Anna Maria Władyka-Leittretter Translation & Conference Interpreting

Anna Maria Władyka-Leittretter Translation & Conference Interpreting Certified translations and conference interpreting -
Beglaubigte Übersetzungen und Konferenzdolmets

Leipzig Book Fair 2024! We're in the middle of it, advocating the rights of literary translators and celebrating the nom...

Leipzig Book Fair 2024! We're in the middle of it, advocating the rights of literary translators and celebrating the nominated translations!

Remember those fun look and find books we enjoyed as kids? Well, I just had the chance to revisit that joy thanks to a c...

Remember those fun look and find books we enjoyed as kids? Well, I just had the chance to revisit that joy thanks to a collaboration with Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH / Prestel Verlag. I had the pleasure of translating a delightful storybook by Nikola Kucharska, 'A Year in the Castle.':

If you're interested in the original Polish version or other books in the series, check out:

Reserves, equity, EPS... These terms are essential for conference interpreters who work at European works council meetin...

Reserves, equity, EPS... These terms are essential for conference interpreters who work at European works council meetings or annual general meetings. In addition to preparing for the respective assignment, it is extremely important to take a deep dive into these topics, because only then will you understand the context and won´t be surprised by abbreviations such as "FCF", "NOPAT" or "CFBIT". Many thanks to colleagues organising trainings on behalf of VKD and to Jacqueline Klemke for the training session on and reporting!

Following "Faszinierende Chemie" and "Faszinierendes Gehirn", "Faszinierende Physik" hits bookshelves as my third transl...

Following "Faszinierende Chemie" and "Faszinierendes Gehirn", "Faszinierende Physik" hits bookshelves as my third translation from the "fascinating" Springer series, perfectly rounding off my business area literary translation in 2023. Many thanks to PWN - Scientific Publishers (WN PWN S.A.)!

Throwback Thursday! Following a demanding interpreting gig on preserving historical monuments, I set out on a quick tour...

Throwback Thursday! Following a demanding interpreting gig on preserving historical monuments, I set out on a quick tour including snacking and sightseeing. That's how I discovered Dat Tortenhus in Waren (Müritz). My coffee-lover soul feels indulged :)

The magic of theatre and an interesting (albeit a bit vintage) console at the

The magic of theatre and an interesting (albeit a bit vintage) console at the

Where was I this time? No, it's not a spaceship, even if it is supposed to look like one. ;) Grateful for the exciting m...

Where was I this time? No, it's not a spaceship, even if it is supposed to look like one. ;) Grateful for the exciting mission and for the unique experience!

Honoured to have interpreted the negotiations between the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Polish Ministry of I...

Honoured to have interpreted the negotiations between the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure at 2022 in using my simultaneous interpretation equipment.

As the year is coming to a close, we often look back and reflect on the past months. I’ve been quite silent on social me...

As the year is coming to a close, we often look back and reflect on the past months. I’ve been quite silent on social media recently but I think I had good reasons for that:
▶️I’ve set up a small RSI hub in my office with a working space for 2 people and equipment for simultaneous interpreting and voice recordings.
▶️A new book translation is cooking up, this time devoted to the fascinating secrets of the human brain!
▶️I’ve discovered a new passion for speech-to-text interpreting and completed a postgraduate study programme at the University of Vienna devoted to Schriftdolmetschen. I am now qualified to offer this service with English and German and am excited to expand my service portfolio further.
▶️I’ve worked with very competent and fantastic (new and old) colleagues both online and on site. My last cool treat before the Christmas break included interpreting at a film set for a documentary which is going to be available on Netflix!
🔜My resolution for 2022? Find more time for CPD, some creative ideas and physical meetings with colleagues. 😊
What about your plans & highlights?

+++ First call for papers +++TRITON (TRanslation and Interpreting Technology ONline): Forum for recent advances in techn...

+++ First call for papers +++

TRITON (TRanslation and Interpreting Technology ONline): Forum for recent advances in technologies for translation and interpreting and more, 5th-7th July 2021

Are you interested in machine translation, CATs, interpreting technology, audiovisual translation, cognitive approaches to translation and interpreting as well as NLP?

If so, then have a look at
and submit your paper or poster presentation.

We look forward to sharing and discussing the latest updates in the T&I industry with you!

Keeping up with the latest developments in my home country has always been important for me. Though it'd be easier for m...

Keeping up with the latest developments in my home country has always been important for me. Though it'd be easier for me to name all German federal ministers by now, I have a routine of going through some headlines and analyses in all my working languages on a regular basis.

But today there are no headlines in Poland.

At least not in the independent media.

