Welcome to the KÄG Effect. We are a specialized speed dating service that places the community of singles, in your area, with one another. As date experts, we know that meeting people at the bar scene quickly becomes old and the online dating scene is just too impersonal. That's why we have been providing you with the best and extraordinary events and locations to meet the demands of the singles c
ommunity nationwide. Did you know that nearly half of the adult population in Germany is single? With an estimated 32 million singles in this country, there are more people in search of love today than ever before. And let's face it; we are busy people in a fast-paced world. With job pressures mounting and deadlines needing to be met, it is becoming harder than ever for single professionals to find the time to date. And as for those who do have the time, how do they sift through a sea of other singles to find the right one? Speed Dating brings together a large number of singles providing the opportunity to meet in a fun, social, pressure-free environment, where they can get to know each other within a matter of minutes. The events of KÄG Effect take place in restaurants, lounges but also in upscale venues like ski gondolas, elevators, bumper cars, horse-drawn-cariages, or ferris wheels. There is always a balanced ration of men and women, so no one is ever left feeling uncomfortable. Speed Dating's popularity has skyrocketed over the past couple years because it offers a refreshing alternative to traditional dating. Go out for an early evening and enjoy multiple dates. Then, after the event, simply log online within 36 hours, choose your matches, and decide for yourself who you really want to see again. Speed Dating takes away the upfront uneasy feelings of rejection and allows you to simply have fun and meet multiple new people and maybe a new love.