Innerwise USA

Innerwise USA Uwe Albrecht is a practicing physician and pioneer of energy medicine. Over the last 18 years he developed the innerwise system.

The Innerwise system is so simple that reading the short guide in the set’s booklet or watching the brief video is enough to help you get started. As you use this healing system, you will be supported and guided by the arm-length test. This is a kinesiological test that you can practice yourself. Our body can say “yes” or “no” through a difference in arm length. More precisely, it is our subconsci

ous expressing itself through our body, and our subconscious is typically 90 percent responsible for creating our reality. This means that our life’s main stakeholder is not our conscious will but our subconscious. When you let your arms hang loosely at your sides and say “yes,” they are usually equally long as you bring them together in front of your body. But when you say “no,” the length of your arms differs. The arm-length test is really that easy! Yet it can do a lot more than that: When you touch an organ that is not in balance and you do the arm-length test, your arms differ in length. The greater the difference in arm length, the higher the organ’s level of stress. This test provides a full diagnosis without lab, x-ray or ultrasound. It can even reveal allergic reactions, rigidity or blockages. (You can read more about this test in my book Yes/No: Life Can Be So Simple.) Everyone wants to be healthy, happy and successful. Yet when people imagine this and bring their arms together in front of their body, their arms often differ in length. This means that our primary stakeholder—the subconscious—experiences stress imagining these things. When this happens, these things can’t and won’t occur. Innerwise clears the blockages in our subconscious so that what we wish for can happen. Innerwise works not only for people, but also for animals, plants and living workspaces, systems or organizations, because everything is alive and thus follows the principle of disharmony or harmony, of blockage or flow. It is a healing system that helps all life to live in health, flow and integrity.

This is your Invitation to Jazz Up Your Life with Judy:  Step into Greater Love, Joy and Abundance!  Enjoy a group of 40...

This is your Invitation to Jazz Up Your Life with Judy: Step into Greater Love, Joy and Abundance! Enjoy a group of 40 transformation experts in this special fall series!

"Judy and I had great shows in the past already. Always a pleasure and very inspirational for all.
The new show is about the new innerwise game DARE TO B’RICHED - arriving playful in the HERE and NOW." - Uwe Albrecht

To Register and receive Free Access, plus a Transformation Kit filled with gifts from fabulous facilitators, click here:

Here are the upcoming innerwise Events with Uwe Albrecht in San Diego in May.We are looking forward to seeing you there!...

Here are the upcoming innerwise Events with Uwe Albrecht in San Diego in May.

We are looking forward to seeing you there! :)


DARE TO B’RICHED- be now- be here- be yourselfIn this free webinar we will introduce you to the new innerwise game  and ...

- be now
- be here
- be yourself

In this free webinar we will introduce you to the new innerwise game and cover some of the following topics, including hands-on experience and practical takeaways for your everyday life.

Lets play together!

Register now for Uwe Albrecht & innerwise's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Wednesday March 14, 2018 at 11:59 pm CET.


The artificial and the superficial disappear, truth becomes visible.


You do not fall asleep easily and in the morning you are still extremely tired. You might not have the right sleep place for you!


Change is not a question of time, but of decisions.
See for yourself how much course participants changed over a 4 day period.


Healer 3: Self-luminous beings create together a being of a higher order.

Close your eyes, and let yourself become whole again. - innerwise yourself!


Healer 8 - Everything finds itself together, finds its meaning in the great game of life.


What is innerwise and how can it help me? - You will find answers in this short video.
This is part of a wonderful interview between Olivia Budgen and David Wittchen.

If you do enjoy their interview, feel free to share it. :)


Check these parameters every day with the Arm-Length-Test to stay healthy and happy.


Yes or no: Life can be that simple!
Check your New Years resolutions by asking your own body. :)


Creating clarity, fulfilling with truth.


For everyone who needs a couple minutes to find themselves again in the stressful Christmas time :)


Healer 10 - In all, there is the power and clarity of the new beginning, which easily transforms the old.