In reaction to the government's plans to levy a tax on ad revenue,
private media, some of which are still struggling with the economic impact of the pandemic, joined a "blackout" protest.

More details can be found here:

Private TV channels, radio stations, websites and papers joined the action against the government.



Drodzy czytelnicy i sympatycy,

niniejsza strona będzie w przyszłości prowadzona wyłącznie w języku angielskim.

Zachęcam do polubienia polskiej wersji, na "łamach" której będą publikowane treści i usługi dedykowane specjalnie dla polskich odbiorców.

Zapraszam i do usłyszenia wkrótce!

Profesjonalne tłumaczenia konferencyjne w języku angielskim i niemieckim - native speaker jęz. ni


Liebe AbonnentInnen,

diese Seite wird künftig ausschließlich in englischer Sprache geführt. Um Beiträge in deutscher Sprache zu lesen, fügen Sie folgende Seite zu Ihren Favoriten hinzu bzw. klicken Sie auf "Like":

Bis bald!

Konferenzdolmetschen & Fachübersetzen
Englisch (§) – Polnisch (§) – Deutsch (§)

Recently I’ve had a chance to interpret (mind you, in a real, physical booth again 😊) several speeches which were aired ...

Recently I’ve had a chance to interpret (mind you, in a real, physical booth again 😊) several speeches which were aired via livestream to the target audience. This hybrid solution works well for product presentations or some lectures but it is necessarily a one-way communication, i. e. the input goes from the speaker to the listeners, who cannot really intervene or react.

Nevertheless, successful communication is still in the hands of the speaker, who should bear the following points in mind:

💡 Speak as freely as it gets. Impossible, you say? Imagine there are listeners sitting in front of you and you really try to explain something to them and want your message to be clearly understood.

💡 “Everything must be perfect!” Bear in mind that your speech will be rendered in another language, which requires a substantial cognitive effort. If you read out a very dense, informative text with puns, figurative expressions etc. from the screen at a fast pace, the interpreter would have to read out a ready-made translation to ensure a perfect rendition. But that wouldn’t be even sight interpretation, right? When in doubt, speak to your interpreters. They are experts in successful communication and many of them have excellent public speaking skills as well.

What are your thoughts on this interpretation mode?

Recently I’ve completed my first remote simultaneous interpreting job via Zoom. Although I am no stranger to video and p...

Recently I’ve completed my first remote simultaneous interpreting job via Zoom. Although I am no stranger to video and phone interpreting, this was definitely a new experience. And it felt like the good ol’ booth! Why is worth considering for your next meeting or conference (with interpreting services)?
✔️ Easy registration and organisation of meetings
✔️ Multiple speakers/moderators and a chat window for participants
✔️ A screen sharing option
✔️ Multiple language channels. However, some improvements are needed here as quite a few languages are still missing (including Polish) but it doesn’t affect the functionality of the tool.
✔️ More details on how it works:

Auch Konferenzen und Ihre Events lassen sich im Home Office durchführen. Mittlerweile gibt es eine große Auswahl an Online-Tools und Plattformen (z. B. Zoom), mit denen Sie passend zu Ihren Bedürfnissen, ohne großen Aufwand und bei überschaubaren Kosten ein ganztägiges Event für mehrere Teilnehmer + Verdolmetschung in gewünschte Sprachen organisieren können. Lassen Sie sich beraten und bleiben Sie am Ball!


Niedającym się dla mnie przecenić aspektem pracy tłumacza jest możliwość zdobywania wiedzy mimochodem. Niedawno ukończyłam (wraz ze wspierającym mnie zespołem tłumaczy) projekt tłumaczeniowy obejmujący teksty dziennikarskie dotyczące stosunków polsko-niemieckich. Warto wykorzystać wolną chwilę i nadrobić lekturę, zwłaszcza w czasach, kiedy wystawia nasze relacje na próbę (linki oryg.).

Eine der schönsten Sachen an der Übersetzungsarbeit ist für mich die Tatsache, dass man noch nebenbei unheimlich viel dazulernen kann. Vor Kurzem habe ich dank der Unterstützung meines Teams eine Reihe von journalistischen Beiträgen übersetzt, die sich deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen widmen. Eine Lektüre, die ich wärmstens empfehlen kann: Besonders in dieser Zeit, in der unser Miteinander durch -19 auf die Probe gestellt wird (im Original):

Vier Wähler erklären, warum sie am Sonntag für die nationalkonservative Regierungspartei P*S stimmen werden.




Montag 09:00 - 20:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 20:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 20:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 20:00
Freitag 09:00 - 20:00
Samstag 10:00 - 13:00




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