Explore with Sona

Explore with Sona Volám sa Soňa a zo všetkého najviac milujem cestovanie, objavovanie krásnych miest na našej magickej planéte.

Dúfam, že sa čoskoro spoznáme osobne na niektorom z mojich výletov, alebo vám aspoň budem môcť pripraviť nejaký vylet na mieru.

Nový výlet na Maldivy počas letných prázdnin 2025 od dnes v predaji. DÁTUM20. - 30. august 2025 (odlet 19, prilet 31)ČO ...

Nový výlet na Maldivy počas letných prázdnin 2025 od dnes v predaji.

20. - 30. august 2025 (odlet 19, prilet 31)

• 10 nocí na lokálnych ostrovoch Maalhos a Fehendhoo s plnou penziou
• transfery z / na letisko a medzi ostrovami
• 4 fantastické exkurzie
• možnosť úžasného zážitku v Hanifaru Bay (plávanie so stovkou mánt)
• lekcia varenia
• ukážka výroby kokosového oleja
• špeciálna uvítacia a rozlúčková večera
• soundhealing
• základy freedivingu
• fotky na pamiatku
• a mnoho ďalšieho

Cena za dospelú osobu v zdieľanej dvojlôžkovej izbe je 1690 Eur plus letenka.

Brožúru so všetkými informáciami nájdete tu:

Check out this A4 designed by sona.sedlicka.

POZOR! HALLOWEENSKA AKCIA!Ak sa do 31. 10. (vrátane) prihlásite ne niektorý z mojich aktuálnych výletov, zístate zľavu 5...


Ak sa do 31. 10. (vrátane) prihlásite ne niektorý z mojich aktuálnych výletov, zístate zľavu 50 Eur!

Všetky výlety nájdete na www.explorewithsona.com/vylety

Miesta sa pomaly, ale isto zapĺňajú, nepremeškajte túto super šancu ísť so mnou na tieto prekrásne miesta našej planéty!

Ešte stále sa môžete prihlásiť na posledný tohtoročný výlet na Maldivy! 23.11.-3.12. Lokálne ostrovy Raheedhoo a Fulidho...

Ešte stále sa môžete prihlásiť na posledný tohtoročný výlet na Maldivy!

Lokálne ostrovy Raheedhoo a Fulidhoo.

Kopec neskutočných zážitkov, nádherných miest, super partia, nezabudnuteľné spomienky, lekcia varenia, fotky z drona a go pro na pamiatku a omnoho viac.

Viac info do správy alebo na webe.

Explore with Sona



ešte stále hľadám parťákov na výlet na Filipíny!
Termín: 10. 11. - 22. 11. 2024 (12 nocí, odlet 9. prílet 23.11.)
Kde: dve úžasné oblasti El Nido a Coron na Palawane
Čo: 13 neuveriteľných dní v tomto úžasnom raji, naplnených nezabudnuteľnými zážitkami a chvíľami.
Cena: 1440 Eur na osobu (v zdieľanej dvojlôžkovej izbe) plus letenky (momentálne cca 730 Eur medzinarodná plus cca 230 vnútroštátne)

Všetky info do správy.


Este stale sa mozete pridat na vylet na Bali. :)

Send a message to learn more



Sanca vyhrat vylet na Maldivy v hodnote 1750 Eur!!!!

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Karnak or Luxor Temple? That is the question. 🤔Well ideally you want to see them both. But, if you ever find yourself in...

Karnak or Luxor Temple? That is the question. 🤔

Well ideally you want to see them both. But, if you ever find yourself in Luxor and are short on time and can only visit one of these two temples, then I would definitely without a doubt chose Karnak Temple. 🙌

It’s much bigger, in my opinion much more impressive, majestic and beautiful. The room with all the pillars that are still sooo beautifully decorated has blown my mind. 🤯 (first photos). 

Karnak Temple is best to visit early morning, while Luxor is beautiful at sunset. ☀️

Entry to each of them is less than 7 Eur, so I highly highly recommend both. 💶

However where you can save yourselves some money is on the Light & Sound show, that they do in Karnak Temple at 8pm. That is over 20 Eur, and was definitely not worth the money. 🙄

If you need an amazing guide to bring your around any of the amazing places in Luxor, who is engaging, funny and knows sooooo much about the history and these temples (also Valley of Kings) I highly recommend

First seve photos are from Karnak, the other ones are from Luxor.

