#VornDabeiStattMittendrin – Workshop vibes!
All our sails are crafted right here in Prien at Lake Chiemsee, made by hand with care and top-notch quality. 💪⛵
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#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - One Design Sailing on Lake Garda!
Although we produce a lot of cruising and custom-made sails, one of our favorite segments is One Design. Why? Because we love it!
Thinking, designing, testing, and finally racing One Design sails makes all the difference. You can see every small change reflected in the performance, which keeps us on our toes and constantly developing.
But what we love the most is being out on the water, sailing!
What’s your favorite One Design class?
#sailmaker #sail #segel #segelboot #racing #regatta #sailboat
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - The allure of OnDesign regattas is unparalleled. For sailors, these events are the ultimate test of skill, a chance to showcase their prowess. Similarly, for us in the sail-making and design industry, it involves relentless innovation and keeping pace with the latest advancements. Our belief is firm: a skilled sailmaker must be actively engaged in class races or deeply connected with professional sailors.
High-performance sails are fundamental, but they are only as good as the crew that sails them. We take immense pride in seeing our sails consistently leading the charts. The crews who have climbed to these top positions have achieved this with our sails, their dedication, rigorous training, and innate talent. We are honored to be a part of this community and eagerly anticipate the next sailing season with all of you.
#segel #regatta #sailing #segeln #sailboats #sail #sailmaking #segelboot #segelmacher #regattalife #regattasailing #starboat #onedesignsailing
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Sail design is truly a science of its own. Contrary to popular belief, a sail isn’t made just by a computer. Sure, we use the latest software to develop our ideas, draw sails, and visualize them, but the real design process happens on the water and in the workshop. We firmly believe that a good sailmaker must not only know the boat and its class but also actively sail with it. Only someone who has a true feel for the boat can efficiently design sails. That’s what makes our work so much fun. You start with an idea, think it through, and make minor adjustments. After testing, we see what the changes have done—sometimes it’s just right, sometimes it needs more fine-tuning. As you can see, being a sailmaker and designing sails is a continuous process of improvement. Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing our sails at the top of the rankings during the season.
If you want to learn more about the craft of sailmaking and sail design, let us know! We look forward to your feedback and questions!
Segeldesign ist wahrlich eine eigene Wissenschaft. Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung entsteht ein Segel nicht ausschließlich am Computer. Natürlich nutzen wir die neueste Software, um unsere Ideen zu entwickeln, Segel zu zeichnen und zu visualisieren, doch der eigentliche Designprozess spielt sich auf dem Wasser und in der Werkstatt ab. Wir sind fest davon überzeugt, dass ein guter Segelmacher das Boot und die jeweilige Klasse nicht nur kennen, sondern auch aktiv damit segeln muss. Nur wer ein echtes Gefühl für das Boot entwickelt, kann die Segel effizient gestalten. Genau das macht uns so viel Spaß an unserer Arbeit. Man startet mit einer Idee, denkt sie durch und nimmt nur kleine Anpassungen vor. Nach dem Testen sehen wir, was die Änderungen bewirkt haben – manchmal ist es genau das Richtige, manchmal ist noch Feintuning nötig. Wie ihr seht, ist das Sein eines Segelmachers und das Designen von Segeln ein fortlaufender Optimier
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Starboats are simply iconic! As Werner Fritz says, ‚Once a Star Sailor, always a Star Sailor.‘ Pure sailing here at Lake Garda. We love being a part of the class. 🌟
video by @kevin_rio
#sailing #oneDesignSailing #LakeGarda #regatta #sailinglife #sail #yachting #sailboat #sailingday #sailingworld #sailingstagram #instasailing #sailingtrip #sailingrace #sailingphotography #sailor #yachtlife #gardasail #sailinggarda #gardalake
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Daniel Fritz introduces himself! Daniel, together with Werner Fritz, forms the management of Fritz Segel. Growing up in a sailmaking family, he has been connected to sailing from a young age. Starting with the Opti and going through the traditional sailing education, he has now settled on the Starboat and sails very actively. Nevertheless, you can often find Daniel in other boat classes as well.
#segel #sailboats #segeln #regatta #sailing #sail #segelboot #sailmaking #segelmacher
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Starboats have always been icons in one-design regatta sailing. With huge fields around the world and one of the most active racing scenes, they are also exceptionally well-attended. The individual races and legs are always highly interesting from both a tactical and sailing perspective. Currently, the World Championship is taking place in Miami – we’re rooting for all the sailors and eagerly watching the races!
