Stones and Rocks GmbH ist ein Unternehmen, das sich auf die
Einführung interessanter Gesteinsarten, die wir für Ihr ausgewähltes Projekt verwenden, spezialisiert hat. Sei es eine Hotelfassade,
ein öffentlicher Platz oder der renovierte Boden des Frankfurter Flughafens, wir helfen Ihnen von der Optimierung Ihrer Vision,
den Designs und Planungen, bis zur finalen Realisation Ihres Pojektes. Lassen S
ie uns gemeinsam Ihrer Vorstellung gerecht werden
und vereinbaren Sie ein erstes informatives Gespräch! Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie persönlich kennen zu lernen.
Throughout almost all epochs stones have born great cultural
importance. Whether in support of astronomical
computations or manifestation of religious rites, stones were
intertwined into the myths of the antiquity up to
the monumental building of the Greeks and Romans. Fascinated with the power of stones, I have chosen natural
stone as my favorite material for my work. Ever since
I have been creating everything from stone I consider it
a labour of love to travel the world over in search of
just the right stone for my clients' needs and purposes. I do not have a certain preference for certain stones or projects;
marble may be just as suitable as granite for a hotel front
or a public area depending on how these areas are arranged. I have decades of experience working with stones and I shall
be available to you from the realization of your ideas
all the way to the completion of your project. I can offer you
complete services beginning with the design and planning,
all-inclusive calculations up to the final project inspection. I would very much like to invite you to an informative meeting
to get to know you and to exchange ideas on your projects.