Clinic of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology IVF Zlín

Clinic of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology IVF Zlín For over 20 years The Clinic of Reproductive medicine and Gynecology Zlin offers comprehensive services in the fields of assisted reproduction, gynecology.

For over 20 years The Clinic of Reproductive medicine and Gynecology Zlin offers comprehensive services in the fields of assisted reproduction, gynecology, andrology and embryology. Thanks to a wide range of used methods, long-term experiences and top team of IVF specialists we can help to become parents even to couples whose situation could seem hopeless. The main area of activity of The Clinic i

nvolves thorough examination and treatment of infertile couples. The clinic performs all techniques and procedures of assisted reproduction available in top European centers (IVF, ET, ICSI, PICSI, PGD, IVF with donated eggs and sperm, MESA/TESE, cryopreservation of eggs, sperm and embryos).


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Our Story

For over 15 years The Clinic of Reproductive medicine and Gynecology Zlin offers comprehensive services in the fields of assisted reproduction, gynecology, andrology and embryology. Thanks to a wide range of used methods, long-term experiences and top team of IVF specialists we can help to become parents even to couples whose situation could seem hopeless. The main area of activity of The Clinic involves thorough examination and treatment of infertile couples. The clinic performs all techniques and procedures of assisted reproduction available in top European centers (IVF, ET, ICSI, PICSI, PGD, IVF with donated eggs and s***m, MESA/TESE, cryopreservation of eggs, s***m and embryos).