
Dgafasap Our goal is to promote the intercultural and international cooperation, organise educational and cultural events.

Dream, Grow, Aspire, Feel – As soon as possible. The DGAFASAP non-profit was established by three university students from Prague - Czech Republic, who realized how important it is to be educated and open to new cultures and variety of different people. They thought that not only in the ‘post communist’ Czech republic, but all around the world there is still a bit of a barrier between people from

different backgrounds. Large amount of people are still afraid of anything that is foreign or different. Through their travels they found out that it is the differences between us that should enrich us and not drag us further away from each other. DGAFASAP’s main goal is to promote intercultural and international cooperation and achieve such by organizing educational, cultural and free time events (e.g. workshops, lectures, field trips, tournaments, etc.). Apart from the intercultural and international cooperation DGAFASAP’s aim is the integration and awareness of people with handicap. DGAFASAP is a non-profit organization and its members and friends are volunteers. The financing is through grants, awards, donations or gifts.

New campaign -   - all proceeds go towards cost of Alejandro’s surgery. More details in our story highlight 🙏🏼 price is ...

New campaign - - all proceeds go towards cost of Alejandro’s surgery. More details in our story highlight 🙏🏼 price is $30 - sizes are M, L, XL - US orders DM our page or hit up , EU orders DM or hit up . @ Los Angeles, California


DGAFASAP non profit launched Praguer.fun - Prague Erasmus dedicated to international students in Prague! Stay tuned!

A signed picture from our Dream On! event with  Fotheringham and Andrew Schapiro ✌🏽 We haven't posted much recently, but...

A signed picture from our Dream On! event with Fotheringham and Andrew Schapiro ✌🏽 We haven't posted much recently, but stay tuned, more events are coming 🙌🏽

ENG:Wheelz was in Prague less than 24 hours but still managed to do quite a lot. Sightseeing, Dream On! lecture, TV inte...

Wheelz was in Prague less than 24 hours but still managed to do quite a lot. Sightseeing, Dream On! lecture, TV interview or visiting US ambassador Andrew Schapiro at his residence. Check out the official Dream On! after movie.
Czech and English subtitles available.

Thanks to everyone who came out and helped us out, thanks to our amazing speakers Danny Mensik, André Yala Almeida and Aaron Fotheringham.
Thank you U.S. Embassy Prague for supporting our project, thanks to our partners Corinthia Hotel Prague, HANDICAP-TRANSPORT.CZ, UK FTVS.
And thanks to our media partners too Český paralympijský tým, Proudly, Zero Without You Short Rentals, Vozíčkář and Prague Pride. Can't forget to thank Whizzer Dee for the best soundtrack.

Wheelz nebyl v Praze ani 24 hodin, ale přesto toho stihnul dost - památky, přednášku Dream On, rozhovor s televizí ale třeba i návštěvu u amerického ambasádora Andrew Schapira! Podívejte se na oficiální after movie z akce Dream ON!
Pro české titulky vyberte na youtube "CC" - Čeština.

Díky všem kteří přišli na Dream on, díky všem co pomohli a děkujeme naším skvělým speakerům Danny Mensik, André Yala Almeida a Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham.
Děkujeme americké ambasádě za podpoření našho projektu a díky naším partnerům Corinthia Hotel, HANDICAP-TRANSPORT.CZ, UK-FTVS. Díky mediálním partnerům Český paralympijský tým, Proudly, Zero Without You Short Rentals, Vozíčkář aPrague Pride. Nesmíme zapomenout na Whizzer Dee a jeho super soundtrack k našemu after movie.


Don't forget to keep up with us on our official FB page http://www.fb.com/DGAFASAP český popis níže. ENG: Dream On! We all have dreams and the right to chase...


Aaron v rámci projektu Dream On udělal také rozhovor s Českou Televizí.

Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA) in Czech TV.

První várka fotek z události Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA) od Irena Vanisova Photograp...

První várka fotek z události Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA) od Irena Vanisova Photographer ! Díky!
First set of pictures from Dream On! event taken by Irena Vanisova.
Thank you !

Všichni máme sny a právo za nimi jít. Není to vždy lehké, ale kde je vůle je i cesta.


Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham (USA)
Danny Menšík (CZE)
André Yala (PT)

Aaron je freestylovým jezdcem na vozíku. Je to první člověk na světě, kterému se podařilo udělat dvojité salto vzad na vozíku a jedno salto vpřed na vozíku!

Danny je jeden z nejznámějších českých propagátorů slackline. Danny pokořil světový rekord v délce highline - 1 km!

André se přestěhoval do Prahy s 50Kč v kapse v roce 2011. Za 5 let vybudoval úspěšné projekty jako ZERO without you a Mad Nights PRAGUE!

🇬🇧Hanging out with the 🇺🇸US🇺🇸 ambassador .... And it all started with a dream! Thanks to everyone who came out to our ev...

🇬🇧Hanging out with the 🇺🇸US🇺🇸 ambassador .... And it all started with a dream!

Thanks to everyone who came out to our event Dream On! today. Thanks to our sponsors and media partners and to our amazing speakers.

See you at the next event and don't forget: Dream On!

🇨🇿na pokec s americkým velvyslancem .. A vsechno to začalo snem ...

Děkujeme všem co přišli na dnešní událost Dream On!, diky našim sponzorům a mediálním partnerům a našim úžasným speakerum .

Uvidíme se na dalsi události a nezapomeňte.....

Dream On!☝🏼️❤️

"That's a nice chandelier" "yeah it's a new one, thank you for noticing" 😂😂😂 hanging with Wheelz in a 5 star hotel lobby...

