itke Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design visit our website at:
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The Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart focuses its activity on the development of structures as the main aspect of architecture. Combining teaching and research in a highly interdisciplinary environment, ITKE’s goal is to push the boundaries of engineering design and material science towards new and non-standard applications in the field of

architecture. The two main research interests of the Institute are geared towards material science for the production of high performance materials and their application, along with structural morphology and the study of innovative structural systems. These fundamental aspects of the research activities at ITKE are investigated both from a theoretical and a practical point of view, integrating computational engineering and advanced analysis methods together with technological fabrication and development of full scale prototypes. The synergy between research and teaching environment is a central feature of the work carried out at ITKE. The interaction between scientific investigation and academic activities provides a privileged platform to develop high quality research and to establish solid collaborations with industry partners, allowing the continuous trade of original ideas and an innovative approach to structural design which redefines the border between architecture and engineering.

We are accepting applications for our ITECH (Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research) M.Sc. Program. ...

We are accepting applications for our ITECH (Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research) M.Sc. Program.
The application deadline is February 22nd, 2023.
For more information on the application requirements, please visit:
We are looking forward to receiving your application!

We are happy to share a video showing the fabrication of five biocomposite tailored facade panels developed during the w...

We are happy to share a video showing the fabrication of five biocomposite tailored facade panels developed during the winter semester of 2021/2022.

Five different concepts of biocomposite facade panels were developed by using an additive 2D process (so-called Tailored Fibre Placement) where natural fibers were deposited according to design, fabrication method, and required structural performance. The entire process from the design to fabrication was done within one semester. This included: Design of panels and their functional concept, computational designed 2D fiber pattern, design and development of moulding/forming methods with a focus on adaptivity and reusability, binder vacuum-assisted infusion/impregnation, integration of soft or hard actuators, design and development of supporting structure, and robotic assembly. Each concept was presented on a frame with various widths (100-140cm) and a height of 220 cm.

Shading panels
Six panels were computationally designed based on solar radiation which defined fiber patterns and shapes. Panels get into the final shape by stretching a front surface over a frame from balsa and flax fibers. The final pattern was adapted to a customized gripper installed on a cooperative robotic arm which was used to assemble on supporting structure. Each panel covers ca 0,43 m2 and weighs around 2kg.

Sandwich panels
These panels were focused on acoustic absorption and adaptive moulding. Panels from flax fibers and non-woven flax fabric integrated air tubes which were inflated and constrained by tailored fiber patterns which gave to panels a folded-like structure. Each panel had ca 0,27 m2 and a weight of ca. 2 kg. All eighteen panels used an adaptive curing frame allowing fabrication of different shapes. A special gripper was developed for assembly by a cooperative robot.

Adaptive panels
This concept integrated shape memory alloy (Nitinol) as a compliant actuator for opening and closing shading panels. Into each biocomposite panel, flexible hinges were tailored allowing a folding similar to an umbrella. Panels were controlled via smartphone and light sensors Panels were carried by biocomposite pultruded profiles. Each panel weighs only 0,2 kg and covers a size of 0,19m2.

Chitosan panels
These panels experimentally applied chitosan as a more ecological alternative to resin binders for Biocomposites. Flax fibers were tailored on a jute textile their pattern was computationally generated based on principle stress lines. Chitosan is a polysaccharide made by treating the chitin shells of shrimp and other crustaceans. Each panel had a hexagonal shape with a radius of 25 cm and a weight of ca. 0,1 kg.

Rotating panel
It is a shading element that by rotation optimizes sunrays in the interior. The entire system consisted of eight lightweight biocomposite fins combining flax fibers with glass fiber textile. Each fin inspired by the dragonfly wing weighs only around 50 g. Together with the entire gear system, the element (1,2 m in diameter) weight is around 7kg.

