Velometrik GmbH - Bike Fitting Systeme

Velometrik GmbH - Bike Fitting Systeme Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb von Drucksensoren und Analysesoftware Our pressure sensors are known for their precision and outstanding durability.

The specialist in innovative and durable pressure sensors

Our Mission:

At Velometrik GmbH, we take pride in being pioneers in textile-based pressure sensor technology. We specialize in developing, manufacturing, and distributing high-quality pressure sensors that not only offer precision but also exceptional durability. Our goal is to create advanced solutions that enable our customers to accura

tely capture and visualize pressures and pressure distributions. Our Core Competencies:

With our extensive experience in measurement and sensor technology, we are well-equipped to meet even the most demanding requirements. We are proud to note that our first seat bone measuring devices (SmartCube) with textile pressure sensors have been in continuous operation since 2015 - without a single failure. Our Products:

Our outstanding products form the foundation of our success. The SmartCover, also known as pressure measurement film, is a powerful saddle pressure measurement system that not only delivers accurate results but also withstands extreme stress. Our SmartCube Pro seat bone measuring devices set a new standard for durability and precision. Since 2015, they have proven their ability to effortlessly handle the challenges of daily use. Custom Solutions:

In addition to our proven products, we also take pride in developing customized pressure sensors for diverse applications according to our customers' specific needs. Our extremely durable sensors are designed to operate reliably for extended periods - in any environment and under various conditions. Contact Us:

If you are in search of innovative and long-lasting pressure sensor solutions or have questions about our products and services, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you in discussing your requirements and jointly developing successful solutions.

-- German Version --

Der Spezialist für innovative und haltbare Drucksensoren

Unsere Mission:

Bei Velometrik GmbH sind wir stolz darauf, Vorreiter im Bereich der Drucksensorik auf Textilbasis zu sein. Wir haben uns darauf spezialisiert, hochwertige Drucksensoren zu entwickeln, zu produzieren und zu vertreiben, die nicht nur präzise sind, sondern auch eine außergewöhnliche Haltbarkeit bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, fortschrittliche Lösungen zu schaffen, die es unseren Kunden ermöglichen, Drücke und Druckverteilungen präzise zu erfassen und zu visualisieren. Unsere Kernkompetenzen:

Mit unserer umfassenden Erfahrung in der Mess- und Sensortechnologie sind wir bestens gerüstet, um selbst die anspruchsvollsten Anforderungen zu bewältigen. Unsere Drucksensoren zeichnen sich nicht nur durch ihre Präzision aus, sondern auch durch ihre außergewöhnliche Haltbarkeit. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass unsere ersten Sitzknochenvermesser (SmartCube) mit textilem Drucksensor bereits seit 2015 ununterbrochen im Einsatz sind – ohne einen einzigen Ausfall. Unsere Produkte:

Unsere herausragenden Produkte sind die Grundlage unseres Erfolgs. Das SmartCover, auch als Druckmessfolie bekannt, ist ein leistungsstarkes Satteldruckmesssystem, das nicht nur genaue Ergebnisse liefert, sondern auch extremen Belastungen standhält. Unsere SmartCube Pro Sitzknochenvermesser setzen einen neuen Standard für Haltbarkeit und Präzision. Seit 2015 im Einsatz, haben sie bewiesen, dass sie den Herausforderungen des täglichen Gebrauchs mühelos standhalten können. Individuelle Lösungen:

Neben unseren bewährten Produkten sind wir auch stolz darauf, maßgeschneiderte Drucksensoren für vielfältige Anwendungen gemäß den spezifischen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden zu entwickeln. Unsere extrem haltbaren Sensoren sind darauf ausgelegt, lange Zeit zuverlässig zu arbeiten – in jeder Umgebung und unter unterschiedlichsten Bedingungen. Kontaktieren Sie uns:

Wenn Sie nach innovativen und langlebigen Drucksensorlösungen suchen oder Fragen zu unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen haben, zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung, um Ihre Anforderungen zu besprechen und gemeinsam erfolgreiche Lösungen zu entwickeln.


Gordon Russel, a bike fitter and coach from the UK, analyzes his customers´ pedaling with our Velometrik SmartCover BT.


A good bike fit can tackle many of the physical problems that cyclists have. Here, Fernando from FernandoBikeFit in Brazil explains how he is using our using our SmartCover BT to make the cycking experience of Alexandre a much better one.

Great job, Fernando and all the best to Alexandre from our side!!


... cause we can.


Short intro how our SmartCover BT is used.


Customers can experience all kinds of pains and numbness during their cycling. A professional bike fit can make a big difference for them!
Fernando from “Bike Fit” Ecuador has been using our SmartCover BT for a over a year now and has changed many biker's lifes for the better with the help of it.


We love to answer all your questions about our SmartCover BT! Whether it's on insta/facebook, per email or phone or in a personal video chat between you and one of our developers.

Just contact us!


Bike Fittings with our Velometrik SmartCover are now also available in Denmark!!!
Thanks to Roger Kormind / FitBike who is our very first danish customer.


Installment payment now on offer!!! Get yourself a SmartCover BT for 140€/month.


Check out our STORE LOCATOR on our website!


Customers can approach you with various conditions that disturb their cycling experience. With the right tools, you can check them out and change their situation for the better!


HAPPY CUSTOMERS. Who wouldn’t want them?

Many bike riders report a much better feeling on their bikes after they’ve had a proper bike fitting. Like Callum that has been fitted by Romain Girard from Get a Bike Fit in Swindon, UK! Less pain, less numbness and more control over his bike make up for a much better cycling experience than before.

And you can do it, too.


Our Velometrik SmartCovers can be used for different purposes. Clínica Podotec is giving professional workshops on biomechanics in many spanish- and portugesespeaking countries with the help of them. Check it out!
Clinica Podotec


We wish all our customers and collegues Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

(And let’s hope that Santa Claus has a well fitted sleigh for his big job 😉 )


Serve your customers on the highest level. The Exustar Fit Bike is available in our Online Store!


Gordon Russel, a bike fitter and coach from the UK, analyzes his customers´ pedaling with our Velometrik SmartCover BT.

InSync Cycling


We offer different options of installment payment now. Talk to us! Or just go to our website and get yourself a SmartCover BT.


Fernando from “Bike Fit” in Ecuador explains how saddle pressure analysis works with the SmartCover BT from Velometrik. We think he does a really good job and say thank you! 🙂


Breunsdorfer Str. 48a


Montag 09:00 - 18:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 18:00
Freitag 09:00 - 18:00




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