Which one do you prefer?

Make sure to share this post with someone who is planning a trip to Egypt! 🙌

🇪🇬 🇪🇬

Ahojte kamošiopäť zdieľam info o výletoch, ktoré sú momentálne aktuálne. EXPLORE MALDIVES VOL 915.-25.8.2024 (odlet 14.,...

Ahojte kamoši

opäť zdieľam info o výletoch, ktoré sú momentálne aktuálne.

15.-25.8.2024 (odlet 14., prilet 25.8.)
10 nocí
Pobyt na dvoch lokalnych ostrovoch Maalhos a Fehendhoo, 4 bombove exkurzie, navstevy sandbakov a sukromnych ostrovov, snorchlovanie, relax a hlavne pokus o plavanie so stovkami mánt v chránenej zátoke Hanifaru Bay!!!!
Cena 1690 + letenka (momentalne cca 900 Eur)
Volnych miest 8
Info tu

28.8.-11.9.2024 (odlet 27.8, prilet 12.9.)
14 nocí
Objavovanie nielen carovneho ostrova Bali, ale aj Nusa Penida a Gili meno. Vodopady, chramy, snorchlovanie, vychody slnka, plaze …
Cena 1190 Eur + letenka (momentalne cca 850)
Volnych miest 8
Info tu https://www.canva.com/design/DAF9x4gogkY/fR8Pk6BZWA7za0qaN3YYug/view?utm_content=DAF9x4gogkY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor��

11.9.-17.9.2024 (da sa absolovat aj samostatne, ale rozhodne odporucam ako predlzenie vyletu na Bali, takze lety podla toho)
7 nocí
Stvordnova plavba na lodi napriec narodnym parkom Komodo, absolutny chill pobyt na sukromnom ostrove, vela snorchlovania, objavovania, navsteva ruzovej plaze, vystup na Padar ostrov a mnoho dalsieho
Cena 890 + letenka (momentalne cca 850 na Bali, plus cca 140 z Bali na Komodo a spať)
Volnych miest 9
Info tu https://www.canva.com/design/DAF93UBWwYc/6xSqOG91ZT2ua2Vjr1zxxg/view?utm_content=DAF93UBWwYc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

27.10-8.11.2024 (odlet 25.10, prílet 9.11)
13 nocí
Objavovanie oblasti Palawan (El Nido a Coron), 2 dňová expedícia ľoďou z El Nido do Coron, exkurzie na nádherné pláže, opustené ostrovy Pass Island a Black Island, do neskutočných lagún a jazier. Kopec šnorchlovania.
Je možnosť predĺžiť si výlet ešte o ďalších 5 nocí na ostrove Siquijor, čiže až do 13.11, na ktorom nás čaká takisto šnorchlovanie, potápanie s barakudami, nádherný vodopád a výlet na ostrov Apo, kde budeme šnorchlovať s korytnačkami.
Cena 1390 Eur (PALAWAN), 1890 Eur (PALAWAN a SIQUIJOR) + letenky (momentalne cca 850)
Volnych miest 11
Info tu

Ak sa ti neda na ziaden z tychto vyletov, ale chces dostavat info o dalsich vyletov do emailu, tak sa mozes prihlasit na odber noviniek tu:

Ak mas otazky p*s:)

Prosím pomôžte mi zaplniť tieto výlety a zdieľajte tento post so svojimi kamošmi, prípadne otagujte v komentároch niekoho, o kom si myslíte, že by ho niektorý výlet mohol zaujať!

Vemi pekne ďakujem.

Krásny den!

Check out this A4 designed by sona.sedlicka.

Fulidhoo, Vaavu Atoll - why to go? I recently revisited Fulidhoo island after two years since my last trip and I was smi...

Fulidhoo, Vaavu Atoll - why to go?

I recently revisited Fulidhoo island after two years since my last trip and I was smitten again. 

When I was on the island in 2022 there was a lot of construction works going on in order to protect the island from beach erosion (some of the works are still happening, but further down the beach on not so populated part of the island, so it’s not sooo distracting anymore). 

