Martin Tour Prague

Martin Tour Prague Original sightseeing tours of Prague, Vltava river cruises, trips and excursions in the Czech Republic. PHONE (0420) 777 318 198 DAILY 8:00-22:00 (10pm).

Our Travel Agency MARTIN TOUR PRAGUE was established in 1990 and in a very short period of time found its way up on the city tour travel market. We became one of the biggest and most successful tour operators in Prague and in the Czech Republic with more than 2 million of satisfied customers. We provide full travel services for groups and for individual tourists co-ordinating precisely every detai

l of their sightseeing programme in Prague. We ensure whether privately or with groups of individual tourists (ON-LINE BOOKING):
1) Original sightseeing tours of Prague, incl. some in 26 languages. See at
2) Vltava river cruises (boat tours round Prague). See at
3) Trips and excursions of other interesting sites in the Czech Republic (Karlstejn Castle, Konopiste Castle, Cesky Krumlov, Karlovy Vary - Carlsbad, Kutna Hora, Terezin Memorial). See at We also ensure Prague transport services by our luxurious air-conditioned minibuses and coaches.


Plus: watch Scandinavian films, listen to jazz greats or Czech alternative rock, and enjoy a Shakespeare comedy.


Charles Bridge - Prague, Czech Republic 🇨🇿



While the living standards improved in both countries since 1993, Czechia's economy grew at a faster pace.

We wish you and your family..

We wish you and your family..

Prague Castle how you will see it during our tour Prague by night.

Prague Castle how you will see it during our tour Prague by night.

Time Out magazine announced the "world´s best cities for 2021". Prague places on 7th position."What makes us great: Lock...

Time Out magazine announced the "world´s best cities for 2021". Prague places on 7th position.
"What makes us great: Lockdowns hit Prague suddenly and severely – but thankfully, the city’s eye-popping beauty remains unscathed. In this year’s Index, in fact, some 82 percent of Prague locals still sung the praises of the city’s looks. The Golden City’s gradual reopening has presented amazing opportunities to simple pleasures unthinkable in pre-pandemic Prague: having Charles Bridge almost to yourself, the audible chirrup of birds in Old Town Square, a contemplative morning coffee down a deserted sidestreet. Add in the fact that the Czech capital is incredibly walkable – with 89 percent of us saying it’s easy to get around without a car – and you’ve got hands down one of the world’s most liveable cities."

Let us get you through: walking tours or in our comfortable bus tours :-)

We polled 27,000 city-dwellers to rank the world’s greatest cities.

První turisté  v Praze 😊Opět pro Vás otevíráme  a zveme Vás na okružní jízdu Prahou 💕The first tourists in Prague 😊We in...

První turisté v Praze 😊
Opět pro Vás otevíráme a zveme Vás na okružní jízdu Prahou 💕
The first tourists in Prague 😊
We invite you to a sightseeing tour of Prague 💕


If you love history and architecture, raise your hand ✋⛪. We are getting ready to show you the best of Prague, wonderful city in the heart of Europe ❤️.

Šťastný nový rok 2021 Vám přeje Martin Tour 😉Happy New Year 2021 from Martin Tour 😉

Šťastný nový rok 2021 Vám přeje Martin Tour 😉
Happy New Year 2021 from Martin Tour 😉

Po dlouhých 30 ti letech jsme opustili místo v Melantrichové ulici 😢After 30 long years, we left the place in the street...

Po dlouhých 30 ti letech jsme opustili místo v Melantrichové ulici 😢
After 30 long years, we left the place in the streets of Melantrich 😢

We start on Wednesday - 01.07.2020Startujeme středa - 01.07.2020

We start on Wednesday - 01.07.2020
Startujeme středa - 01.07.2020


Rozhodnutim pana primatora hl.m.Prahy jsme dne 14.3.prerusili nasi činost.Vlada vyhlasila nouzovy stav a vse se zastavilo;zakonzervovali jsme busy,SPZ dali do depozita.Hranice se uzavreli a prvni turisty muze Praha cekat na Vanoce ale spise az na pristi Velikonoce.Pokud se nevrati Covid?!Nemame žadne trzby,nezname dosud zadnou primou pomoc,kterou by vlada chtela cestovnimu ruchu pomoct.Mame rezervy-vystaci nam jeste na par mesicu pro zkracene mzdy pracovnikum.Dodnes nam urad prace nic neposlal a nepomohl! M.Č.Praha 1 nam seriozne pomohla.Presto nam ale hrozi bankrot a propousteni lidi.Chceme tomu predejit,zatim nevime jak!*



Pařížská 1 (ticket Point On The Corner Of The Old Town Square)

Otevírací doba

Pondělí 09:00 - 17:00
Úterý 09:00 - 17:00
Středa 09:00 - 17:00
Čtvrtek 09:00 - 17:00
Pátek 09:00 - 17:00
Sobota 09:00 - 17:00
Neděle 09:00 - 17:00



Internetová stránka


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