The spherical view is absolutely necessary to get objective results. And the quality of all diagnostic is related to the way we are looking at something.


Yes or no: Life can be that simple!
This test isn’t an esoteric fad, but rather, a neurological reflex, the body’s own biofeedback system, with the muscles, tendons and fasciae relaxing on one side of the body while contracting on the other.

The innerwise System concentrated in one small box. It is a great tool to coach yourself and your family and should be i...

The innerwise System concentrated in one small box. It is a great tool to coach yourself and your family and should be in every household.
Clean yourself intuitively, free yourself of irritations and enjoy your life to the fullest.

THESE HEALING CARDS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF DIVINE LOVE. They include the energies of Bach flower remedies, crystals, plants, animals, minerals, sounds of celestial


We are in the middle of Fall, Winter is just around the corner and there is already the common cold waiting for us. In this short video, you can learn how to treat your cold with innerwise by yourself.

The innerwise Basic Course Online allows everyone to learn and practice innerwise everywhere in the whole word! With six...

The innerwise Basic Course Online allows everyone to learn and practice innerwise everywhere in the whole word!

With six cameras and a film crew of four, we filmed a complete Basic Course which included twelve participants. Now, you can join us and learn alongside us, take part in practical exercises, watch diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, or work together with your friends and family.

The medicine of the future is a holistic, energetic medicine that enables everyone to promptly detect disturbances and illnesses in themselves, so they can then clear and heal them.


Everything penetrating, actualizing and transforming.


Yes or no: Life can be that simple!


Intuition is smarter then your mind!

Todays in Innerwise Pyjama Session with Allyn Reid and Uwe Albrecht is about intuition and control.
Control is often used to manage people and outcomes, but that also means that the trust is neglected. Control will always result in fear based decisions, which are perceived by others as well. For example, advertisements are often based on greed and the fear of not hitting the set goals, which can be sensed by clients resulting in not fulfilling the full potential of it.
But if we start listening to our intuition it will make us trust life to guide us and receive the gifts life offers us.
So let life guide you and allow certain insecurities in between, even in business decisions.

Real life implementation of intuition:
1. intuitive cooking - go shopping by your gut feeling and combine it without following a recipe. It might turn out amazing or will turn out as a disaster, but it will be new!
2. intuitive dressing - go through your shelf, tune into the day and feel what is the right clothing for the day?
3. intuitive actions - make a to-do list of all the things which need to be done and go over the paper and chose intuitively, which action needs to be done now!


In the midst of the Diagnostic class, Uwe declared,
“We are not in Kindergarten anymore.”

It wasn’t about fixing and healing any longer.

So you might say, hold on, healing is not so important?
In the big picture, fixing problems can be debilitating.
It hinders the person from understanding why and how the problem was created.
The pattern behind the problem is the sweet spot we are after.

So that’s what happened,
we learned how we created the problem.
We went beyond the vanity of pain.
We became detectives.
It was a great accomplishment as a group.

Everyone can heal.
The smart ones understand why.

It is getting colder outside and soon it is time to snuggle up in a warm blanket, enjoy a hot chocolate and read a good ...

It is getting colder outside and soon it is time to snuggle up in a warm blanket, enjoy a hot chocolate and read a good book.
You might be interest in indulging yourself in the book: Intuitive Healing and learn more about innerwise. :)

THE STANDARD REFERENCE ON ENERGY MEDICINE OF THE FUTURE. With this holistic method, everyone can find access to their own intuitive potential and heal themselve


Healer 2: A process of discharge, solving of solidifications, completion and unfolding.

Breathe in, breathe out! Let go of everything unnecessary. - innerwise yourself.

Healing Card of the Day!

Healing Card of the Day!


Tempelberger Weg 41


Montag 09:00 - 15:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 15:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 15:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 15:00
Freitag 09:00 - 15:00




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