These days the works on the most of the island are done, and the island is really beautiful. The bikini beach is beautiful and spacious (although I have to worn you not to expect a perfectly lined up beach with palm trees). There is not that much of a natural shadow on the main bikini beach, but your guesthouse will certainly get some sun umbrellas and sunbeds arranged for you if you ask them. 

The four coolest things about the island are:
1. The colour of the lagoon is absolutely incredible! There are no corals on one side of the island, so the shades of blue are insane! I mean the photos speaks for themselves! 

2. The fact that there are stingrays and nurse sharks swimming around the island most of the time and you can easily take photos with them (please note that if you want to take photos while you feed the stingrays, there are not some rules in place, where the council actually do it for you and they charge you a small fee for it)

3. There is a beautiful house reef with lots of corals (even though they are exposed to coral bleaching at the moment, so not sure what state they will be soon :() 

4. The stunning new accommodation at newest addition, Kinan Boutique, where you can actually get a room with a standalone bath or your own private whirlpool bath! How cool is that? And the decor of the rooms is sooo beautiful as well. Definitely not your average local guesthouse!

This post is an ode to my amazing stand up paddle board from  that unfortunately has died about 2 months ago in Maldives...

This post is an ode to my amazing stand up paddle board from that unfortunately has died about 2 months ago in Maldives :( 

I have had that SUP for about 8 years and I have loved it profusely. It was particularly and amazingly designed for SUP yoga which I loved to use it for, but it was sooo much fun to paddle on it as well.

It has carried soooooooo many wonderful humans over the years! The beautiful memories I have either alone or with those people are easily remembered thanks to so many beautiful photos I have to keep :)

It has been with me in Slovakia, Ibiza, Menorca, but I believe it was meant to be used in Maldives. I mean I don’t think I will ever find another board which will match the hues of the Indian Ocean in Maldives so perfectly, I mean just look at the photos! They speak a thousand words about this match made in heaven. 

But it’s time to let go. RIP my fav board, you are missed! 

Let me know which photo is your favourite! 

Ahojte, slovenský Forbes o mne napísal článok! Tak ak máte 10 minútiek času tak nech sa páči tu je link. :) https://www....


slovenský Forbes o mne napísal článok! Tak ak máte 10 minútiek času tak nech sa páči tu je link. :)


Ak by ste sa chceli pridať na niektorý z mojich výletov, všetky, ktoré sú aktuálne v ponuke nájdete tu:

Spievodkyňa Soňa si Maldivy zamilovala a vodí naň Slovákov, ktorí nechcú chodiť na dovolenky primárne do rezortov. Ako vyzerá ich cestovanie?

Nový skupinový výlet Explore Maldives vol 10 je už v predaji!23. november. - 3. december 2024ČO JE ZAHRNUTÉ • 5 nocí na ...

Nový skupinový výlet Explore Maldives vol 10 je už v predaji!

23. november. - 3. december 2024
• 5 nocí na ostrove Rakeedhoo s plnou penziou
• 5 nocí na ostrove Fulidhoo s plnou penziou
• transfery z / na letisko a medzi ostrovami
• 4 fantastické exkurzie
• možnosť absolvovať ďalšie zaujímavé exkurzie
• lekcia varenia tradičných raňajok
• uvítacia a rozlúčková večera na pláži
• zopár fotiek a videí na pamiatku
• a mnoho ďalšieho

Všetky info nájdete na webe

Make sure to save this post if you’re planning to visit Maldivian local islands. Remember this name! 
Bodumohora 🌴🥥🏖️Ano...

Make sure to save this post if you’re planning to visit Maldivian local islands. Remember this name!

Bodumohora 🌴🥥🏖️

Another one of my favourite deserted (also called private or picnic) islands in Maldives. This one is located in Vaavu atoll. About 2 hours South of Male by speedboat.

The best (closest) local island from which you can make the trip to Bodumohora is Rakeedhoo, but you should be more or less able to organize a trip from pretty much all the other local islands Keyodhoo, Felidhoo, Thinadhoo and maybe also from Fulidhoo even though that one is a bit further away, so it would be more expensive for sure.

I highly highly recommend coming as much time as possible, as I will guarantee you that you will not want to leave. It’s a real paradise within Maldivian paradise.
There is a fee you need to pay for the entry (if I’m not mistaken it’s 20 USD per person) but the excursions usually have this fee included in the price of the excursion.