"That's a nice chandelier" "yeah it's a new one, thank you for noticing" 😂😂😂 hanging with Wheelz in a 5 star hotel lobby, no big deal ☝🏼️😜😼
Dream on! event tomorrow Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA)

Diky Vozíčkář za článek o naší události Dream On! která se uskuteční již zitra ! http://vozickar.com/potkejte-svetozname...

Diky Vozíčkář za článek o naší události Dream On! která se uskuteční již zitra ! http://vozickar.com/potkejte-svetoznameho-vozickare-bez-limitu/

Videa, jako je třeba tohle httpv://youtu.be/AUUVfPy0UgI zná celý svět. Chcete osobně potkat člověka, který v něm předvádí neuvěřitelné kusy na vozíku? Můžete! A taky se můžete Aarona Wheelze Fotheringhama na cokoliv zeptat! Už 3. října od 14. do 16.

Napsali o naší akci Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA)  ... děkujeme Proudly.cz :-)

Napsali o naší akci Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA) ... děkujeme Proudly.cz :-)

Každý z nás má sny, naděje a plány, které se mohou stát nedosažitelné. Svět okolo nás má nepříjemně dobrou mušku, když dojde na házení klacků pod nohy. Nechat se zastavit na cestě k vytouženému cíli a vzdát se - to je ale

foto: Jan Malý.  Aaron již v pondělí v Praze! Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA)

foto: Jan Malý. Aaron již v pondělí v Praze! Dream On! with Aaron 'Wheelz' Fotheringham (Nitro Circus / USA)

Wheelz v Praze! Aaron Fotheringham se narodil s rozštěpem páteře a doktoři nevěřili, že by dokázal žit bez neustále asis...

Wheelz v Praze!

Aaron Fotheringham se narodil s rozštěpem páteře a doktoři nevěřili, že by dokázal žit bez neustále asistence druhých. Nyní je z něj hvězda, průkopník a ikona sportu WCMX (Wheelchair MotoCross) která objíždí shows po celém světě.

Přijďte si poslechnout jeho příběh 3. řijna v Praze na událost Dream On!

Více info na https://www.facebook.com/events/957221204388681/


Aaron Fotheringham se narodil s rozštěpem páteře a doktoři nevěřili, že by dokázal žit bez neustále asistence druhých. Nyní je z něj hvězda, průkopník a ikona sportu WCMX (Wheelchair MotoCross) která objíždí shows po celém světě.

Přijďte si poslechnout jeho příběh 3. řijna v konferenčním sálu UK FTVS na událost Dream On!, kterou pořádá DGAFASAP z.s.


DGAFASAP 'Long Way Home' feat. Houdicka - Triple Threat (Episode VIII, IX, X) - OKC to TX: https://t.co/KKNzhbpEoG via

DGAFASAP 'Long Way Home' feat. Houdicka - Triple Threat (Episode VIII, IX, X) - OKC to TX: https://t.co/KKNzhbpEoG via

It's been a while and that's why we are bringing you a 'TRIPLE THREAT' - 3 episodes in one!!!! That's brand new LONG WAY HOME! A month long adventure of two ...

DGAFASAP 'Long Way Home' - Episode VII - Czechs in Nebraska: https://t.co/G6JAFtR5sp via

DGAFASAP 'Long Way Home' - Episode VII - Czechs in Nebraska: https://t.co/G6JAFtR5sp via

Seventh episode of the DGAFASAP's "Long Way Home" YouTube series. A month long adventure of two young gentlemen traveling across the US on a tight budget, tr...

We support young musicians, here's Benjamin Škampa, lead singer of the Ice-Scream band in the   shirt!!! 🔝🔝🔝💯💯💯

We support young musicians, here's Benjamin Škampa, lead singer of the Ice-Scream band in the shirt!!! 🔝🔝🔝💯💯💯

Happy New Year! Finally there's another episode of the   Long Way Home adventure! Make sure to... https://t.co/pxAkKKfAO...

Happy New Year! Finally there's another episode of the Long Way Home adventure! Make sure to... https://t.co/pxAkKKfAOO

Sixth episode of the DGAFASAP's "Long Way Home" YouTube series. A month long adventure of two young gentlemen traveling across the US on a tight budget, tryi...

Retweeted Ann Connolly ():Heading off to see Star Wars. 😍😍😍  gear.   https://t.co/0aVfrZT7RI

Retweeted Ann Connolly ():

Heading off to see Star Wars. 😍😍😍 gear. https://t.co/0aVfrZT7RI

“Heading off to see Star Wars. 😍😍😍 gear. ”

Dream, Grow, Act, Feel. As Soon As Possible.that's Dgafasap Photo by DSPHY

Dream, Grow, Act, Feel. As Soon As Possible.

that's Dgafasap

Photo by DSPHY

Zuzana Strakosova - Official for Dgafasap non profit.We still have a few shirts left. All proceeds go towards DGAFASAP n...

Zuzana Strakosova - Official for Dgafasap non profit.

We still have a few shirts left. All proceeds go towards DGAFASAP non profit.

We believe you should have the right to express yourself. We might've started just like an ordinary streetwear brand but our mission now is way beyond that.

Thank you for your continuous support.
Make up malejovsky.
Photo kartalov.


Zuzana Strakosova - Official x

Full gallery will be released tonight @ Facebook.com/DGAFASAP

Make up: Ivan Malejovsky
Model: Zuzana Strakosova - Official
Photographer: Ivan Kartalov
Music: Whizzer Dee



Internetová stránka


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