It almost can't get better than that...
CARF-Models F4 Phantom F/E Model released!
CARF-Models at Horizon Airmeet! Manufacturer’s Day. Let’s see how to fit all this into 70 minutes air time…😅
Whohoo… finally in English. We’re inviting all of you to visit us at our mega booth at Jetpower Sept. 13-15! Besides all our other sport and scale jets, see two brand new F4 Phantoms on dark room display and in action!
Team CARF at JoeNall 2023! As special as it gets! Impossible not to love them... watch to the end 😆
With the Friday Noon Show Joe Nall 2023 comes to an end. CARF-Models had a great showing and we thank eveybody, especially our team pilots and US sales reps for their endless support. Here the Farewell Fly By of all our new product this year. Diablo, Extra 330LX 2.6m, FlyBaby… as different as they can be, all in perfect harmony. Just like CARF Team in its entirety. Thanks guys, you all gave your Best and we had a blast!
Visit #Prowing 2023, April 28-30, in Soest Bad Sassendorf, Germany, and see the Unbelievable yourself. Because only seeing is believing...
One is literally waiting for Marius to put the transmitter on the ground watching fully relaxed the new CARF-Models Diablo hover by itself. Yes, it is that stable. It's proof that tweaking an already very good design to perfection couldn't have worked out any better. And of course it's good to have the best people in the team to help designing it - and flying it so gracefully. Flight after flight. Sunday at #Klong11FlyingClub, Bangkok.
The date for our CARF-Models Team Meeting has been set: August 5th, 6th, 7th 2022. Location: The Airfield of MFC Seefeld-Hochstadt close to Munich, Germany.
For German Language please scroll down.
Most of our team pilots, even members from our USA team, will join us to present the entire range of our models. We invite our friends and customers to join us. Bring your planes, seek advice if they are new, possibly get help for a maiden flight. Enjoy some quality CARF-Time with us. Our CARF-Models MyChoice Members will be offered a free family lunch or dinner, depending on how things get organized finally. Please help us with pre-registration by email if you want to bring a plane to fly. We will continue to publish here more info as soon as it becomes available. We can provide a list of Hotels, too. Mark the Date, CARF-Models and the MFC Seefeld-Hochstadt will welcome you.ände+MFC+Seefeld-Hochstadt+e.V./@48.098506,11.3234823,12z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x479dd3c18286040b:0x688448ef5b9b135e!2sModellfluggelände+MFC+Seefeld-Hochstadt+e.V.!8m2!3d48.0608946!4d11.2871729!3m4!1s0x479dd3c18286040b:0x688448ef5b9b135e!8m2!3d48.0608946!4d11.2871729?hl=de
Der Termin fuer unser CARF-Models Team Meeting steht fest: Am 5., 6. und 7. August treffen sich unsere Teampiloten zu einem zwanglosen Fliegen. Selbst aus USA haben sich Teampiloten angesagt, um die gesamte Palette der CARF Modelle zu praesentieren. Wir laden hiermit unsere Freunde und Kunden ein, mit uns ein fantastisches Wochenende zu verbringen. Hier erhalten sie Information und Hilfe aus Erster Hand, selbst Erstfluege von neuen Modellen koennen von unseren erfahrenen Teampiloten betreut werden. Und unsere MyChoice Mitglieder duerfen sich auf ein kostenloses Familienessen freuen. Wir bitten alledings unbedingt um Voranmeldung per email, wenn Sie ein Modell mitbringen und/oder Campen wollen. Wir haben auch eine Liste von preiswerten Hotels und Pensionen parat. Halten Sie sich den T
CARF-Models MiG-17s ready to ship... more to come soon. PNP and ARF-Plus. Only the Best for our customers...
CARF-Models MiG-17... painted, weathered, Plug'N'Play. This is not an airbrushed, clearcoated ARF. This is a work of art by the team we all are so proud of. One of their best jobs so far, waiting for more to come. How can it get better than that...? Maybe cheaper. But no way better! This marvel is now ready to start its journey to a very proud owner.
Nothing is too difficult for CARF-Models. And we'll only do it if we know that we can do it right! Our talented craftsmen are always good for a suprise... even for me. I still can't believe how this one came out: A custom Rat Scheme MXS. 80% painted in the molds, then detailed out with airbrush and flat cleared. Don't ask how many hours...🙈
But there is going to be one proud new owner soon...
Have you ever considered a factory built warbird including our PNP service with radio, engine, light and gear installation? We are committed to professional work. Obviously at 100% manufacturer's specs. Contact a sales rep or our admin team directly to find out what we can do for you!