Check out our STORE LOCATOR on our website!
Customers can approach you with various conditions that disturb their cycling experience. With the right tools, you can check them out and change their situation for the better!
#bikefit #bikefitting #saddlepressuremapping #smarttextile #pressuremapping #smarttextiles
HAPPY CUSTOMERS. Who wouldn’t want them?
Many bike riders report a much better feeling on their bikes after they’ve had a proper bike fitting. Like Callum that has been fitted by Romain Girard from Get a Bike Fit in Swindon, UK! Less pain, less numbness and more control over his bike make up for a much better cycling experience than before.
And you can do it, too.
#velometrik #bikefitting #bikefit #pressuremapping #saddlepressuremapping #cycling
... cause we can.
#bikefit #bikefitting #saddlepressuremapping #smarttextile #pressuremapping #smarttextiles
Clínica Podotec uses our Velometrik SmartCover for their business - and they're doing a very good job!
Our Velometrik SmartCovers can be used for different purposes. Clínica Podotec is giving professional workshops on biomechanics in many spanish- and portugesespeaking countries with the help of them. Check it out!
Clinica Podotec
#bikefit #bikefitting #saddlepressuremapping #smarttextile #pressuremapping #smarttextiles
We wish all our customers and collegues Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
(And let’s hope that Santa Claus has a well fitted sleigh for his big job 😉 )
#bikefitting #saddlepressuremapping #smarttextile #coolstuff #bebetterthantheothers
Serve your customers on the highest level. The Exustar Fit Bike is available in our Online Store!
Gordon Russel uses a Velometrik SmartCover for his business
Gordon Russel, a bike fitter and coach from the UK, analyzes his customers´ pedaling with our Velometrik SmartCover BT.
InSync Cycling
#bikefit #bikefitting #saddlepressuremapping #smarttextile #pressuremapping #smarttextiles
We offer different options of installment payment now. Talk to us! Or just go to our website and get yourself a SmartCover BT.
#velometrik #bikefitting #bikefit #pressuremapping #saddlepressuremapping #cycling
Fernando from “Bike Fit” in Ecuador explains how saddle pressure analysis works with the SmartCover BT from Velometrik. We think he does a really good job and say thank you! 🙂
#bikefit #bikefitting #saddlepressuremapping #smarttextile #pressuremapping #smarttextiles
15 years of development in one piece of fabric.
It's as smart as the software that comes along with it.
And it runs and runs and runs... and runs.
The first sensors we sold are working flawlessly since 2015.
#bikefit #bikefitting #saddlepressuremapping #smarttextile #velometrik #pressuremapping #cycling
One touch - and our system creates a bike fitting report AUTOMATICALLY. According to criterias chosen by YOU. Isn't that great?
#velometrik #bikefitting #bikefit #pressuremapping #saddlepressuremapping #cycling