Escape Backpackers

Escape Backpackers Summer '17 Tour Dates:
June 18 - July 2
July 9 - July 23
July 30 - August 13 (Sziget Music Festival)
Join us! Do it. Traveling will change your life.

The Escape Backpackers team I have assembled are very knowledgable and experienced travelers teeming with charisma and energy. Together my team has been to nearly 100 different countries and speak 8 different languages. We are anxious to take you across Central Europe and to share our intimate knowledge of four of the greatest cities in the world. We will take you to all the important tourist hots

pots during the days and all the infamous local nightlife of Central Europe every night. Our team knows culture, our team knows how to party. It is my promise to you that the 4 days in each city will provide us enough time to give you the full Berlin/Prague/Krakow/Budapest experience. On an entirely personal level I'd like to offer this advice to anyone even remotely interested in traveling: Just go. Whether it is with this company, or someone else, or by yourself, just go. The friends and experiences that are made possible through traveling can not be replicated by any other means. Everyone has excuses for why they can't travel. My job, my dog, my significant other, my fear of flying. I understand the fear of the unknown that comes with taking that first leap, I had to deal with it myself, but I promise you that fear disappears that first crazy night and it does not return. It is replaced with an addiction. Don't be the one with the "I should have"s, be the one with the stories, the memories, the lifelong friends.





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