LEONI-ART visual artist, contemporary art, painter, waterpainter, landartist, photographer, studio, freie bildende Künstlerin, Malerin, WASSERMALERIN, Fotografin

Mein Künstlername ist LEONI. Ich bin frei arbeitende Malerin / Mitglied des BBK Köln/Deutschland, Gründerin der Projektgruppe "LEONI-ART". Ich habe zahlreiche Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen im In- und Ausland gezeigt, um nur einige zu erwähnen:

2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 Galerie Display Köln
2013 Vienna Travel Gallery Wien/Austria
2010 Einzelausstellung im Bundesrechnungshof Bonn,
2008 und 2005 Gal

erie Orangerie Schloss Augustusburg (UNESCO Weltkulturerbe) Brühl,
2010, 2004, 2002, 2001,2000,1992 Museum Tsikaliotis Leonidion/ Griechenland,
1999 Deutsche Welle Köln,
1994 Konrad- Adenauer- Stiftung Köln. Seit 1999 habe ich "mein Thema" - WASSER - gefunden und arbeite an einer nicht endenden Serie von "Wasserbildern". Ausgehend von der kontemplativen Betrachtung der Natur,versuche ich in meinen Bildern festzuhalten, was nie von Dauer ist: Wasserspiegelungen. Ornamentale, farbige Licht- und Bewegungsreflexe auf der Wasseroberfläche: Fraktale Strukturen, von der Natur vielfältig variiert, halte ich in Fotografien fest, die mir später im Atelier als Vorlagen dienen. Meine "Wasserbilder" wirken obwohl eben der Realität entnommen, paradoxerweise abstrakt. Ich suche eine Galerie, die mich langfristig vertreten möchte. Allen Projekten rund um das Thema Wasser stehe ich offen gegenüber, sprechen Sie mich an! siehe auch: http://www.leoni-art.de/

IN ENGLISH: My artistname is LEONI. Since more than 25 years I have been working actively in the art business. Since 1999 I am an active member of the National Association of Artists. I have been working exclusively as a freelance artist for many years. As a result I made numerous exhibitions. Just to mention a few:

2014, 2013, 2012 Solo and Groupexhibition Galerie Display Köln
2013 Vienna Travel Gallery Wien/Austria
2010 Soloexhibition in Bundesrechnungshof Bonn,
2008, 2005 Unesco World Inheritance "Castle Augustusburg", Brühl, Germany
2010, 2004, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1992 Museum Tsikaliotis, City of Leonidion, Greece
1999 Radiostation "Deutsche Welle", Cologne
1994 Konrad- Adenauer- Donation, Cologne

1999 I found MY THEME in artworks: "WATER". I call these works "Water- Paintings". I study nature very intense, especially the seaside and the surface of the sea and rivers. I notice the changes of the colours and reflections during different daytimes and seasons. I take many photos which show me the patterns of the reflections and I reduce them or enlarge details of them later in my paintings. The "WATER-PAINTINGS" are also painted contemplations about water. I am searching for a gallery to present my paintings international. Please look also http://www.leoni-art.de/ und http://www.zeigdeinekunst.de/ unter LEONI

http://www.leoni-art.de/, http://www.zeigdeinekunst.de/ LEONI, http://www.artists.de/LEONI A. Jäkel, http://www.ausstellungsportal.de/

Save the date!

Save the date!

UPCOMING"Lying Boy in the Park in year 2050" LEONI is calling one of her new photo works for the exhibition "Godesberg i...

"Lying Boy in the Park in year 2050" LEONI is calling one of her new photo works for the exhibition "Godesberg in Old Times & Today", opening on 9.1.2025 in " LA Redoute" (showroom) in Bad Godesberg!

LEONI is working on a serie of female portraits... Here one of her new works, Acryl & markers on canvas, 40 x 40 cm, 202...

LEONI is working on a serie of female portraits...
Here one of her new works, Acryl & markers on canvas, 40 x 40 cm, 2024

Prototype by LEONI A. Jäkel

Prototype by LEONI A. Jäkel

Paintings of Water Reflections by LEONI A. Jäkel since 1999

Paintings of Water Reflections by LEONI A. Jäkel since 1999

Strange Things by LEONI A. Jäkel

Strange Things by LEONI A. Jäkel

UPCOMING groupshow together with Offene Ateliers Bonn in September ... LEONI is participating ...

UPCOMING groupshow together with Offene Ateliers Bonn in September ... LEONI is participating ...

Mother Nature is very inspiring for artists...Photography by LEONI A. Jäkel

Mother Nature is very inspiring for artists...
Photography by LEONI A. Jäkel

Hier weitere Infos zum Kunstevent KIF24 in der Eifel, an dem LEONI beteiligt bin !

Hier weitere Infos zum Kunstevent KIF24 in der Eifel, an dem LEONI beteiligt bin !

LEONI is very happy to be part of the exhibition Kunst im Fluß – “KIF 2024 – AI & Other Lives” from June to October 2024...

LEONI is very happy to be part of the exhibition Kunst im Fluß – “KIF 2024 – AI & Other Lives” from June to October 2024 with my work "Grasshopper" ! An open air exhibition in Schleiden-Gemünd in the Eifel.
Many thanks to the curator Jürgen A. Roder !
Opening of the exhibition:
Sunday, 16.6.2024 at 5 pm in Schleiden-Gemünd, Am Plan,
also with the jazz duo Susanne Riemer&Wilhelm Geschwind.
The exhibition can be seen until 20.10.

LEONI 'S first exhibition in Castle "Tsikaliotis" inside the Museums exhibition room in Leonidio, Greece, 1992, Fotos of...

LEONI 'S first exhibition in Castle "Tsikaliotis" inside the Museums exhibition room in Leonidio, Greece, 1992, Fotos of LEONIs book of documentary

Happy to participate  -Freue mich wieder dabei zu sein!

Happy to participate -
Freue mich wieder dabei zu sein!

Bin dabei!

Bin dabei!

Bin dabei!

Heute morgen ...This morning, digital photography, 2024by LEONI A. Jäkel

Heute morgen ...
This morning, digital photography, 2024
by LEONI A. Jäkel


MittelStr. 24/26


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