The birthday of the N**i party
On the 24th of February 1920, Adolf Hi**er, the young firebrand speaker of the far right German Workers Party, stood up to speak to the crowd of 2,000 who had gathered in the cavernous Festsaal of the Hofbräuhaus. Sadly, for Hi**er, most of the crowd weren't there for him, Hi**er was very much second billing that night. The star attraction was a right physician named Johann Dingfelder, and a large portion of the crowd were leftwing parties.
What Hi**er said exactly we don't know, but the themes rarely varied: the loss of the war, Versailles, the Jews, the Weimar Republic. All were common targets of his bile. What we also know is that a few times during the speech, Hi**er had to stop talking and duck for cover from flying beer steins that were being tossed at him by the crowd. A fight broke out with the leftists being kicked out so Hi**er could continue speaking.
The highlight of the speech was his announcement of the 'Twenty Five Points.' Effectivly the manifesto of the party and the party name would now he changed from the German Workers Party to the National Socialist German Workers Party.
It was an inauspicious start, and hardly anyone noticed at the time. There were much larger nationalistic political parties in Munich that made Hi**er and his cronies look rather amateurish. Nevertheless, Hi**er would soon emerge as the rising star of the far right in Munich and eventually swallow these other parties up in his burgeoning movement.
Later, this meeting in the Festsaal was reconised as the birth of the party and assumed a hughly important status to the N**is. On this date, Hi**er would always return to the Hofbräuhaus to give a speech and speak to the 'old fighters'. The propaganda machine portrayed it as Hi**er keeping true to his roots, meeting the old boys and not forgetting those who helped him in these early days. In reality, Hi**er found talking to these older N**is an ordeal as he felt they were always asking for handouts.
If you want to learn more about the rise of Hi**er please join us on one of our Third Reich tour.