*The video was taken during a training session at Lake Garda. @kevin_rio
#segel #segeln #sailboats #regatta #sailing #sail #segelboot #sailmaking #segelmacher #starsailing #sailingtothemax #sailinstagram
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Enjoying the race weekend on the 45er. Racing on these beautiful boats is very technical and demanding, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy and take a break between and after the races. We had a great weekend at the Münchner Yachtclub
#segel #segeln #sailboats #regatta #sailing #sail #sailmaking #segelboot #segelmacher #starnbergersee #classic #segelnmachtglücklich
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Daily business of a sailmaker at Fritz Segel. Cutting sails on the plotter, checking and finalizing finished sails. Daniel checks the luff curve of a Dragon sail to ensure it matches the designs. Only when every item on the checklist is ticked off does the sail go out.
#sail #sailmaker #sailmaking #sail #sailboats #segel #segeln #segelboot #handwerk #segelmacher
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - The final touches on a foresail. Handcrafting with passion!
#Sailmaker #RegattaSailor #SailingPassion #SailingLife #YachtRacing #SailCraft #HandcraftedSails #SailingCommunity #RegattaLife #SailingWorld #SailboatRacing #SailorsOfInstagram #SailRepair #HighSeasRacing #SailingAdventure #CustomSails #ProfessionalSailor #SailingDay #LoveSailing #SailTheWorld
#VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Markus Glas gewinnt den 45er Prinz-Ludwig-Preis am Bayerischen Yachtclub. Mit souveränen 12 Punkten bei insgesamt 8 gesegelten Rennen hat er sich sicher den ersten Platz vor Andreas Aigner (30 Punkte) und dem drittplatzierten Rudi Houdek (32 Punkte) gesichert.
Insgesamt zwölf 45er Nationale Kreuzer sind an diesem Wochenende an die Startlinie gegangen. Als Segelmacherei ist es immer wieder ein Highlight, so viele schöne Boote mit unseren Segeln zu sehen. Deshalb konnten wir es uns nicht nehmen lassen und haben uns die Rennen live vor Ort angesehen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Markus und sein Team – hervorragende Leistung! Das Feld war hart umkämpft und mit guten Seglern und Seglerinnen besetzt. Wir freuen uns deshalb umso mehr auf die nächste 45er Regatta in zwei Wochen.
Markus Glas wins the 45er Prinz-Ludwig-Preis at the Bavarian Yacht Club. With a commanding 12 points over 8 races, he secured first place ahead of Andreas Aigner (30 points) and third-place finisher Rudi Houdekt (32 points).
A total of twelve 45er National Cruisers lined up at the start this weekend. As sailmakers, it’s always a highlight to see so many beautiful boats with our sails. That’s why we couldn’t resist watching the races live on site. Congratulations to Markus and his team – an outstanding performance! The competition was fierce, with many skilled sailors. We are even more excited for the next 45er regatta in two weeks.
#sailing #segeln #sailmaker #segelmacher #segelmacherei #regatta #starnbergersee #45er #klassiker #rennnen #wassersport #sailinginstagram
45er Nationaler Kreuzer am Starnberger See
#sailing VornDabeiStattMittendrin - Dieses Wochenende waren wir am Starnberger See und haben die 45er (45er nationale Kreuzer ) bei einer Regatta im BYC (Bayerischer Yacht-Club )begleitet. Als Segelmacherei gehört es dazu, Kunden zu besuchen und die Segel in Aktion zu begutachten. Gerade Regatten bei uns in der Nähe und mit vielen von unseren Segeln bieten sich hierfür sehr gut an. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Markus Glas mit unseren Segeln souverän gewonnen hat. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Schöne Schiffe, guter Wind, spannende Rennen - wir haben es genossen! Wir freuen uns auf die nächsten Regatten
This weekend we were at Lake Starnberg and followed the 45er in a regatta at the BYC. As a sailmaker, visiting customers and inspecting the sails in action is part of our job. Regattas in our vicinity and with many of our sails are a particularly good opportunity for this. We are delighted that Markus Glas won with our sails. Congratulations to him!
Beautiful boats, good wind, exciting races - we enjoyed it! We are looking forward to the next regattas.
#regatta #starnbergersee #bayerischeryachtclub #segeln #regatta #racing #sail #sailmaker #segelmacher #sailing #sailboats #sailinstagram