We are particularly proud of our Dutch distributor Decilux AV Sales, which has already supplied our C 40 system to numerous bands and rental companies. And the success is far from over!
Welcome to the official facebook-fanpage of KS AUDIO Professional Loudspeaker-systems made in Germany
Westendstraße 1
Montag | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Dienstag | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Mittwoch | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Donnerstag | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Freitag | 09:00 - 16:00 |
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For more than 30 years KS has developed under the leadership of Dieter Klein, the owner of the company, first class sound transmission devices having as ultimate objective a true-to-life and pure reproduction of sound. Numerous innovative ideas, inventions and patents have manifested the reputation of KS as one of the technological leaders for "PA Systems", the term which has been established by KS for an entire line of business. All KS products offer to the modern sound engineer universal tools of uncompromising design with highest sound accuracy which are designed on the basis of accurate specifications for sound neutrality. The permanent dialogue with our customers helps us to continuously optimize our products and keep them on the current state-of-the-art. This is why we are always open to critical comments and suggestions. Careful selection of the different components and the know-how based on decades of experience guarantee excellent results. Fixed installations, which have been implemented worldwide, document the technological progress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seit nun mehr als 30 Jahren entwickelt KS, unter der Führung von Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Klein, Klangübertrager der Spitzenklasse, die eines als oberstes Ziel haben: Klang naturgetreu und unverfälscht wiederzugeben. Zahlreiche inovative Ideen, Erfindungen und Patente sichern KS den Ruf als einer der Marktführer der "Beschallungstechnik" - dem Begriff, den KS für eine ganze Branche geprägt hat. Alle KS Produkte bieten dem modernen Toningenieur universelle Werkzeuge in kompromissloser Konzeption mit höchster Klangpräzision, designed nach exakten Vorgaben der Klangneuralität.