Rihanna čeká, musíme letět, nedá se svítit!👋🏻✈️⛵️☀️🏝🍸
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Těch #fiftyshadesofblue 🔵 si stejně člověk nejlíp vyfotí sám…už jste přemýšleli, kam na dovolenou?
Jsme katamarán v Karibiku s česko-slovenskou posádkou, 17x9 metrů vaší nejlepší dovolené☀️🇫🇷🇨🇿🇸🇰
#yachting ⛵️
#fishing 🎣
#diving 🐳
#travelling 🏝
#romantikasro 🌅
#katamaran #copernic #czech #slovakian #staff #caribbean #sea #caribianisland #carribeanislands #martinik #grenadines #trinidad #tobago #dominica #guadeloupeislands #santalucia #mustique #mustiqueisland
Už víte, kam letos na dovolenou?🌎
Protože těch #fiftyshadesofblue 🔵 si stejně člověk nejlíp vyfotí sám!😉
Jsme katamarán v Karibiku s česko-slovenskou posádkou🇫🇷🇨🇿🇸🇰
#yachting ⛵️
#fishing 🎣
#diving 🐳
#travelling 🏝
Romantika s ručením omezeným🌅
#katamaran #copernic #czech #slovakian #staff #caribbean #sea #caribianisland #carribeanislands #martinik #grenadines #trinidad #tobago #dominica #guadeloupeislands #santalucia #mustique #holiday
Občas je třeba zavítat na pevninu...⚓️🛶🏖například doplnit zásoby...ano, i rumu😝
Sometimes we have to visit the mainland.
Jsme katamarán v Karibiku s česko-slovenskou posádkou🇫🇷🇨🇿🇸🇰
#yachting ⛵️
#fishing 🎣
#diving 🐳
#travelling 🏝
#romantikasro 🌅
#katamaran #copernic #czech #slovakian #staff #caribbean #sea #caribianisland #carribeanislands #martinik #grenadines #trinidad #tobago #dominica #guadeloupeislands #santalucia
#Repost @saintvincentgrenadines
April 14 2021. More of our heroes without capes. The field workers and chainsaw crews of the Forestry Services St. Vincent and the Grenadines , CWSA and VINLEC team up to clear upstream of the Hermitage water intake. They worked tirelessly through an eruption to ensure that your water supply is restored. Hats off to our Heroes. 🎥: Cornelius Richards .
#StVincent #StVincentandtheGrenadines #Bequia #Mayreau #Canouan #Mustique #PalmIsland #PetitStVincent #TobagoCays #UnionIsland #YoungIsland #IslandLife #Adventure #InstaPassport #InstaTravel #TravelBlogger #Kingstown #Caribbean #IslandLife #Beach #TravelAddict #Wanderlust #Explore #Vacation #Caribbean #lasoufrierevolcano #Travel #Lasoufriereeruption2021 #lasoufriereeruption
Já tady taky nebudu!😎
#Repost @_ocean.life__ with @get_repost
This coconut octopus showing us what to do when life gets a bit too much. 😂
Video by @dmcthediver in Lembeh Strait, #indonesia
#Repost @cancun with @get_repost
Nature is amazing... 🌊🌈🌧
. #cancun #mexico #caribbean #nature #travelgram #travel #live @tours.cancun.increible
#Repost @_ocean.life__ with @get_repost
Don’t move. Don’t move. 😅 Really difficult to stay still when these animals swim directly at you!
Tag someone who’d want to night dive with Manta rays 🤩
🎥 @uheheu 🙌
Jsme katamarán v Karibiku s česko-slovenskou posádkou🇫🇷🇨🇿🇸🇰
#yachting ⛵️
#fishing 🎣
#diving 🐳
#travelling 🏝
#romantikasro 🌅
#katamaran #copernic #czech #slovakian #staff #caribbean #sea #caribianisland #carribeanislands #martiniquemagnifique #martinik #grenadines #trinidad #tobago #dominica #guadeloupeislands #santalucia #happyisland #memories
Katamarán v Karibiku s česko-slovenskou posádkou🇫🇷🇨🇿🇸🇰
#yachting ⛵️
#fishing 🎣
#diving 🐳
#travelling 🏝
#romantikasro 🌅
#katamaran #copernic #czech #slovakian #staff #caribbean #sea #caribianisland #carribeanislands #martinik #grenadines #santalucia #carribeansea
#katamaranlife 💙#shortlifestory
Katamarán v Karibiku s česko-slovenskou posádkou🇫🇷🇨🇿🇸🇰
#yachting ⛵️
#fishing 🎣
#diving 🐳
#travelling 🏝
#romantikasro 🌅
#katamaran #copernic #czech #slovakian #staff #caribbean #sea #caribianisland #carribeanislands #martinik #grenadines #santalucia #carribeansea