Realization: 10/2021– 02/2022
Department: BioMat at ITKE, Uni Stuttgart
Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arch. Hanaa Dahy
Tutors: Dr. Jan Petrš with great support from Benjamin Grisin, Paulina Grabowska, Evgenia Spyridonos, and Asmaa Hasan

Students WS21 (Design studio: Digital Design and Fabrication of Biocomposite Facade Panels):
Siegrid Daniela Viersbach Gordillo, Julian Schwarzenbacher, Mai Thi Nguyen, Ginster Bauer, Amay Shah, Hanna Labanava, Shuangying Xu, Petrit Isai, Niklas Dietrich, Daniel Pauli, Jonas Gorges, Kristian Fisinski, Alina Boss, Anton Kussinna, Erlin Gjolla, Florian Rebmann, Leonard Rieck, Ela Kmita, Vanessa Erb, Johanna Abheiden

Students Scientific Assistant: Matay Kaplan

Cooperation (Composites):
Institute of Aircraft Design, Uni. Stuttgart - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Middendorf, Dr. Stefan Carosella, Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Grisin

Cooperation (Chitosan):
Institute of Interfacial Process Engineering and Plasma Technology, Uni. Stuttgart - Dr. Linus Stegbauer, Dr. Amrita Rath

Cooperation (Quality control):
Institute of Engineering Geodesy, Uni. Stuttgart - Prof. Dr. Ing. Volker Schwieger, M. Sc. Laura Balange, Dipl.-Ing. Lyudmila Gorokhova

Cooperation (Acoustics):
Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics, Uni. Stuttgart -Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philip Leistner, Dipl.-Ing. Eva Veres

Cooperation (Facades):
Schüco, Prof. Daniel Arztmann

Tech. Support:
M. Sc. Sergej Klassen, M. Sc. Kai Stiefenhofer, M. Eng. Aleksa Arsic

Photos: Masih Imani
Video: Jan Petrš

Financial support:
EXC 2120: Cluster of Excellence IntCDC project by German Research Foundation (DFG) within RP(06).

Music: Lloyd Rodgers - Gifts of Stars (Act II) - freemusicarchive. org Licence: (Public Domain Mark 1.0)

Since resource-intensive materials like steel, concrete, etc. are still predominantly used in the building industry, different emerging technologies and materials…

Today, Prof. Dahy participates in a discussion "Bauen ohne Beton? Wann kommt der Richtungswechsel im Bausektor?"from 7 p...

Today, Prof. Dahy participates in a discussion "Bauen ohne Beton? Wann kommt der Richtungswechsel im Bausektor?"from 7 p.m. at Herrenhäuser Forum, Xplanatorium Herrenhausen, Hanover

The event can be also watched online under this link:

More about here:

Rohstoffknappheit, Schadstoffemissionen, Abfalllast: Wie ein dringend notwendiges Umdenken im Bausektor gelingen kann, darüber diskutieren Expert:innen beim Herrenhäuser Forum am 22. Februar.

We are looking for one full time (E 13 TV-L) research associate with a background in structural engineering, earliest st...

We are looking for one full time (E 13 TV-L) research associate with a background in structural engineering, earliest starting date July 1st 2022, for 3,5 years. Achieving a PhD degree is possible and will be supported.
S/he will become member of the Cluster of Excellence “Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC)”, which aims to harness the full potential of digital technologies to rethink design and construction based on integration and interdisciplinarity, with the goal of enabling game-changing innovation in the building sector for sustainable, inclusive and high-quality architecture. The candidate will conduct research in the domain of structural design methods for multi-storey timber buildings and will contribute to the teaching activities of the Institute.

The successful candidate holds a degree in structural engineering. Experience in an engineering office or in industry is a plus. Please send your application in a single PDF file (up to 15 MB) till March 11th 2022 to [email protected] or contact us in case of further questions.

Please vote for the livMatS Pavilion! Our project is nominated for the Green Concept Award 2022 and it is now awaiting y...

