Stuttgart Steps

Stuttgart Steps English-language walking tours of Stuttgart, Germany. Live tours on indefinite hiatus.

Stuttgart Steps is Stuttgart, Germany's only regular English-language walking tour. Go green and learn about the history and culture of the Swabian metropolis with our knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide!

Unfortunately, due to no longer living in Germany, Stuttgart Steps is no longer providing in-person tours.   I am still ...

Unfortunately, due to no longer living in Germany, Stuttgart Steps is no longer providing in-person tours. I am still available for tips and advice on experiencing Stuttgart and the region, so feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions! I will try to maintain the blog on my website ( but the focus will change from Stuttgart-specific information to general Germany and European travel tips and experiences.

It was such a journey getting to build this thing, my baby, from concept to a fully-fledged company, taking thousands through the "Länd" from busy palace squares to vineyard covered hills. I was lucky to meet so many fascinating and wonderful people and be a part of their travel adventure!

There's so much I miss about Stuttgart - the people, the forests and vineyards right at your fingertips, the views, the wine, the adventurous and supportive military community, the Swabian directness and generosity, even the language that I was terrible at. But it's mostly the people. Thank you for everything, Stuggi, and who knows - I may be back one day!




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