🐶 Und hier noch das fantastische Video zu „Nicht nach Haus“. @emma6musik haben sich dafür einen ganz besonderen Kameramann gesucht.
Mit ihrem Video zu „Blinder Fleck“ machen @emma6musik auf ein Thema aufmerksam, dass in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend drängender wurde. Die Jahresgesamtzahl aller wohnungslosen Menschen in Deutschland lag in 2020 nach Schätzungen der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe e.V. bei ca. 417.000. Ca. 45.000 Menschen leben im Lauf eines Jahres ohne jede Unterkunft auf der Straße.
„Blinder Fleck“ ist ein Aufruf, nicht wegzuschauen und sich den Problemen unserer Welt zu stellen. Für das Video hat die Band hat einen Abend lang den Verein @freundederkoelnerstrassen begleitet. Der Verein unterstützt obdachlose Menschen mit warmem Essen, Kleidung und menschlicher Begegnung auf Augenhöhe und zeigt damit: Wir alle können jederzeit vor der eigenen Haustür anfangen, etwas Gutes zu tun. Ganz so wie es im Song heißt: „Wir beginnen jetzt hier“. Mit der Veröffentlichung des Songs ist außerdem eine Spendenaktion für den Verein verbunden.
Unterstütze jetzt den Kölner Kältebus und die Arbeit von Freunde der Kölner Straßen und ihrer Bewohner e.V. mit einer Spende:
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🎥 @jurek287
One of the most touching songs taken from @varleymusic’s debut LP, Married With Bruises talks about absurd and outdated expectations that can sometimes be used to control women.
Varley‘s Claire-Ann:
Smalltalk and DMCs has been out for a little while now but we wanted to do something for MWB. Like with all of our music we try to talk about the nitty gritty, uncomfortable topics in our lives and Married With Bruises is no exception. It weighs heavy on me sometimes when I see that I am being treated differently to my band mates. Is it because they have willies and I don't? Or do I allow myself to be spoken to in a way that they would never accept? The one thing I am so grateful for is that my band mates see it too and they always have my back when they see it happening. I never really confront it but you can be sure I'm gonna write a song about it and that's why married with bruises is so special to me. It was my place to vent when I felt I was being treated differently or unfairly or being spoken to in a creepy way just because I am a woman.
🎥 @d0317f
In need for some solid weekend bangers? @newmen_grand_plaisir got @gerdjansonofficial, @fabriziomammarella, @lowtrax and their very own Martin Heiman to reinterpret songs from their latest album 'Futur II'. You might wanna turn this up a little louder.
The whole thing is available as 12'' as well. Grab it while you can.
@elizashaddad 'HEAVEN (The Battersea Sessions)'
A live performance of Eliza Shaddad's 'Heaven' - recorded and filmed at the historic Battersea Arts Centre, London - in collaboration with The Arts Council England, Jerwood Arts and Sennheiser. This is one of 3 performances which Eliza dreamed up after spending months without touring and with a music industry in crisis. The videos aim to showcase and celebrate the wealth of creative talent that Eliza has worked alongside and learned from in her 10 years of being an independent artist.
And hey, you can even listen to the song on all streaming services now.
@varleymusic‘s debut album 'Smalltalk & DMCs' will finally be out on Friday. To get you hyped up even more, here is another brilliant live session. 'Bubble Up' was the first song released from the album and now the record is only 4 days away.
🎥 @packpackpack
Futur II - @newmen_grand_plaisir
Chris James - The Way You Look At Me
Have you seen Chris James' new video for ‘The Way You Look At Me’? It's bursting with energy and will definitely get you dancing. So go check it out on Chris' YouTube. 💃🕺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJH0snwtS6o
Have you met all the different @elizashaddad s in the 'Fine & Peachy' video? No? We are sure you wanna meet them all. Head over to Eliza‘s YouTube for the full video.
You gotta love well made music videos…. @varleymusic again teamed up with director @jen.krause and her team to create something truly wonderful to go with their song „The Pressure“. Please meet Rudi. Shot on 16mm film and starring @boesacting we had such a great day at some junkyard outside of Berlin. Treat yourself and watch it over at Varley‘s youtube.
Thanks so much to everybody who made this happen.
Video directed by @jen.krause / a RHUM STUDIO production
Starring: @boesacting
Director of Photography: @nicolarehbein
1st AC: Christoph Sommer
2nd AC: Carlos Vasquez
Hair and Makeup: Christine Benzinger
Assistant: @paul.hepper
Editing and Color: Jen Krause
P.S.: @fimbim vielleicht gefällt dir das! Schrottplatz!