I highly recommend arranging a picnic on the island. We used the amazing services of for this excursion during our group trip and they are the best!

Please make sure to explore the island a bit, walk around it. The part where the boat will drop you off, tends to be quite busy with other tourists coming to have their picnics or just visiting, but if you walk a bit towards the other side, you’ll find heaven! 

Tag a person, who would you like to bring here with you!


Ahojte kamosi, �
len som chcela dat do povedomia vylety, ktore momentalne mam v ponuke;)

29.6.-10.7.2024 (odlet 29.6, prilet 10.7.)�
Snorchlovanie v Dahabe, vylet s Beduinmi, pyramidy v Gize, chramy v Luxore, a hlavne plavba 4dnova plavba na palube Aziab Seafaris a plavanie s delfinmi vo volnej prirode v zatoke Sataya Reef!!!
�Cena 1290 Eur + letenky (momentalne cca 350 Eur)
�Volnych miest 3
�Info tu https://www.canva.com/design/DAF6NoskAGE/oBLsrc3CVBQ2ByPCo_J0Kw/view?utm_content=DAF6NoskAGE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

15.-25.8.2024 (odlet 14., prilet 25.8.)
Pobyt na dvoch lokalnych ostrovoch Maalhos a Fehendhoo, 4 bombove exkurzie, navstevy sandbakov a sukromnych ostrovov, snorchlovanie, relax a hlavne pokus o plavanie so stovkami mánt v chránenej zátoke Hanifaru Bay!!!! �
Cena 1690 + letenka (momentalne cca 900 Eur)
Volnych miest 12
�Info tu

28.8.-11.9.2024 (odlet 27.8, prilet 12.9.)�
Objavovanie nielen carovneho ostrova Bali, ale aj Nusa Penida a Gili meno. Vodopady, chramy, snorchlovanie, vychody slnka, plaze …
�Cena 1190 Eur + letenka (momentalne cca 850)�
Volnych miest 9�
Info tu https://www.canva.com/design/DAF9x4gogkY/fR8Pk6BZWA7za0qaN3YYug/view?utm_content=DAF9x4gogkY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor��

11.9.-17.9.2024 (da sa absolovat aj samostatne, ale rozhodne odporucam ako predlzenie vyletu na Bali, takze lety podla toho)�Stvordnova plavba na lodi napriec narodnym parkom Komodo, absolutny chill pobyt na sukromnom ostrove, vela snorchlovania, objavovania, navsteva ruzovej plaze, vystup na Padar ostrov a mnoho dalsieho
Cena 890 + letenka (momentalne cca 850 na Bali, plus cca 140 z Bali na Komodo a spať)�
Volnych miest 9
Info tu https://www.canva.com/design/DAF93UBWwYc/6xSqOG91ZT2ua2Vjr1zxxg/view?utm_content=DAF93UBWwYc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor��

Ak sa ti neda na ziaden z tychto vyletov, ale chces dostavat info o dalsich vyletov do emailu, tak sa mozes prihlasit na odber noviniek tu:�https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63a49b3137a7fb86b1f9860c��

Ak mas otazky p*s:) Prosím pomôžte mi zaplniť tieto výlety a zdieľajte tento post so svojimi kamošmi, prípadne otagujte v komentároch niekoho, o kom si myslíte, že by ho niektorý výlet mohol zaujať! Vemi pekne ďakujem.

��Krásny den!

Why should you go to Vaadhoo island in Maldives?I recently got a chance to explore this beautiful local island Vaadho, w...

Why should you go to Vaadhoo island in Maldives?

I recently got a chance to explore this beautiful local island Vaadho, which is located at the South of Maldives in the largest atoll in Maldives, called Huvaadhoo.

You should consider visiting this island if you want to:

- surf at the cool spot called Blue Bowls
- snorkel / freedive at the most amazing house reef I’ve seen in Maldives
- if you want to see ton of turtles (seriously I’ve seen about 60 in 2 days)
- and also some other cool larger marine animals (sharks, eagle rays, stingrays, tuna)
- want to stay on a super quiet and peaceful island with very few tourists (and also not that many locals)
- looking for a super green island, with lots of palm trees and nature
- you don’t mind if not having a bikini beach (which means you’re not officially able to swim in bikinis in any beach on the island)
- want to make excursions to nearby sandbanks and deserted islands (where you can be in bikini all day long;))
- are ok with taking a domestic flight to get here

Does Vaadhoo sound interesting to you? I am contemplating starting to do trips to more remote areas of Maldives. 