Please vote for the livMatS Pavilion! Our project is nominated for the Green Concept Award 2022 and it is now awaiting your vote!
The voting is international with no registration, just click on the “Vote now” button:

Check our 2021- LeichtPro BioMat Pavilion‘s video! The process of fabricating the profiles and constructing the bending ...

Check our 2021- LeichtPro BioMat Pavilion‘s video! The process of fabricating the profiles and constructing the bending active structure covered by the tensile membrane is thoroughly clarified. Watch, share & enjoy :)

The LightPRO Shell [BioMat Pavilion 2021] is a lightweight structure that combines an active-bending gridshell made of natural fibre biocomposite profiles with a…


OPEN POSITION: PhD researcher – ITKE Stuttgart
The Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart invites applications for the following open position:


The candidate should be qualified to offer university-level instruction and to conduct research in the field of structures for architecture. Research focus will be in the domain of design of fibre composite structures, hybrid timber/fibre systems, robotic winding and natural fibres. The position is associated with the Cluster of Excellence “IntCDC - Integrative Computational Design and Construction”.
For more detailed information please contact [email protected]

The application deadline is 30 Nov 2021.

We are proud to announce that former ITKE researcher Riccardo La Magna was appointed as full Professor for Structural De...

We are proud to announce that former ITKE researcher Riccardo La Magna was appointed as full Professor for Structural Design at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology!
Riccardo played a leading role in many important itke Projects, such as the segmented timber shell ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2011 and first core less fibre winding project ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012. His PhD thesis “Bending-Active Plates” was awarded with the prestigious “Preis der Freunde der Universität Stuttgart” as one of the three best dissertations at the University of Stuttgart in 2017. After his time at ITKE he was a project leader at str.ucture GmbH and finally Senior Associate at Jan Knippers Ingenieure. Riccardo held visiting professorships at UdK Berlin and TU Berlin.
We congratulate Riccardo to this well deserved position and are looking forward to many future collaborations!

More information:

The BUGA Fibre Pavilion has recently won the prestigious German Light Design Prize 2021 in the category event spaces. Fu...

The BUGA Fibre Pavilion has recently won the prestigious German Light Design Prize 2021 in the category event spaces. Full credits go to our great project partners: light designers Belzner Holmes und Partner Light-Design and ewo srl/GmbH. Congrats to the entire team!
Photo: © Roland Halbe


We are pleased to announce the recipients of the prestigious Pioneers’ Award 2020/21 which will be conferred during the Conference: John Abel, Sigrid Adriaenssens, William Baker, Olivier Baverel, Mike Cook, Ken’ichi Kawaguchi, Jan Knippers, Carlos Lázaro, Matthys Levy, Massimo Maffeis, Marijke Mollaert, Juan Gerardo Oliva Salinas, Mike Schlaich, Brian Smith, Chris Williams and Mike Xie.

To find out more about the Pioneers’ Award please visit the following webpage:

More information on how to register for the Conference is available on our website:

We look forward to welcoming you virtually on 23-27 August 2021!

The opening of the new BioMat Pavilion 2021 took place last Wednesday 04.08.2021.The LightPRO Shell Pavilion is a lightw...

The opening of the new BioMat Pavilion 2021 took place last Wednesday 04.08.2021.

The LightPRO Shell Pavilion is a lightweight structure that combines an active-bending gridshell made of natural fibre biocomposite profiles with a tensile membrane. The resulting system is a combination of two doubly curved surfaces that share a continuous beam outline. The outline is composed of two connected profiles that act as a beam, transferring forces from both systems to three anchor points attached to a superficial foundation.

The developed ‘bamboo-like’ natural fibre-based biocomposite profiles are newly produced through the pultrusion technique. Pultrusion is a continuous process for manufacturing fibre-reinforced polymers with a constant cross-section. In this project, natural flax and h**p fibres were used. The produced profiles are hollow, with a diameter of 25mm and 4mm thickness and lengths ranging from 6.5m to 12.5m to fit the required span. The pavilion has a covering span of 10m and a maximum height of 4.8m at the perimeter.

