Jetboard Germany

Jetboard Germany Jet Board Germany is business partner of JetBoard.Limited. We cover both electric and petrol powered engines. WHO ARE WE? Always "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY."

We are the original company that first specialised in all different makes and brands of jet propelled and motorised surf boards. Some of the main new brands we deal with are Jetsurf, Radinn, Lampuga, Onean, Waterwolf, Seazet, Wavejet, Surfjet and Supjet. Because we have a great network in the motosurf industry we are often one of the first to find out about any new jet boards that are coming to th

e market. Jet Board Limited have always worked with and welcomed all and any new designers, manufacturers and brands, and we will continue to do so as we are proud to play our part in the growth of the motosurf industry. If you are looking to learn, hire, try, buy or sell a jet board then we can definitely help make sure you get the best deal possible. We are all about "REPRESENTING THE BUYERS AND THE RIDERS". Over the years Jet Board Limited have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience which we openly offer our customers. Our advice is honest, unbiased and it covers all the pros and cons of each different brand and model. The information and advise we offer you is based on our own personal experience as well as reviews and feedback from other jet boarders and riders. Jet Board Limited's interest and experience does not start and stop with all the new and latest jet boards. We also have quite a history with the old classic and vintage jet boards which we spent many years buying, restoring, collecting and selling. We still love a good old restoration project and have a great appreciation and attraction to any and all of the jet board history. If you are looking for an old restoration project, need help with one, want to get rid of one or would like your old board restored, then please do get in touch. We provide "NEW AGE JET BOARDS WITH OLD SCHOOL SERVICE". The Jet Board Limited team are jet boarders that ride the boards, test the boards, break the boards, review the boards, hire the boards and sell the boards but most of all we just love jet boarding. We are passionate about the whole industry and lifestyle. We are excited about where jet boarding is going and we are proud to play an instrumental role in helping to take the motosurf sport to the next level. We are the jet boarders you see in the water and meet on the beach. We are jet boarders helping and advising other jet boarders. You will generally see us doing business on the beach with wet hair and sand on our feet. Our approach to business is very much hands on and we cannot emphasise enough how important it is to get involved, get wet and get on a board before buy. "Try before you buy" is one of our main mottos because nothing tells the story better than the board itself. This is why we not only sell, but also offer supervised training and hire lessons. WHERE WE STARTED
Our entry into the motosurf industry was a very natural progression. We started with the old classics and this led us to all the new high-tech models and brands. Jet Board Limited pioneered and led the way in actually getting to know all the various boards and trying them out. While getting to know the jet boards we also got to know the designers and manufacturers which was a great help. Not all the jet boards we tried were a great success, but it sure was a great journey learning and riding most of them. Being the first to own and ride most of the jet boards led us to promoting, teaching, advising and helping all the new interested jet boarders. Before we knew it we weren't just riding the boards, but we were also selling boards to family, friends and other jet boarders. With the sales came all the spares and repairs, backup and support. Jet Board Limited had started and we didn't even notice because we were just doing what we loved. "WE DON'T JUST SELL THE BOARDS". WHERE ARE WE? Jet Board Limited has its head office based in Brighton, England. We have Jet Board England, Jet Board Spain and we are in the process of setting up Jet Board Germany. We are looking to franchise in most major countries but this will also be a very natural progression, as it will be the jet boarders themselves who will make up the Jet Board Limited expanded team. As the motosurf industry grows so will our network and so will the Jet Board Limited brand. For the countries that we have got franchises in, we will be focusing on setting up as many Jet Board Instructors in as many locations as possible. We don't just sell jet boards but we offer a whole lifestyle and buzz that goes with it. Jet Board Limited are much more than a company, we are a family and a community that ride together and stick together. We take great pride in the support and backup that we offer each other. You will notice that "WE START WHERE THE MANUFACTURERS STOP." BUY LOCAL
The industry is so new: the manufacturers are new, the boards are new, the sellers are new, the buyers are new... and a lot of the boards are prototypes being sold to jet boarders to raise money to fund the next new and improved model. The boards are evolving and some brands are working a lot better and quicker than others. Anyone can put together a nice website and make a few demo videos which could seem quite convincing, but from experience we can tell you to be wary and do your homework before just purchasing a board. It's hard to tell about a board by looking at it and buying it over the internet. Jet Board Limited are trying to change this concept and are setting up Jet Board Instructors in as many locations as possible so that ideally you can do the "try before you buy" with your local Jet Board Instructor. Buying local and through a good reliable source is vital because even with the more trusted and reliable brands you are always going to be looking for technical support and advice, and it's also a lot easier getting spares and repairs. So make sure you "GO FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE, DON'T GET TAKEN FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE."


Ilsfelder Weg


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