Would you be interested in joining? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Reminiscing about all the beautiful places in Baa Atoll that .mv took us to explore! 🌴🏖️🥥💛🥹🫶•  Huraifaru•⁠  ⁠Hibalhidhoo...

Reminiscing about all the beautiful places in Baa Atoll that .mv took us to explore! 🌴🏖️🥥💛🥹🫶

• Huraifaru
•⁠ ⁠Hibalhidhoo
•⁠ ⁠Anga Faru Sand bank
•⁠ ⁠Villingili faru
•⁠ ⁠Mendhoo

Absolute paradise! 🙏
Wanna join me in Baa Atoll?

Maalhos excursion tips! 🌴🏖️(🇸🇰 nižšie).Thanks to creating content for .mv, a guesthouse based in Maalhos, we got to expl...

Maalhos excursion tips! 🌴🏖️
(🇸🇰 nižšie).

Thanks to creating content for .mv, a guesthouse based in Maalhos, we got to explore so many stunning places in such a short time. 

On our third day, we were lucky to go and explore these three breathtaking spots.

1. Private island Mendhoo (super private, only one booking is allowed per day, so you really are guaranteed to be alone here).
2. Picnic island Villigili faru
3. Anga faru sand bank

If you could chose to go only to one of these, which one would you choose?

Make sure to save this post, if you’re looking for nice excursions to do when in Baa Atoll.

Tipy na exkurzie z ostrova Maalhos (pripadne aj Dharavandhoo)

Vďaka vytváraniu obsahu pre .mv , ktorý sa nachádza na ostrove Maalhos sme mali šancu v relatívne krátkom čase preskúmať toľko úžasných miest. 

Počas nášho tretieho dňa sme boli preskúmať tieto tri úchvatné miesta.

1. Súkromný ostrov Mendhoo (naozaj súkromný, je povolená iba jedna rezervácia za deň, takže tu budete naozaj zaručene sami).
2. Piknikový ostrov Villigili faru
3. Sandbank Anga faru

Ak by ste sa mohli rozhodnúť ísť len na jedno z týchto miest, ktoré by ste si vybrali?
Nezabudnite si uložiť tento príspevok, ak hľadáte pekné výlety v atole Baa.

Oh Baa Atoll, you are stealing my 💛🌴🥥🏖️(🇸🇰v komentároch)It's only been a second day since I got to Maalhos and I can cle...

Oh Baa Atoll, you are stealing my 💛🌴🥥🏖️
(🇸🇰v komentároch)

It's only been a second day since I got to Maalhos and I can clearly see again why I love Maldives so much!

It’s already been about 3 weeks since I arrived to Maldives and I have to be honest, this was the first time that I was actually not absolutely loving it. I mean not enjoying the atmosphere, not having the best time, seeing a lot of negatives instead of positives.

Local Maldivian islands are changing soooo fast, and by visiting a lot of the same ones in the past two years, I can see a huge shift in both the atmosphere on the islands, but mostly in the development (not for the better in my opinion). 

Super tall buildings (on a local Maldivian island this is actually 10-12 floors building) are rising on the islands and absolutely ruining the visual beauty of the islands, lot of the islands looks like constructions sites, because they are getting sewage pipes in place, they are enlarging the harbours, they are building a lot of hotels and guesthouses, or the are simply building wave barriers so the islands are not being washed away. 

So lot of the islands which in the past were epitomes of paradise for me are loosing this status almost with the speed of light.

I understand it’s might be great for the locals that they are getting more jobs, and opportunities, and the wave breaking walls are unfortunately a necessity , but it’s hearbreaking for me to see these changes.

So I am super happy to be in Maalhos and which seems to still have some of the mood and feel of the true paradise.

Here are a couple of shots from today’s trip to the two surrounding little private islands, to show you how beautiful this country is and make sure that you understand that if you are planning to come to Maldives and explore the local islands, the time is NOW!!!

Do not postpone this trip anymore. If you need recommendations about islands / accommodations / excursions or help with the planning, let me know. I do offer phone consultations and custom holiday planning services :)


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