Traditional diagonal lashing methods with steel cables are used to join the profiles in a grid. The grid is connected to the beam outline via a customized joint system. The membrane is attached to the three foundations and tensioned along the perimeter using rope lacing.

This innovative structure is demonstrating a sustainability approach towards future architecture. The outcome is based on several years of research in the field of biobased materials application.
Material development and production were carried out by the partners from DITF, CG-TEC, and BAM. Zenvision GmbH was involved in the technical design and development phases. Steinhuder assisted in assessing an alternative bio-based connection system of the structure. Bieri produced and sponsored the membrane.

The pavilion is a result of intensive work linked to the research project LeichtPRO and is financed by FNR (Federal Agency of Renewable Resources)/ BMEL (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture), FKZ: 22027018.

Pavilion Team:
BioMat Director: Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. M.Eng. Hanaa Dahy
BioMat Team: Evgenia Spyridonos | Dr. Jan Petrš | Piotr Baszyński | Paulina Grabowska
Structural Support: Yanan Guo | Marta Gil Pérez
Geodesy Team: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schwieger | Gabriel Kerekes
Membrane Support: Bieri GmbH | Technical: Tomas Thommen
Membrane Assembly: Zimmermann Zeltbauten | Technical: Ronald Burgau
Technical support: Michael Preisack | Michael Schneider | Michael Tondera
IntCDC Laboratory: Sergej Klassen| Kai Stiefenhofer

LeichtPRO Project Partners:
Zenvision GmbH: Carsten Fulland | Jacob Börner
DITF: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich | Martin-Uwe Witt | Dr. Mark Steinmann | Patrick Kaiser | Marion Gebhardt
CG-TEC: Andreas Gerstner| Oliver Kipf | Manuel Rupp | Michael Nehmeier
BAM: Dr. Klaus Dippon | Uwe Schönfeld
Steinhuder: Michael Wölfl

Participating students:
Winter Semester (WS 20/21): Dominik Abele | Alexander Jansen | Sarah Rüngeler | Viktoria Schüle| Daniela Solueva | Rita Teixeira | Louisa Teufel | Ekin Şiar Baloğlu
Summer Semester (SS 2021): Matay Kaplan | Fabian Schmid | Vural M. Ali | Larisa Elena Simion | Maysa Abu Alqumboz | Sarah Rüngeler| Dominik Abele| Anastasia Kandylaki
Student assistants: Rita Teixeira | Daniela Solueva | Mahnaz Shahriyari | David Schadwill
Special Thanks to: Asmaa Hassan | Marcel Wachter
Photos by: Masih Imani


Completed in 2021 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Images by ICD/ITKE/IntCDC University of Stuttgart . Located in the Botanical Garden of the University of Freiburg, the livMatS Pavilion offers a viable, resource-efficient alternative to conventional...

We are excited to share more images of the livMatS Pavilion at the Botanic Garden in Freiburg. The bioinspired pavilion ...

We are excited to share more images of the livMatS Pavilion at the Botanic Garden in Freiburg.
The bioinspired pavilion showcases how novel co-design processes combined with advanced robotic fabrication techniques applied to natural materials, can create a unique architecture that is both ecological and expressive. The structural components of the pavilion are robotically wound in a coreless filament winding process using flax fibers, a natural, biodegradable material which is regionally available in Central Europe and grows in annual crop cycles. The natural fibers and their biological variability presented the researchers with new challenges, particularly in regards to the computational design, structural requirements, robotic fabrication workflow and machine control.
Naturally blending with the setting of the Botanic Garden, the pavilion celebrated the novel possibilities of spatial and structural articulation of natural materials, and represents an important step towards sustainability in architecture.

The , an interdisciplinary project of the International Master programme ITECH Master Studio, the institutes ICD and itke, the Clusters of Excellence EXC IntCDC (Universität Stuttgart) and livMatS (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) as well as FibR GmbH. More coming soon!



Keplerstraße 11


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