Unfortunately, due to no longer living in Germany, Stuttgart Steps is no longer providing in-person tours. I am still available for tips and advice on experiencing Stuttgart and the region, so feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions! I will try to maintain the blog on my website (http://stuttgartsteps.com) but the focus will change from Stuttgart-specific information to general Germany and European travel tips and experiences.
It was such a journey getting to build this thing, my baby, from concept to a fully-fledged company, taking thousands through the "Länd" from busy palace squares to vineyard covered hills. I was lucky to meet so many fascinating and wonderful people and be a part of their travel adventure!
There's so much I miss about Stuttgart - the people, the forests and vineyards right at your fingertips, the views, the wine, the adventurous and supportive military community, the Swabian directness and generosity, even the language that I was terrible at. But it's mostly the people. Thank you for everything, Stuggi, and who knows - I may be back one day!