. Ukraine, a country that chose to forge its own path, faces the same kind of aggression that we did. Once again, tanks cross borders, cities burn, and innocent people die in the name of imperial ambitions. It is a painful reminder that the struggle for freedom is never simple or guaranteed. It is a struggle that requires courage, sacrifice, and an unwavering belief that justice and freedom will eventually prevail.

As we remember the tragedy of 1968, we must realize that what is happening in Ukraine is not just a distant conflict. It is a reminder of how fragile freedom is and how quickly it can be lost if we are not vigilant and determined to defend it. Czechoslovakia found its way back to freedom, but the road was long and painful. Today, we must stand with Ukraine and support its right to self-determination, so that one day, it too may walk its path freely, without fear that its dreams and hopes will be stolen once again.

Let us remember the past and not give up in the present. Because what is happening in Ukraine today is also our story—a story of courage, determination, and an unyielding desire for freedom.


Státní hrad Karlštejn





May your journey to Prague in 2024 be filled with enchanting moments, captivating sights, and unforgettable experiences....

May your journey to Prague in 2024 be filled with enchanting moments, captivating sights, and unforgettable experiences. Wishing you a year ahead filled with joy, discovery, and wonderful memories in this beautiful city. Safe travels and Happy New Year!

2 years ago

2 years ago

First Snow

Beautiful Prague and Prague Castle

Beautiful Prague and Prague Castle

Kouzelná Praha! 🖤

Credit: Phi Hùng Bùi

Visit Prague  Christmas tree, Old Town Square, Prague.

Visit Prague Christmas tree, Old Town Square, Prague.

Beautiful Prague

Beautiful Prague


Credit: Kamil Rezac ❤️


Podzim je prostě v Praze kouzelný :)

Autor: .tomorrow


Karlův Most

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